October 7, 2016
1:30 p.m., Distance Education Rooms
Members Present: Fara Afshar, Dana Antonucci-Durgan, Shady Azzam-Gómez, Paul Basileo, Steve Clark, Peter DiGregorio, Davorin Dujmovic, Cheryl Eldredge,
Dan Feld, Adela Johnson, Troy Hahn, Ed Hassildine, Dorothy Laffin,
Nina Leonhardt, Susan Lieberthal, Gary Ris, Helen Wittmann
Members Absent: Albert Dawson, Susan Gambale, Vivek Kumar, Alicia O’Connor,
Kevin Peterman
Present: Grzegorz Fabiszewski, Laura Levine, Drew Rabinowitz
I. Minutes
a) The minutes from the previous meeting held on May 6, 2016 were approved with corrections.
II. Campus Computing Council and Technology Deans Reports
a. Ammerman Campus –No Report
b. East Campus – Adela Johnson
a) The new committee met and created and agreed upon a Mission Statement. The committee then discussed the implementation of their Mission and further discussed the vehicles for the various departments to communicate their technology issues to the committee.
b) Diane Fabian agreed to take on the role of Secretary.
c. Grant Campus – Davorin Dujmovic
a) The committee inquired if it is possible to provide a map of wireless access. SC responded that a map of this type is not available at this time but suggested submitting a Networking and Telecommunications Service Request form or calling the Help Desk at 451-4357 to advise if there is an issue in a particular area so it may be investigated.
d. Technology Deans Report – No Report
III. Subcommittee Reports
a. Academic Computing Subcommittee – Ed Hassildine
a) In response to the inquiry pertaining to vacant positions on the subcommittee GR requested that the subcommittee meet to select replacement members. GR to discuss procedure for membership replacement with EH.
b. Standards Subcommittee – Peter DiGregorio
a) The Standards Committee has been working with Dell on a computer order for the fall. The committee is working toward determining a standard for laptops and PC’s as well as some larger size monitors.
b) The printer standard remains the Lexmark ms811dn laser printer yielding in substantial savings with respect to toner pricing with a required purchase of an extended warranty.
c) The projector standard remains the Epson Powerlite 99wh with a required purchase of an extended warranty of four years.
d) In response to inquiries by campuses seeking to purchase inkjet printers the committee does not recommend their purchase as they are not cost effective and technical support is not provided by the college.
e) TH proposed for the 2017-2018 academic year, looking at a more powerful computer model for computer labs in an effort to save student class time when students log on. SC requested that these types of student log on delays be reported to the ETU as the event occurs in order to prompt an investigation into where the problem is stemming from.
c. Student Technology Fee Subcommittee – Paul Basileo
a) The Subcommittee met and reviewed their current budget. Following the decision of last year not to place a small order of replacement computers, the funds that were carried over to this budget year will now be used toward a substantial computer order which will yield a greater savings.
b) The recommendation was brought forth to reallocate funds, for this year and this year only, originally allocated for another project which has since ended, to be utilized for the purchase of software for the Library.
c) New Project Request forms are now available. Any requests for projects to be funded by the Student Tech Fee budget next year must be submitted to Paul Basileo by November 11, 2016. Requests received by this time will be presented to the Networking and Services Subcommittee for review of feasibility, followed by a review of the Student Tech Fee for possible inclusion in the next year’s budget. Access to these forms will be made available on the college website.
d. Training Subcommittee – Nina Leonhardt
a) The committee did not meet. At the end of last year representatives on the Training Subcommittee began their own training. The committee will meet at the end of November to discuss if there is a need for the continuation of the Training Subcommittee to enlist training.
e. Networking Services/ Wireless Subcommittee – Steve Clark
a) Student Authentication: Deployment is near completion however, there are still some computers in addition to the Macs that are not authenticating. The Student Tech Fee is in the process of reviewing a third party product for the Macs. Legacy software is an issue in the authentication component which, in some cases, requires administrative rights. A solution for this is being developed. A small percentage of computers that are not authenticating are being used as “kiosks” for students who are unable to log in to an authenticating computer, to provide them with access to MYSCCC. These “kiosk” computers are locked down and cannot access the internet. Devices that cannot be authenticated, such as Raspberry Pi, are being used in some ETU projects. SC has asked that the ETU’s be conscious of this and discontinue use of these devices over the educational network, instead put these devices on a network where the network itself is protected, the devices are prevented from getting anywhere on the network other than what they specifically need. GR recommended documenting the computers that are not authenticating.
b) Kanopy: The Library databases brought in Kanopy which is an on demand usage and it has been working well.
c) Distance Education Rooms: The Ammerman Campus DE Room is scheduled to go off line at the end of the semester. A number of alternate options are available to be utilized. The Grant and East DE Rooms are still under discussion.
d) Cloud services: Discussions have begun regarding creating a process to assess Cloud services as requests for Cloud usage becomes more and more prevalent.
e) Labor Grant: We will not be installing at the East Campus, we will now be installing at the West Campus.
f) VDI demo: Equipment is being delivered to demo. The determination of feasibility will be based upon the devices we receive.
f. Planning Subcommittee – Gary Ris
a) Office 365 status - student use: The committee reviewed student use of Office 365 and if students are adopting this. Suggestions were made for better promotion to the student population regarding the availability of the Office Pro Plus download. CE to send out email to students informing of the availability and that Microsoft is the only means of support. NL inquired if the Office Pro Plus download was available to Continuing Ed students. GR to follow up and report back.
b) Office 365 status – faculty: The request for Faculty’s use of the entire offering of Office 365 has been presented at the Executive level. Concerns pertaining to the use of OneDrive for Business and the possible ramifications that could stem from its use and security concerns pertaining to storage of College documents in the Cloud continues. Discussions at the Executive level continue and a look at the possibility of allowing the use of Office Pro Plus without the ability to use OneDrive may occur.
c) DD inquired if technical response time could be shortened with regard to hardware repairs and issues at the Sayville Center. PB explained that it is a matter of cuts to funds and staffing, particularly in the evenings. PB will bring the matter to the campus administration.
IV. Old Business
a. Student Authentication status – Steve Clark
a) This topic is discussed in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, e. Networking Services/Wireless Subcommittee.
b. Print Management Software Status / connection with Academic Affairs? (Ed Hassildine/Troy Hahn)
a) Authorization to move forward with print quotas has been granted. Print quotas that prevent printing when the quota has been reached have not yet been implemented. The Print Management Implementation Team will work over the semester to establish a quota. Once a quota has been determined it will be provided to the Vice Presidents for presentation to the Board of Trustees.
c. Office 365 Status – Gary Ris
a) This topic is discussed in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, f. Planning Subcommittee.
d. SCCC Mobile App – Gary Ris
a) Approximately 3000 students have signed up for the mobile app, many have used the app repeatedly. GR inquired if there is anything planned as far as advising students of the mobile app’s availability. CE replied that she wasn’t aware of any plans but will check and report back her findings.
V. New Business
a. Sign in at Academic Computing Centers (Susan Lieberthal)
a) SL recommended a solution be created to combine the currently used sign in program with student authentication to enable students who are using the Academic Computing Lab to sign in one time, rather than twice and to possibly capture the FTE statistics information needed for reporting to the State in the same instance. EH responded that he has a program that is used at the Eastern Campus that can be made available at the other campuses. GR recommended discussing with OPIE to ensure proper guidelines are followed with respect to FTE. HW to follow up with James Lagonegro and report back.
b. Information Security
a) Employee Information Security Training will be distributed through Workplace Answers.
b) Breach Insurance is currently being looked at by the institution in the event that records are compromised.
c. IT Consultant
a) The college has hired an IT Consultant to look at IT in general, and to look at the future of IT at the institution as a whole.
d. Older equipment/donations of PC’s and possibly data projectors. (Paul Basileo)
a) PB recommended a reevaluation of whether the donation of PC’s continues to be a worthwhile venture. PB presented the possibility of donating retired data projectors that are still functional and may be a worthwhile venture to be looked at. GR to schedule a meeting with the ETU’s, Computer Support Services, and the College Foundation to discuss equipment donation options further.