Mrs. Ellise’s Weekly Note

What will we be learning this week? 7/31-8/04

Word Study / Review of high frequency words (challenge lists will begin next week)
Reading / Finish launching the reader’s workshop: what good readers do, how they think and feel about what they read, etc. We will also begin guided reading later in the week
Handwriting / Review Numbers
Writing / Finish launching the writer’s workshop
Math / Finish launching the math workshop; learn about the stations and expectations for each; while reviewing math concepts. We will also work on adding doubles.
Social Studies / What does it mean to be a good citizen? The continents
Science / Not taught this month

Other information:

Lunch / Cafeteria
Birthdays / Ryan 7/30
Upcoming Events / 8/8 UA Showcase
8/17 2nd Grade Curriculum Night
Parent Information / We had a great first week! They are a great group of children.They were very attentive when others shared their all about me bags. Their questions improved greatly about the second class graph we made as a class. It was so exciting to see them catching crickets, frogs, and other insects at recess:) They are also excellent singers. Vacuuming at the end of the day is a sought after job too!
*Please remember to record your child’s reading time in the agenda each night. Also, please sign it. They get a Character Token if it is signed.
*I have included a copy of the Dress Code in the Friday Folder because it has changed this year.
*We still have a few needed items on our class wish list; two indoor mats and one outdoor mat. If you are willing to donate one of these items please send me a note or an e-mail.
*If your child rides the bus to the UC or rides an after school van please notify the office, the daycare, and myself if your child will not be riding it a particular day, if you pick up your child early, or if he/she is absent.
Student Information / I loved learning about you this week. I am proud of how well you did this week.
Extra credit for the weekend: Write a paragraph about the insects we learned about this week. Due Monday

Tests and Quizzes (etc):

Monday- Math Quiz (reading a graph- should not have to study for)



Thursday- English Quiz- Subjects and Predicates (should not have to study for)

Friday- Word Study Test 2

Graded Fact drill

Dress Down Day- don’t forget your $1