Projections expert panel (TFEIP): Workplan 2010-2011 DRAFT
Executive Summary
The TFEIPs projections expert panel (pep) was created in November 2006. The expert panels support and facilitate the work of the TFEIP and allow specific issues to be addressed. As with other existing expert panels, the pep reports to, and is managed by, the TFEIP. This document provides the pep’s2010 -2011 workplan.
The pep aims:
“To support the TFEIP in improving emission projections, and understanding the implications for policy.”
To achieve this, the following key tasks have been identified for 2011:
1.Arrange the seventh annual meeting (currently arranged for May in Stockholm as part of the main TFEIP meeting);
2.Attend a range of stakeholder meetings;
3.Transfer the useful information on the web portalto the pep section of the TFEIP website;
4.Review the projections chapter in the Guidebook to make sure that it is still up to date and to check the terminology used when referring to differing types of projections;
5.Draft an Annual Report, which will include the Workplan for 2012-2013.
A list of the specific actions with timescales is provided below:
Summary of tasks
Task 1: 2011 Annual meetingRequired Action / Responsibility / Deadline
A. Arrange date, venue and invitations for the Annual Meeting / Pep secretariat – Anne Wagner / 31/03/11
B. Circulate minutes from the Annual Meeting / Pep secretariat – Anne Wagner / 31/05/11
Task 2: Support the TFEIP in engaging with major stakeholders in 2009
Required Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Attend meetings with major stakeholders, or communicate with specific representatives across 2011 / All pep members / Across 2011
Task 3: Web portal
Required Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Transfer the information on the web portalto the pep section of the TFEIP website / All pep members / 31/05/2011
Task 4: Projections chapter in Guidebook
Required Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Review the projections chapter to make sure that it is still up to date / Pep chairs and secretariat / 30/06/2011
Task 5: pep Annual report and new workplan
Required Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Write and circulate the pep annual report and new workplan / Pep chairs and secretariat / 31/03/12
Table of contents
1.1pep at a glance
2The pep Management
3The pep Meetings
3.12009 pep Annual Meeting
3.2Attendance/Representation at 2011 Meetings
4Supporting the TFEIP with Information Co-ordination and Dissemination
4.1Contact Information
4.2Web Portal
4.3The Guidebook
4.4pep annual report and new workplan
At the TFEIP’s meeting in Thessaloniki in October 2006, a workshop was held on emission projections. One of the primary recommendations from this workshop was that an expert panel on projections should be established.
The UK Government (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) indicated their willingness to contribute to funding and supporting such an expert panel and in doing so supports Melanie Hobson (Aether) in her role as a co-chair and Anne Wagner (AEA) as secretariat.
The following has been proposed as a statement indicating the aim of the TFEIP’s projections expert panel (pep):
To support the TFEIP in improving emission projections, and understanding the implications for policy.
This document summarises the targeted activities and goals of the TFEIP which the pep will support, and consequently forms the pep workplan for 2011-2012.
In addition to this annual pep workplan, a Terms of Reference document has also been drafted for the pep expert panel.
Some of the actions in this workplan are open ended in nature, in particular those related to communication with stakeholders.
Future annual pep workplans are expected to be integrated with the TFEIP’s own annual workplan, when available, to ensure streamlining between the two work strands.
1.1pep at a glance
Figure 1a: Why a Projections Expert Panel? A Summary
Figure 1b Summary of Objectives
Figure 1c Responsibilities of the Projections Expert Panel
2The pep Management
As an Expert Panel within the TFEIP, the pep will report to, and be responsible to, the TFEIP chairs. The UK Government (more specifically the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs- Defra) has indicated their willingness to provide funding, and has assigned AEA Energy & Environment as the Secretariat to the pep.
The following Executive Committee posts have been established:
Co-Chair- Melanie Hobson (Aether Ltd, UK)
Co-Chair- position currently vacant. The need for a new co-chair is currently advertised on the PEP section of the TFEIP website.
In addition, a Steering Group has been set up. These include:
- Representatives from TFIAM and the NIAM (to represent the modelling community)
- A representative from the Commission (to represent policy makers)
- Leaders/Chairs of existing TFEIP expert panels
- An industry representative
- Country representatives
The purpose of the Steering Group is to provide advice and guidance on the work conducted by the pep in supporting the TFEIP, and importantly facilitate links with other relevant work being undertaken.
3The pep Meetings
3.12009pep Annual Meeting
The 2011 annual pep meeting is to be held in Vienna in May 2011as part of the main TFEIP meeting.
The management team will invite all members of the Steering Group, and more generally encourage a wider audience to attend.
The Agenda for this meeting will be tailored accordingly, but is expected to include the following items:
- A summary of any emission projections projects underway
- Report back on meetings attended
- Stakeholder discussion session
- Any other topical issues
- Discussion of the 2011 - 2012 workplan
Minutes from the meetings will be made available to all the TFEIP stakeholders.
Task 1: 2009 Annual MeetingRequired Action / Responsibility / Deadline
A. Arrange date, venue and invitations for the Annual Meeting / Pep secretariat – Anne Wagner / 31/03/11
B. Circulate minutes from the Annual Meeting / Pep secretariat – Anne Wagner / 31/05/11
3.2Attendance/Representation at 2011 Meetings
Representatives from the pep will attend other TFEIP expert panel (EP) meetings in 2011 where practical. This will be to raise the profile of the existence of the pep, and prompt the EPs to give projections a suitable level of priority.
The following indicates key stakeholder that the pep aims to help the TFEIP engage with across 2011:
- TFIAM (and NIAM)
- WGII of the EC Climate Change Committee
- National Inventory Compilers
The form of this engagement may take the form of meetings, e-mail or telephone conversations.
In particular, representatives from the pep will attend, on behalf of TFEIP, a number of other meetings in 2011, including:
- TFIAM’s 41st meeting will be held in May 2012 as a venue to be decided. The 40th Meeting is to be held from the 18th – 20th May 2011 in Oslo.
- XXXXX – what other meetings??
Task 2: Support the TFEIP by engaging with major stakeholders in 2011
Required Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Attend meetings with major stakeholders and communicate with specific representatives. / All pep members / Across 2011
4Supporting the TFEIP with Information Co-ordination and Dissemination
One of the main functions of the pep will be to support the TFEIPs co-ordination and dissemination of information to stakeholders.
4.1Contact Information
Contact details for all pep steering group and stakeholder group members are available from the pep secretariat ().
4.2Web Portal
The Commission have established a web portal which is central to information dissemination. This site contains information on the different European activity and emission projection models that are currently available. Details on climate and air impact models as well as socio-economic models are also provided. For further information, please see:
The information contained on this website will now we transferred to the pep section of the TFEIP website. Thepep will support the TFEIP in providingupdated and news releases to be disseminated through the site, so that it remains a valuable and useful resource.
Task 3: Web PortalRequired Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Transfer the content on the web portal to the TFEIP website / Melanie Hobson / Across 2011
4.3The Guidebook
The Guidebook update was completed in 2009. The projections chapter needs to be reviewed regularly to make sure that it is still up to date. No specific actions have been identified due to the general nature of the projections chapter.
Task 4: Support the TFEIPs Contribution to the Guidebook UpdateRequired Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Review the projections chapter of the guidebook / Pep chairs / Across 2011
4.4pep annual report and new workplan
The pep will compile an annual report, to be submitted to the TFEIP. This will include:
- A review of the years workplan
- Progress towards the indicated targets and goals
- General findings
- Input from key stakeholders
- Recommendations
- Workplan for the next year
The phasing of the report is yet to be finalised, but should co-ordinate with the compilation of the TFEIPs workplan.
Task 5: pep Annual Report and New WorkplanRequired Action / Responsibility / Deadline
Write and circulate the pep annual report and new workplan / Pep chairs and secretariat / 31/03/12