Delegate Registration Form:
One applicant per form. Photocopies can be made.
Title ______Name ______
Position ______
Hospital ______
Address ______
Tel. No. ______Fax ______
Email ______
Special Diet ______
Conference Registration Fees: (including coffee, tea and lunch)
Before 15th September / After 15th SeptemberDoctor / £150 / £180
Nurse/PAMS / £100 / £120
Total enclosed
Signed Date
Please make your cheque payable to: “The South Thames Acute Pain Group”
Your payment and conference place will be confirmed following receipt of your registration form and fee.
Parallel Sessions: Please tick one choice from each session (choice can not be guaranteed).
Session 1 / A: NeuromodulationB: Innovation in postop pain
Session 2 / A: Pain Health Beliefs
B: The Impact of Pain on Leg
Ulcer Management
South Thames Acute Pain Group
14th Annual Conference
6th November 2008
To be held at
The Bridgewood Manor Hotel
Walderslade Woods
ChathamKent, ME5 9AX
Main Sponsor: Hospira
CPD points applied for
The Speakers
Dr Elizabeth AitkenPauline Beldon
Consultant in Elderly Care MedicineClinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability
UniversityHospital LewishamEpsom - St.Helier NHS Trust
Dr Rafael BlancoDr Sandesha Kothari
Consultant AnaesthetistConsultant Anaesthetist
UniversityHospital LewishamMedway Maritime Hospital
Prof Ian PowerElla van Raders
Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain MedicineSenior Clinical Nurse Specialist Pain
The University of EdinburghManagement, East & North Herts NHS Trust
Trudy ThomasDr Sean Tighe
Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy PracticeConsultant Anaesthetist
MedwaySchool of PharmacyCountess of Chester Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust
Dr Mario Vergara-Williamson
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,
Medway Maritime Hospital
08.30-09.30 / Registration and coffee09.30-09.40 / Welcome by Chairperson
09.40-10.20 / Dr Elizabeth Aitken:
Pain in the Elderly with Particular Reference to Fractured Neck of Femur
10.20-11.00 / Dr Rafael Blanco:
How to find a Nerve under Ultrasound
11.00-11.30 / Coffee
11.30-12.10 / Trudy Thomas:
Pain and the Pharmacist – supporting people in pain in primary and
Secondary care
12.10-12.50 / Dr Sean Tighe:
Complications of Peripheral Nerve Block—Incidence and Prevention
12.50-14.10 / Lunch & Trade Exhibition
Concurrent Sessions
Session 1
14.10-14.50 / A: Dr S Kothari:
Peripheral Neuromodulation (Application & Experiences)
B: Ella van Raders:
Innovations in Post-Operative Pain Control (Fentanyl PCA)
Session 2
15.00-15.40 / A: Dr Mario Vergara-Williamson:
Pain – Health – Belief
B: Pauline Beldon:
The Impact of Pain on Leg Ulcer Management
15.40-16.10 / Coffee
16.10-16.55 / Prof Ian Power: An Acute Pain or a Pain Medicine Service?
16.55 / Closing remarks
The 14thSouth Thames Acute Pain Conference
The South Thames Acute Pain Group (STAPG) was foundedin 1995 by a small group of anaesthetists who were enthusiastic about providing optimal pain relief. STAPG encompasses practitioners who are working in the South Thames Healthcare Trusts and are actively engaged in acute pain management.
The Committee organises an annual conference, usually at the beginning of November and meets at least 4 times a year. The annual conference is open to all staff with an interest in pain management and would like to attract practitioners such as GPs, nurses, doctors, physiotherapists and pharmacists. The speakers have been chosen to address a variety of subjects such as regional analgesia, pharmacology, pain management in the elderly patient, but also topics such as health beliefs, neuromodulation and the role of pain services, which are constantly under scrutiny to relieve pain adequately and effectively.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a forum for the dissemination of information on acute pain management. The conferences are supported by medical and pharmaceutical companies and provide an opportunity to discuss evolving drug treatments and technical developments. The Annual General Meeting of STAPG takes place at the end of the conference and all delegates are invited to attend.
This year’s conference will be held at the Bridgewood Manor Hotel in Walderslade Woods, Chatham, Kent which is conveniently located near the M20 and M2 motorways.
Conference Organisers:
The Acute Pain Service (on behalf of STAPG)
Medway Maritime Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Gillingham, Kent
Please contact for further information and to book a place:
Martin Kuhn
Acute Pain Nurse Specialist
Anaesthetic Department
Medway Maritime Hospital
Windmill Road
Tel: 01634 830000 Ext 5390