Taylorsville’s Got Talent

Taylorville Arts Council is in search of the hottest variety & novelty acts from across the city!

Are you talented? Come and be a part of “Taylorsville’s Got Talent.” There will be a cash award!

Talents of all kinds are invited to try out. Individuals and groups are welcome - singers, dancers,

novelty acts, magicians, comedians, belly dancers... the sky is the limit!!

Taylorsville’s Got Talent is scheduled to take place:

Tuesday, July 18, 20167

Alder Amphitheatre, SLCC Campus

8:00 p.m.

Don't miss your opportunity to perform before a panel of judges. Prove to Taylorsville that YOU have

what it takes to be the next big star!

ALL applicants (including all members of a multi-person act) MUST each fill out an application and pay the $5 entry fee. Applicants less than 18 years of age must provide a signed permission slip from a parent/legal guardian to participate in the show. Performances should be no longer than 7 minutes.

All talent needs to fit into the family oriented program (no profanity or suggestive music)

Bring your own props, costumes,and/ or musical instruments. Entrants using musical accompaniment should bring their music, ready and cued on a CD. Singer s may not use tracks with lyrics. Dancers may use CD’s with lyrics.

  • Each application must be submitted with $5.00, which is not refundable.
  • Each individual within a group must submit a separate application.
  • Performers must be able to set up and perform in the allotted 7 minutes or have a penalty subtracted from their score.
  • Performers act or talent can not contain any action or skill that may be knowingly harmful or dangerous. Pyrotechnic devices are not permitted.

Judging: There are three judges for the show. They will score on the following criteria to determine the winners:

Quality of Performance30 points

Talent30 points

Engagement of the Audience30 points

Originality of Performance/Interpretation of Existing Work10 points

There are four contestant categories:

Children – 12 and younger Junior - 13- 18 Young Adult- 19-25 Adult - 26 & older

Prizes: $100 - Adult division, $75 -Junior division, $50 - Children division.

The winners will have the opportunity to perform at Taylorsville Dayzz.

The Taylorsville Arts Council, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse any individual or act to perform.

Applicant Check List: (1) Application (2) $5 Submission Fee (payable to TAC)

Application Deadline: July 15, 2017


Act Name: ______

Name: ______Age: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone # Home ______Cell ______

Email: ______

# In Act: ______

 Singer Musician: (instrument): ______

 Dancer Other: ______

Talent or description of Act:

Any questions? Please contact Susan Holmanat 801-966-8376

Return Application to: TAC Taylorsville’s Got Talent

2600 W. Taylorsville Blvd.

Taylorsville, Utah 84129

Waiver and Consent

Taylorsville’s Got Talent

  1. In consideration of allowing me to participate in the Taylorsville’s Got Talent (“Talent Show”), the undersigned intends to be legally bound hereby for myself, my family, my heirs, my executors, and my administrators, and hereby forever release, discharge, covenant not to sue, and waive any and all rights and claims for damages and causes of suit or action known or unknown that I have or may have against the Taylorsville Arts Council and the City of Taylorsville, all committee persons, officials, contractors, volunteers, and sponsors and their officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “City”) from any and all injuries, ailments, or other consequences that may be suffered by me as a result of my involvement with the Talent Show.
  1. I hereby represent that I am physically fit to participate in the Talent Show, and I am aware of the dangers and precautions that are associated with my involvement with the Talent Show.
  1. I authorize the City or its designated representatives to act on my behalf in accordance with their reasonable judgment in the case of an emergency and agree to pay medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness, or other incapacity, regardless of whether I have authorized such expense and assume full responsibility for any medical or emergency expense that may result from my involvement in the Talent Show.
  1. I represent to the City that I have adequate medical insurance or other assets to cover the cost of any medical or emergency expenses that I may incur or cause as a result of my involvement in the Talent Show.
  1. I hereby expressly agree that this Waiver and Consent is intended to be as broad and as inclusive as permitted by Utah law and that if any portion hereof is found to be invalid, that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force and effect.
  1. I represent that I am 18 years of age or older and that I have read this document and fully understand its contents.




(printed name)

I am the legal guardian of ______, a minor or incapacitated person, and grant permission to the City and/or the Arts Council to display Images on my own behalf and on behalf of such minor or incapacitated person as set forth above, and I have read this document and fully understand its contents.


(legal guardian, if person is under age 18 or otherwise incapacitated)


(printed name)




(city and state)



Permission to Display Images

The undersigned, in consideration of allowing me to participate in the Taylorsville’s Got Talent, hereby grants permission to the Taylorsville Arts Council (“Arts Council”) and Taylorsville City (“City”), its successors and assigns, the right to use, publish, and take photographs, photographic likenesses, digital images, and/or video, with or without audio recordings (collectively, the “Images”) of the undersigned (minor or incapacitated person). The undersigned assigns all copyrights to the Images to the Arts Council and the City and understands that all copyrights to the Images belong to the Arts Council and the City. The undersigned grants permission for these Images to be displayed on promotional materials, print advertising, posters, flyers, newspaper stories, the Internet, City-controlled cable access channel, or other media. The undersigned also authorizes the City to display the following personal identifying information in connection with the Images:

□full name

□first name only

□Images but no part of name.

The undersigned acknowledge that access to the Internet and other media is extensive, and that the City does not guarantee any privacy or limitation on access to the Images or information on the website, the City-controlled cable access channel, or other media.

The undersigned waives any right to inspect or approve the finished product or the advertising or other copy that may be used in connection with the Images.

The undersigned hereby releases and discharges the Arts Council and the City, its elected officials, officer, agents, contractors, employees, successors and assigns from any and all claims, whether known or unknown, seen or unseen, arising out of the use of the Images or personal identity information. This release binds the undersigned with respect to these claims as well as the undersigned’s heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, and legal representatives.

I have read this document and fully understand its contents and grant permission to ______, the City, and/or Arts Council to display Images.




(printed name)




(city and state)
