1. To promote the core value that ALL students can and will learn and meet high standards
  2. Sustain a culture of caring, commitment and continuous improvement
  3. Hold high academic expectations and use standards-based teaching and learning’
  4. Have clear performance expectations for all personnel to support that all student s will learn
  5. Ensure that all personnel have the capacity to meet the performance expectations
  6. Assure that funding is provided to support the purpose and core value of the system
  7. Have an accountability system that holds all stakeholders accountable for students meeting high standards

Levels of Understanding

A. The Purpose and responsibilities of all School District Leadership / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Do District and site personnel have a clear and shared understanding of high quality instruction?
How do you describe expected practices?
  1. Does all leadership support high quality instruction and reduce the amount of non-instructional burdens on sites and teachers?
How is this accomplished?
  1. Does leadership have a clear understanding of current student achievement levels?
What is this?
  1. Have they addressed the significant subgroups and their impact on instructional practice and student achievement?

Levels of Understanding

A. The Purpose and responsibilities of all School District Leadership / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Are there clear expectations for all stakeholder roles?
What are they?
  1. Are these communicated and related to students’ achievement?
  1. Does the District LEA Addendum relate to the purpose of the District?

Levels of Understanding

B. School District promotes the core value that All students can and will learn and meet high standards / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Do the District office, principals and teachers articulate this value through a common vision?
  1. Do the District’s policies, structures and practices reflect this vision?
  1. Does this Core value drive decision making?
How and how well?
  1. Are all stakeholders aware of how these decisions are made or involved in the process?
To what extent?
  1. Is this core value sustained through change in leadership?
  1. Is this value communicated to new leadership?

Levels of Understanding

C. Sustain a culture of caring, commitment and continuous improvement / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Does leadership promote a climate of trust, respect, and openness at all levels with all stakeholders?
How and how well?
  1. Does leadership seek feedback?
How is this used?
  1. Does leadership promote a culture of risk-taking? How?
Does leadership use this to find solutions and support learning?
  1. Are successes and failures used to find solutions?
  1. Does leadership seek input from all stakeholders?
19. Does this input promote collaborative planning and support for all students?
  1. Does leadership promote partnerships to assure continuous improvement?
  1. Does leadership promote the core values?
D. Hold high academic expectations and use standards-based teaching and learning / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Does the District have explicit content and outcome standards and curriculum pacing guides in all content areas that reflect high quality learning?
What are these?
  1. Are these pacing guides aligned to each other?
  1. Do the outcome standards drive the work of all stakeholders (District office, principals, teachers, students)?
  1. Do all personnel have opportunities for professional development?
How are they tied to data?
How are they evaluated for learning outcomes?
E. Have clear performance expectations for all personnel to support that all students will learn / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Are performance expectations for all personnel related to students learning?
  1. Does each stakeholder understand his/her role and how its supports student learning?
How well?
F. Ensure that all personnel have the capacity to meet the performance expectations / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Are highly qualified teachers in all classrooms?
How accurate is this at this time?
  1. Are teachers and coaches assigned to meet the unique needs of a site?
  1. Are principals assigned to provide effective leadership based on the needs of the site and their individual skill levels?
  1. Is there effective leadership at all levels to support high quality learning?
How do you determine this?
G. Assure that funding is provided to support the purpose and core value of the system / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Are fiscal resources allocated to support the core value?
How well?
  1. Are these fiscal resources distributed on the basis of individual school needs so that all schools can serve all students?
How is equity established?
H. Have an accountability system that holds all stakeholders accountable for students meeting high standards / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. Is the School District holding itself and all stakeholders accountable for assuring that students meet high standards?
How and how effective is this?
  1. Are multiple assessments used to measure student achievement and school progress?
What indicators are used?
How timely are they?
  1. Are instructional and other decision making at all levels driven by data?
What data is used and how?
  1. Is accurate and timely data provided to schools?
How often and how is this tied to student achievement?
  1. Is student progress regularly communicated to students and parents?
  1. Do we have expectations for students in their use of this information?
What does it look like?


Barrier / Barrier / Barrier / Barrier / Barrier / Barrier
Stakeholders / Full Implementation of Adopted Curriculum / Academic Expectations / Access to Core for
High Priority Students / Data Analysis/System of Use and Reporting / Staff Development for support of Implementation / Developing a Purposeful Community
Personal Leadership Style


Solution / Solution / Solution / Solution / Solution / Solution
Stakeholders / Full Implementation of Adopted Curriculum / Academic Expectations / Access to Core for All Students / Data Analysis/System of Use and Reporting / Staff Development for support of Implementation / Developing a Purposeful Community
Professional Leadership Style

Created by Lynn Brickman-Hill, Educational Leadership Services, RCOE