University of Massachusetts Amherst

Graduate School Predissertation Grant Application

Note that you need signatures from your Graduate Program Director (GPD) and faculty advisor on the last page of this application, which you should collect only after your application is complete. Send the complete, signed application to . Remember your faculty advisor must also submit a letter of recommendation by the application deadline.

Name (Last, First, Middle; as it appears in SPIRE): Click here to enter text.

Student ID #: Click here to enter text. UMass E-mail: Click here to enter text.

College or School:

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☐ College of Education

☐ College of Engineering

☐ College of Humanities and Fine Arts

☐ College of Information & Computer Sciences

☐ College of Natural Sciences

☐ College of Nursing

☐ College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

☐ Isenberg School of Management

☐ School of Public Health & Health Services

☐ Other (specify) Click here to enter text.

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Department/Degree Program: Click here to enter text.

In what semester did you begin the PhD program? Click here to enter text.

Name of Graduate Program Director: Click here to enter text.

Email for Graduate Program Director: Click here to enter text.

Name of Faculty Supervisor/Advisor: Click here to enter text.

Email for Faculty Supervisor/Advisor: Click here to enter text.

Name of departmental bookkeeper/financial administrator: Click here to enter text.

Email for departmental bookkeeper/financial administrator: Click here to enter text.

Amount Requested (between $250 and $1,000; round to nearest $): Click here to enter text.

Date (month, year) you expect to begin the activities outlined in this application:

Click here to enter text.

Date (month, year) you expect to complete the activities outlined in this application:

Click here to enter text.

Where will the activities outlined in this application take place? Include all locations:

Click here to enter text.

Does the work outlined in this application involve any of the following? Please check all that apply.

☐ Research with human subjects

☐ Research with vertebrate animals

☐ Travel to a foreign country

By initialing below I verify that I have not previously received a UMass Graduate School Dissertation Research Grant. I further agree that if a grant is provided for this project I will (1) use the funds for the purposes outlined in my budget; (2) submit proof of IRB approval, if required, before funds will be released; (3) provide a written report indicating how funds were spent and return unused funds; and (4) acknowledge this grant in all documents, papers, and publications associated with the research supported by the grant.

Applicant’s Initials: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter text.

To be signed by your GPD and Faculty Advisor (after the rest of the application is complete).

I have reviewed the student’s proposal and acknowledge (1) that the student is in good academic standing; and (2) the availability of department or advisor support (financial or otherwise) included in the student’s proposal and budget.

Signature of student’s faculty advisor Date

Signature of GPD of student’s department/doctoral program Date

Project Proposal

1. Describe your intended dissertation research project for an educated reader who is not familiar with your topic or discipline. What are the central research questions, hypotheses and/or problems you intend to investigate? What contributions do you expect this research could make? (up to 400 words)

Click here to enter text.

2. Summarize the progress you have made to date in developing your dissertation research proposal and meeting graduate milestones such as comprehensive exams. (up to 200 words)

Click here to enter text.

3. What activities would be funded by this grant? Specify research methods, if applicable. (up to 300 words)

Click here to enter text.

4. Why are you requesting this Predissertation Grant and how will the proposed activities leave you better positioned to complete your dissertation research? Remember this grant is designed to support activities that will lay a strong foundation for your eventual dissertation research—it is NOT designed to support the collection of data for your dissertation. (up to 300 words)

Click here to enter text.

5. What potential difficulties or challenges might you face in completing the activities outlined in this grant? This might include security concerns, access to information, visa requirements, experiment failure, or other issues. How do you plan to address these challenges and/or how would addressing these problems now contribute to development of a stronger dissertation research project in the future? (up to 300 words)

Click here to enter text.

Project Budget

1. Amount Requested (between $250 and $1,000; round to nearest $): Click here to enter text.

2. What is the estimated cost for ALL activities proposed in this Predissertation Grant?

Click here to enter text.

3. If amount listed under question 2 is greater than the amount requested in this Predissertation Grant please explain how the balance will be covered. (e.g. external funding, out-of-pocket, advisor start-up funds):

Click here to enter text.

4. Since beginning your graduate education at UMass Amherst, what forms of financial support (e.g. TA/RA position, departmental or university fellowship, external grant or fellowship) have you received?

Click here to enter text.

Budget Table

Review the Graduate School Predissertation Grant webpage for a list of eligible and ineligible expenses. If you have no expenses in a listed category enter “0.”

Budget Category / Amount (round to nearest $)
1. Travel as itemized and explained in Budget Justification below (including each destination, purpose of trip, and associated expenses [e.g. airfare, accommodations, regional travel, food]) / Click here to enter text.
2. Supplies and Equipment as itemized and explained in Budget Justification below (may not total more than 50% of your budget) / Click here to enter text.
3. Communication (e.g. Printing; duplication; postage) as itemized and explained in Budget Justification below / Click here to enter text.
4. Services/Personnel (e.g. transcription; research subjects) as itemized and explained in Budget Justification below (may not total more than 50% of your budget) / Click here to enter text.
4. Other Costs as itemized and explained in Budget Justification below / Click here to enter text.
TOTAL REQUESTED / Click here to enter text.

Budget Justification

Provide a detailed list or narrative to illustrate how you arrived at the costs listed in the Budget Table. For example, if your Travel costs are listed on the Budget Table as $910, your Budget Justification will need to illustrate a breakdown similar to this example:

·  Travel Costs ($900)

$700 roundtrip airfare from Boston to Paris

$50 roundtrip transportation to Boston airport

$150 excess baggage fee (2 bags @ $75/bag)

o  $10 ground transportation

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