Grade 5 Math Concept Study

Interim 2

(Resources from Mathematics Wiki to support mathematics standards)

Mathematical Practices

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. / 4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Interim 2:

Number & Operations in Base Ten5.NBT

Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

5.NBT.6 Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

George’s Division Strategy / 5.NBT.6 Task 1
Lion Hunt / 5.NBT.6 Task 2
Division of Whole Numbers: Dealing with Remainders… page 49 / CCSS Lessons for Learning
Double Dutch Treat… page 22 / 5th Grade Games

5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.(Only add/subtract for second interim)

Clay Boxes / 5.NBT.7 Task 1
John’s Canvas / 5.NBT.7 Task 2
Multiplying Whole Numbers by Decimals… page 53 / CCSS Lessons for Learning
Window Time… page 57 / CCSS Lessons for Learning
Introduction to Dividing with Fractions… page 60 / CCSS Lessons for Learning
Decimal Dynamo… page 24 / 5th Grade Games

Number & Operations—Fractions5.NF

Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.

5.NF.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)

Is Tim Incorrect? / 5.NF.1 Task 1
Show 2 Ways / 5.NF.1 Task 2
What Makes 1/5? / 5.NF.1 Task 3
Find the Common Denominator / 5.NF.1 Task 4
Illustrative Mathematics (on-line resource) /
Leapfrog Fractions(on-line resource) /
On-line Games /

5.NF.2 Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.

Baking Cookies / 5.NF.2 Task 1
To Add or Not To Add? / 5.NF.2 Task 2
Illustrative Mathematics /
Work with Uncommon Denominators… page 53 / 5th Grade Games
Add Fractions with Unlike Units Using the Strategy of Creating Equivalent Fractions
(online resource) /
On-line Games /

Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.

5.NF.3Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a ÷ b). Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. For example, interpret 3/4 as the result of dividing 3 by 4, noting that 3/4 multiplied by 4 equals 3, and that when 3 wholes are shared equally among 4 people each person has a share of size 3/4. If 9 people want to share a 50-pound sack of rice equally by weight, how many pounds of rice should each person get? Between what two whole numbers does your answer lie?

Knot-Tying Project / 5.NF.3 Task 1
Donation Boxes / 5.NF.3 Task 2
Candy Conundrum / 5.NF.3 Task 3
Illustrative Mathematics (online resource) /
Fifth Grade Multiplying & Dividing Fraction Unit / Fifth Grade Fraction Unit
On-line Games /

Grade 5 Math Concept Study