Site Name, Location and NGR:
Local Planning Authority:
Contact name:
Contracting organisation:
Contact name


request for NPPF assistance: Questionnaire

Key questions

[Comments in blue & brackets are for advice - delete when completed]

1.  Planning background

[Please set out the planning history drawing particular attention to any problems with implementing an effective mitigation or recording strategy.]

2.  Evaluation strategy

[Please outline the desktop and field evaluation strategies used and comment on why these failed to identify the threat to the historic environment that is now the subject of this request. It may be helpful to submit copies of briefs, specifications and desk-top and field evaluation reports in support of the application.]

3.  The role of the developer

[Has the developer done all that could reasonably have been asked within the planning condition, including cooperation with the local authority planning heritage officer to explore and implement alternative strategies to mitigate the impact of development upon the unexpected discoveries?]

4.  The significance of the historic environment asset

[Please set out the important local and/or national significance of the case. It will be helpful to reference relevant research frameworks where these exist.]

5.  Existing recording strategies

[Please explain what efforts have been made to refocus the recording strategy and the available resources to address the unexpected discoveries.]

6.  Timetable

[Please set out the time constraints: what is the current development timetable and what is the window of opportunity for additional recording work?]

7.  Proposed additional recording

[What measures are being proposed? At this stage we do not need a detailed methods statement, rather a summary of the proposed recording and sampling strategy.]

8.  Resources

[Please give the budget currently available for recording, assessment, analysis and dissemination and an estimate of the resource needed to undertake the necessary additional work. What contribution will the developer be making to the cost of additional work?]

Please email as a Word document or PDF document to:

copied to:

or send to:

Heritage Protection Commissions Team

Room 3/60

The Engine House

Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon


We will respond as rapidly as possible.