International Workshop
Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development
Rome, Home of Geography
December 12-14, 2005
Intermediate Programme
1 - General Information
The workshop is designed to discuss the conceptual background and the principles on which the Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development (CCHD) initiative should be based, the conceptual and operational approaches which it could benefit from, and the key actions which it could consist of. It is expected that, in addition to the outcomes of the scientific discussions, the workshop will lead to the adoption of:
1. A background Action Plan for an extended research endeavour for the IGU family and its partners;
2. A draft resolution for the proclamation of an international year focusing on Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development.
Key questions
§ The workshop discussions are expected to focus on the following questions:
1. How might concepts of culture shared within the individual human communities of the world play a cardinal role in pursuing human development, as defined by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)?
2. How could the understanding and respect of cultural and civilizational peculiarities help the pursuit of human development, and the pursuit of goals defined in the 2000 UN Millennium Declaration and the Plan of Implementation adopted by the WSSD?
3. How may a better understanding of ways in which nature is understood and valued in some cultures and civilizations, confront the challenges of global change, natural disasters and extreme events?
4. How are individual cultures perceived, imagined and represented in cultural contexts, and what are the geopolitical implications?
5. How are cultural identities reproduced and transmitted in the media, especially e-media and Internet?
6. How do the concepts of culture and civilization shared by individual human communities relate to those produced in the scientific milieus, and what are the implications for education? How may such reflections trigger mutual understanding and inter-cultural dialogue?
7. Should cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, be safeguarded, and, if yes, how and why?
8. Following the goals defined in the Pitte-Vallega proposal, what fresh insights could be derived from geographical approaches to these questions?
9. How might more effective partnership be achieved between IGU and other scientific non-governmental and governmental organizations in the implementation of the CCHD initiative?
12-13 December
Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana, Via della Navicella 12, Rome, Italy:
Conference Room “Sala Giuseppe dalla Vedova”, 1st floor.
14 December
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma (Museo del Corso) Via del Corso 320, Rome, Italy:
Main Conference Room
Partner Organizations
§ International Geographical Union, Home of Geography
§ Società Geografica Italiana (Italian Geographical Society)
Sponsoring Organizations
§ Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma (Foundation of the Saving Bank of Rome), Italy
§ Municipality of Rome, Italy
§ Herodot (Thematic Network for Geography Teaching and Training)
Scientific Co-ordinator
§ Adalberto Vallega, President of the International Geographical Union ()
Workshop Rapporteur
§ Ronald A. Abler, Secretary-General and Treasurer, International Geographical Union ()
Local Organisers
§ Giuliano Bellezza, Director of the Home of Geography ()
§ Laura Ayo () and Dawn Bissell (), Executive Secretaries, Home of Geography
§ English and French
§ The materials of the Workshop can be found on, and downloaded from, the IGU ( and Home of Geography ( websites.
Workshop materials
The Workshop discussions will benefit from the following categories of materials:
§ Keynote speeches, presented by the Session keynote speakers;
§ Abstracts of keynote speeches;
§ Papers, consisting of extended contributions to the workshop subject areas;
§ Comments, consisting of concise texts concerned with the above enunciated workshop questions;
§ UN materials, consisting of useful documents to discuss the approach of the UN system to cultures and civilizations.
The list of materials is attached to this Workshop programme. The relevant texts may be downloaded from the Home of Geography website.
Social events
A Farewell Dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 14. Workshop participants will be notified of the Dinner fee and relevant details of the restaurant in advance by email. Payment in cash only is due upon registration by those wishing to attend.
Scientific Secretariat
Home of Geography
Villa Celimontana
Via della Navicella, 12
00184 Rome, Italy
Tel ++39-06-7759 1183
Fax ++39-06-7707 8827
Daily Work design
09:00—10:30 Sessions
10:30—11:00 Coffee break
11:00—12:30 Sessions
12:30—14:00 Lunch break
14:00—15:30 Sessions
15:30—16:00 Coffee break
16:00—17:30 Sessions
International Workshop
Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development
Rome, Home of Geography
December 12-14, 2005
Monday, December 12
Società Geografica Italiana, Villa Celimontana, Via della Navicella 12, Rome
09:00—09:45 Registration
09:45—10:00 Welcome speeches: Franco Salvatori, President of Società Geografica Italiana; Giuliano Bellezza, Director of the Home of Geography; Giuseppe Galeota, President of the Tourism Commission, Roman Municipality.
Adalberto Vallega: Workshop Presentation — The trio “cultures, civilizations and human development”
10:30—11:00 Coffee break
Session 1 — The role of scientific approaches to cultures and civilizations
§ Chair: Paul Claval, Former Chair of the IGU Commission on The Cultural Approach to Geography, France
§ Keynote speaker: Tor Halfdan Aase, University of Bergen, Norway
§ Contributions by: Paola Gandolfi, Italy; Tor Halfdan Aase, Norway; Paul Claval, France; Yukio Himiyama, Japan; Elvira Lussana, Italy; Luca Muscarà, Italy; Stuart Andrew Oliver, UK; Marius Popescu, Romania; Hiroshi Tanabe, Japan; Alì Toumi, Tunisia; Adalberto Vallega, Italy; Christina West, Germany; Mark L. Wilson, and Kenneth E. Corey, USA
12:30—14:00 Lunch break
Session 2 — Cultures and civilizations in a globalized world
§ Chair: Mahmoud M. Ashour, Chair of the IGU Commission on Arid Lands, Humankind, and Environment, Egypt
§ Keynote speaker: Benno Werlen, Chair of the IGU Commission on The Cultural Approach to Geography, Germany
§ Contributions by: Giulia de Spuches, Italy; Yukio Himiyama, Japan; Colette Vallat, France; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands
15:30—16:00 Coffee break
Session 3 — Nature, culture and sustainable development
§ Chair: Anne Buttimer, Former President, International Geographical Union, Ireland
§ Keynote speakers: R.B. Singh, University of Delhi, India; Woo-ik Yu, Vice-president, International Geographical Union, South Korea
§ Contributions by: Rachele Borghi et al., Italy; Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio, Italy; Giuseppe Dematteis, Italy; Yukio Himiyama, Japan; Paola Minoia, Italy; Stuart Andrew Oliver, UK; Mario Panizza, President, International Association of Geomorphology; Adalberto Vallega, Italy; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands; Gabriele Zanetto, Italy.
Tuesday, December 13
Società Geografica Italiana, Villa celimontana, via della navicella 12, Rome
Session 4 — The social perceptions and imaginations, and their geographical implications
§ Chair: Giuseppe Dematteis, University of Turin, Italy
§ Keynote speaker: Mohammed Riad, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
§ Contributions by: Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio, Italy; Emanuela Casti, Italy; Luca Muscarà, Italy; Giacomo Corna Pellegrini, Italy
10:30—11:00 Coffee break
Session 5 — Cultures and civilization in educational systems
§ Chair: Hiroshi Tanabe, Vice-president, International Geographical Union, Japan
§ Keynote speaker: Margaret Robertson, Director of the “Global Perspectives on Sustainable Development Project”, Australia
§ Contributions by: Giuliano Bellezza, Italy; Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Denmark; Hiroshi Tanabe, Japan; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands
12:30—14:00 Lunch break
Session 6 — Media representations of cultures and civilizations
§ Chair: Aharon Kellerman, Chair of the IGU Commission on Information Society, Israel
§ Keynote speaker: Vincenzo Guarrasi, University of Palermo, Italy
§ Contributions by: Margherita Azzari, Italy; Giuliano Bellezza, Italy; Roberto Christian Gatti, Italy; Marco Picone, Italy; Theano Terkenli, Greece; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands
15:30—16:00 Coffee break
Session 7 — Cultures and civilizations for peace
§ Chair: Maria Paradiso, University of Sannio, Italy
§ Keynote speakers: Mongi Bousnina, Director General of the Organisation Arabe pour l’Éducation, la Culture et les Sciences (ALECSO), Tunisia; Fabrizio Eva, University of Venice at Treviso, Italy
§ Contributions by: Orietta Casali, Italy; Paul Claval, France; Roberto Christian Gatti, Italy; Yukio Himiyama, Japan; Annarita Lamberti, Italy
Wednesday, December 14
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Roma, Main Conference Room, Museo del Corso, Via del Corso 320, Rome
08:45—09:00 Franco Parasassi, General Director of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rome, Welcome
Session 8 — Cultures and civilizations for human development
§ Chair: Antoine Bailly, Chair of the IGU Commission on Applied Geography, Switzerland
§ Keynote speaker: Paul Claval, Past Chair of the IGU Commission on The Cultural Approach to Geography, France
§ Contributions by: Tiziana Banini, Italy; Giuliano Bellezza, Italy; Gisella Cortesi, Italy; Flavia Cristaldi, Italy; Yukio Himiyama, Japan; Ricard Moren, Spain; Luca Muscarà, Italy; Nicolae Popa, Romania; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands
10:30—11:00 Coffee break
Session 9 — The UN approaches to cultures and civilizations
§ Chair: Alì Toumi, Secretary-General of the 2008 International Geographical Congress, Tunisia
§ Keynote speaker: Adalberto Vallega, President, International Geographical Union, Italy
§ Contributions by: Manuela Silvia Campanini, Italy; Lorraine Craig, Royal Geographical Society; Eckart Ehlers, Germany; Aharon Kellerman, Israel; Iuli Nascimento, France; Adalberto Vallega, Italy; Herman Th. Verstappen, The Netherlands
12:30—13:45 Lunch break
13:45—14:00 Signature of the Memo of Understanding between the Organisation Arabe pour l’Éducation, la Culture et les Sciences (ALECSO) and the International Geographical Union (IGU).
Round Table — Cultures and Civilizations for a New World
§ Chair: Ronald F. Abler, Secretary-General and Treasurer of the International Geographical Union, USA
§ Antoine Bailly, Chair of the IGU Commission on Applied Geography, Switzerland
§ Mongi Bousnina, Director General of the Organisation Arabe pour l’Éducation, la Culture et les Sciences (ALECSO), Tunisia
§ Eduardo de Mulder, Former President, International Union of Geological Science, The Netherlands
§ Leszek Kosin´ski, Former Secretary-General of the International Social Science Council, Poland
§ Alì Toumi, Secretary-General of the 2008 International Geographical Congress, Tunisia
§ Adalberto Vallega, President, International Geographical Union, Italy
15:30—15:45 Ronald F. Abler and Adalberto Vallega: Workshop conclusions
15:45—16:30 Post Workshop Press Conference
20:30—22:30 — Farewell Dinner
IGU - International Geographical Union / UGI - Union Géographique InternationaleInternational Workshop
Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development
Rome, Home of Geography
Villa Celimontana
December 12-14, 2005
Updating: November 11, 2005
C = Comment
A = Abstract
P = Paper
K = Keynote speech
Session 1 — The role of scientific approaches to cultures and civilizations
§ AASE, Tor H., Norway, The concept of ‘culture’ and some challenges of intercultural dialogue (P)
§ CLAVAL, Paul, France, Cultures et Civilisations (P)
§ GANDOLFI, Paola, The contribution of anthropology and social sciences to the scientific approaches to cultures and human development (P)
§ HIMIYAMA, Yukio, Japan, Comments for Session 1 (C)
§ LUSSANA, Elvira, Italy, Multiculturalisme et nécessité d’une reforme de la pensée (C)
§ MUSCARA, Luca, Cultural Issues in Global Geopolitics after September 11, 2001: A Gottmanian Approach (C)
§ OLIVER, Stuart Andrew, Comments for session 1 (C)
§ POPESCU, Marius, Comments for Session 1 (C)
§ TANABE, Hiroshi, Japan, Culture and Civilization: Comment from Asia (P)
§ TOUMI, Alì, Tunisia, Quelques réflexions préliminaires (P)
§ VALLEGA, Adalberto, Italy, Cultures and civilisations: A Tentative Discourse (P)
§ VALLEGA, Adalberto, Italy, Cultures and civilisations: Terms and Meanings (P)
§ WEST, Christina, Germany, The Cultures and Civilisations Initiative (C)
§ WILSON, Mark I., and COREY, Kenneth E., Planning for the Cultures and Civilizations for Human Development Action Plan (C)
Session 2 — Cultures and civilizations in a globalised world
§ DE SPUCHES, Giulia, Italy, Représentations de cultures et mondialisation (C)
§ HIMIYAMA, Yukio, Japan, Comments for Session 2 (C)
§ VALLAT, Colette, France, Entre enjeux culturel et développement local. La culture comme outil économique et socio-spatial (C)
§ VERSTAPPEN, Herman Th., The Netherlands, Some comments for the programme: Session 2 (C)
§ WERLEN, Benno, Germany, Cultures in a Globalised World (A)
Session 3 — Nature, culture, and sustainable development
§ BORGHI, Rachele, LANDO Stefano, SORIANI Stefano, Italy, Réflexions sur le concept d’héritage culturel (P)
§ CALCAGNO MANIGLIO, Annalisa, Italy, Comments for Sessions 3 and 4 (C)
§ DEMATTEIS, Giuseppe, Cultural heritage and cultural diversification in a global society (P)
§ HIMIYAMA, Yukio, Japan, Culture and Civilization vs. Sustainable Development in East Asia (P)
§ HIMIYAMA, Yukio, Japan, Comments for Session 3 (C)
§ MINOIA, Paola, Italy, Civilization of Water in the Nubian Region (P)
§ OLIVER, Stuart Andrew, Comments for session 1 (C)
§ PANIZZA, Mario, Earth Sciences, Culture and Sustainable Development (P)
§ SINGH, R.B., India, Integrating Geographical Mosaics of Culture, Environment and Human Development: The Indian Experience (A and K)
§ VALLEGA, Adalberto, Italy, Cultural Diversity and Island Civilizations (P)
§ VALLEGA, Adalberto, Italy, Diversity: A Multi-faceted Concept (P)
§ VERSTAPPEN, Herman Th., The Netherlands, Some comments for the programme: Session 2 (C)
§ YU, Woo-ik, Back to Nature? A Case of the Cheonggyecheon Stream Restoration (A)
§ ZANETTO, Gabriele, Italy, A Management-oriented Perspective to deal with Nature
Session 4 — The social perceptions and imaginations, and their geographical implications
§ CALCAGNO MANIGLIO, Annalisa, Italy, Comments for Sessions 3 and 4 (C)
§ CASTI, Emanuela, Italy, La cartographie en tant que moyen d’icônisation du territoire de l’autre (C)
§ MUSCARA, Luca, Cultural Issues in Global Geopolitics after September 11, 2001: A Gottmanian Approach (C)
§ CORNA PELLEGRINI, Giacomo, Italy, Cultural geography, geo-politics and cognitive imagination
§ RIAD, M., Egypt, Culture Change: contact and confrontation With Special reference to the Middle East & Egypt (K)
Session 5 — Cultures and civilization in educational systems