From My Heart

I send this email to those who are involved in our 10:23am Services on Sunday. I believe God is moving us into a new Season as a Group and a Church. This "New Season" is not about me being Hired as the New Pastor. This New Season is about us continuing the Legacy that has been Passed down to us. FBC Chanute' has a Legacy of being a "Beacon" of Hope to people who are unloved, lost, least, and left out.

This Legacy is committed to "Being Present" in our Community through ministries like the FireEscape Coffeehouse, Cherry St., Faith House, ACCL, and Soup Line to name a few. The Legacy of our Church is to have our Members, Attenders, and Partners to be very involved in movements and causes outside of the 4 walls of the Church Bldg.

This Legacy is also committed to being a "Bible Believing People". We will always be a Church that wrestles with translating and interpreting scripture properly to ensure we are a Righteous People pleasing God with our Lives. Love for the Word of God has always been a Passion here at FBC Chanute.

This Legacy is committed to Loving and Accepting People right where they are. As tempting as it is for us to judge people and want to fix them for the Lord. We have learned to look at people like Jesus did and accept them where they are in their Walk.

The Last Piece of the Legacy is "Organic Discipleship". While most Churches program discipleship and encourage their people to go through "The Program". Our Church tries to offer tools to leaders that will help them lead others to a Divine Union with Christ. It's My Belief that Over the last several years because of the cultural pull, needs of "New believers", and Lack of Connection in General the culture has with the Church. The enemy has gotten a foot hole in our "Organic Discipleship" model and is derailing "New Believers" in their Walks with Christ. This Last Sunday those of us that attended the Lunch and Learn were persuaded to Pray for the next 90 days about what it would take for us to ensure that we were putting our "best step forward" in intentional discipleship for "New Believers" Here are several things to pray for

1. Our Temptation to be too program driven.

2. Our Temptation to be too busy to get involved in the lives of "New Believers".

3. Our Temptation to forget that Sanctification takes a lifetime.

Pray with us as we try to continue in the Legacy that has been passed down to us and Continue in the Mission of Advancing the Precious Gospel to our Community and to the Globe.

I'm not sure if you noticed but now you can give to First Baptist Churchusing your Debit/Credit card at the Kiosklocated in the Commons Area of the Good News Center.

Cool thing also is that you can use your phone or device also for Giving by downloading the free SecureGive app from the App Store or Google Play market.

If you have any questions please contact the Church office. 620-431-2910


Still on the lookout for someone to give the Website a Face Lift. Let me know if you are interested.

Last Sunday

Wonderful Time in the Lord. Spoke to Several Visitors after the Service and 2 Families got to Eat last week through our SOFAS Ministry.

Visitors Last Week

Jean Audiss

Cas Audiss

Nate Audiss

Jenna Greer

Bailey McGaugh

Dillon and Raney Rapp

This Sunda​y

​This Sunday Chelsy Wright will be speaking on Rahab. The 10:30am Service was blessed by her Sermon last week. Thought provoking and challenging Chelsy will be looknig at the Life of the Prostitute Rahab and How #BIGGOD used her to Accomplish his Purpose on this Planet #BIGGOD

Rick Murphy is the Deacon in Charge of the Service and Dave Reinhardt is our Worship Leader.

Final Thoughts

Trusting God in Dark Days is never easy in our strength. Instead of spending your energy trying to brighten your day. Spend your energy staying tethered to the Son.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Mattthew 11:28-30 (MSG)

Upcoming Events

Feb. 18th Women's Retreat​


Bring in | build up | Send out

Dj Dangerfield|Team pastor

First Baptist Church Chanute

118 North Forest Chanute, Ks 66720
