6th Six Weeks Test Study Guide Name ______

1. What does conflict mean?(dictionary) Give examples of 2 conflicts we studied.


Ex: ______Ex: ______

2. What does indigenous mean? (dictionary)


  • Nameanindigenous tribethatwasfound in South America? Guns, Germs, and Steel


3. According to Jared Diamond, the reason that people around the world developed in different ways was dependent on the type of ______they had.

  • Why was “this” so important to human development? Guns, Germs, and Steel


  • What were the disadvantages of being in different climate zone? Guns, Germs, and Steel



4. European Influence on the Indigenous Tribes of the New World – Read & complete chart

Great changes both positive and negative came with the European invasion and Columbian Exchange. In some ways, Europeans made life easier and morepositive.They brought new crops, ideas, horses, cows and sheep. Through Christian missionaries, the natives were introduced to Christianity, a formal education, inventions, and better healthcare. Many people feel that there were only negative effects from being colonized.

The Europeans conqueredthenatives of the New World which decreased their populations, because the Europeans had more advanced technology (guns and steel). In addition to more advanced technology,Europeans unknowingly brought deadly diseases (germs), that the indigenous people had no immunities to and 95% of them died. The Europeans also took their land and changed the natives’ cultural structure. Therefore, the indigenous peoples became dependenton themanufactured goodsfromEurope.To sum up, it can be said that before the invasion of the Europeans, native peoples wereindependent and self-sufficient.

Positive / Negative

6. Summarize the Columbian Exchange using the graphic above.




7. These pictures illustrate a time from the 1700’s -1800’s, when goods began to be produced by machines. This led to a rapid increase in the amount of goods that were produced and more technological advances led to exponential growth in population. What is this event called?


8. After slavery was abolished the Atantic Slave Trade ended. The Europeanscould no longer use Africans for labor in the New World. The Europeans then decided to colonize Africa for it’s land, natural resources, cheap labor and markets. There was a mad dash to divide up the land and thishistorical event is called the ______. Today, Africa still has unstable governments,corruption, civil war, and poor human rights partially due to the creation of political boundaries created by the Europeans at the Berlin Conference in 1884. These new boundaries disrupted the already existing tribal boundaries.(class activity & power point)


9. How do the graphics above illustrate that European countries wanted to colonize Africa?




10. During the 1800’s,the newly settled African colonies were’nt enough to satisfy theunending greed of the European powers. This started a world wide competition to build empires.Europeans needed raw materials to manufacture products that the new colonies would be forced to buy. Therefore, European nations especially Britain, set out to claim as much of the world as they could. Believing they were superior increasednationalism andin their eyes justified their rightto dominate other people.What is thename of the political policythat supportsstronger nations taking over weaker nations for their own gain? ______


The Cake of Kings and Emperors- Europe dividing China What is the message of this political cartoon?

11. Britain and France claimed much of the world by 1900. After the scramble and colonization of Africa, European powers became unbalanced. These rivaliescontributed to the start of World War I. Germany lostWWI, had to sign theTreaty of Versailles, give back land, and pay reparationsfor damages fromthe war. How dothe results of WW Iconnect to the beginning of World War II? The Road to Warvideo notes, graphics below

Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles



12. What event forced the U.S. to end isolationism and enter WWII? Road to WarVideoNotes

13. During WWII, Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s economic hardships. He ordered the killing of millions of Jews and other persecuted groups. What is this event called?

14. In 1934, German scientists discovered nuclear fission, which occurswhen alarge number of atoms split very quickly resulting in amassive explosion.Albert Einstein, who was German and Jewish,fled Germany as Hitler came to power.Einstein informed President Roosevelt about the power of the atomic bomb. Soon,U.S. military leaders and Enrico Fermicreated theManhattan Projectin Los Alamos, NewMexico to develop the bomb. Einstien was asked to work on the project but declined based on moral grounds.WW II ended when the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of______and ______. google

15. A.What is apartheid? B.Where did it happen and who set it up? C.What happened in 1994?


16. Read The Long Walk to Freedom, about Nelson Mandela’s time in prison.

Who are the oppressed ______and who are the oppressors ______?

What did he want for all people to do?


17. Who are the leaders of theAXIS POWERSand what country are they from?WWII video



18. Who are the leaders of the ALLIED POWERS and what country are they from?WWII Vid Notes


Political Locations:

Ghana / Tanzania / Nigeria / Madagascar / Liberia / Sudan / Kenya
Somalia / Ethiopia / South Africa / DRC / Chad / Uganda / Rwanda

Physical Locations:6

Mt. Kilimanjaro / Sahara D. / Sahel / Red Sea / Congo R. / Indian O. / Mediterranean S.
Rock of Gibraltar / Suez Canal / Lake Victoria / Nile R. / Atlantic O. / Niger R. / Kalahari D.