Archdeacon Irons’ Notes – GLASTON


1409John Lyndon R. (St Andrews’) Linc (Leic?) Will Rep 35. mentions a road called Postgate at end of Glaston town & the bridge at Veynge

1454circ. In margin Early Chanc Proc B 50 N 239 John Cly son of Walter son of John son of Jane sister of Robt Haryngton kt. father of Margaret mother of Thomas Braunspath esq vers William Assheby. Manor of Glowyston (Leic) & nd of Glaston.


1546May 12Mr Skevyington R. het ad exhib bras ordin

1547There were lamp land here

1553Anth Skevington R of Glaston, also of Shelton, & of Lutterworth: beg. 11s to the Hosp of Newyke, Liec – mentions his nephews George & Ffrancis, and calls Anthony Colly his brother: beg. money to the poor of Seyton. Will proved 15 Jan 1553 (Northern Wills P 289)

1557William Palmer, the Rector, was suspended on 15 May (?b id Maii 2 pap Pauli) by Reginald Cardinal Polus, acting as legate, for an unlicensed Plurality, he being Rector of Carlton to which he had been presented on 26 Jun of that year: a copy of this document is preserved in the Peterborough Dioc. Reg. under date

1570John Kyrtle & John Thomlinson think that ther chancel windowes be broken

1570William Preston have gotten Elizabeth Sharp with child (ipsa habitat apd magrum Ellawayes)

1570William Pammer, rect

1571Sep 18William Palmer, Rector, ordained (by lett dea. pr: Ed S bp of Pet

1575(In margin BM Store 570) John Flower JP for Wrangdike Hund

1575Jul 2John Dallamore liveth in advoutrie with divers (diners?)

1575Jul 2Margaret Dudley & her dr Elizabeth: they are scolds, & unquiet amongst their neighbours John Dallaware

1576circ Thos Brightman & Wm Bachelor vers Rich Warters rec a debt of £100 due from Anthony Collye to Rich Warters (Exch K K Bills & Ans 9 Rute)

1577when the matter was again investigated. (see 1557 re suspension of Wm Palmer) A dispensation for him to hold the two livings was issued in 1563 Jan 30 (? 1 Jan) by Matthew Abp of Canterbury from the Court of Faculties and confirmed by royal Letter Patent given as 10 Feb 6 Eliz

1579Abel Smith presented to G Rectory by Elizabeth (6 Jul 21 Eliz) Copy in Bp’s Registry.

1579Feb 3John Kirke and John Tomlinson late wardens of the parish church summoned for making no return which however they exhibited on Mar 3.

1581MayMr Anthony Collye & his wife hath not received the Communion this twelvemonth & Jan 9

John (in margin servt of ) Collye, simlr: & Oct’82: also 8jv.’33: & Jul’83

Edward Wymarke, did not receive Communion at Easter last

Mr Roose, simlr

Mgra Maria Darknold, simlr

Agnes Sence, simlr

1582OctThey lacke a minister: also they lacke the Communion: & 11 Dec

1582Dec 11Rector excomm:

1583Apr 8MrColly & his wife, utsupra: 9 Jan ’81: & Jul ‘83

Mr Rowland Corbie, siml: & Jul ‘83

1584Jan 26Agnes ffreston & John Titlarve: forn: child; & 27 Oct this fact of Agnes ffreston before my L in the Court of Audience

1586Feb 11The common rumer or fame is that Wm Pepper & Mrs Wimarke have committed adulterie together. Effugit W.P.

1586May 3They laike a Commun: booke & the churche leades are out of repaire - They want quarter sermons

We have not our Evening Prayer orderlie; neither our hourlie (homilie) one Sondaies

1587Jun13Rowlan Dalby & Ellen Greenwood for comm.. adult. & she is with child as she saithe

1587Oct 24Mr Collye hath not recd the H.C. sithens the tyme appointed

1588Dec 10Radulf Barre and Joan Holte for committing ffornication

1589circ Everardus Dygbye R ibm Sanct. Theol. Bacc. Eccles valet xijli

Willus Hutton Cur ibm in art bacc ordin p dum Edmund Pet epins x Apr. 1581 (?7) et stip. xli

1589Feb 10Mr Hutton, Cur. item to certify, why he has neglected his charge without leave & Mar 24

1590Mr Dygbie R of G: & Mr Banackore, Ward: absent from Archd’s Visitat

1590Apr 28The same: (ie Mr Hutton, Cur. item to certify, why he has neglected his charge without leave) also on 3 Mar ‘92

1591Mr Digbye, rector. Mr Hutton, Cur.The parson is not resident

1591The Curate hath noe licence

1591The parsonage house and Chancell windowes are in decaie

1591Jun 25see 1592 Oct 6 – in margin ‘and on 1591 Jun 25’

1591Sep 17Anth Collie gen farmer of the Reay & a Wm … raff & H J Sharpe. Withold tithes

1591Oct 11William Tayler keepethe ale house and harbrethe bad suspic ect people and off late + (= harbouring) aborn a (woman) greate with childe suspected off ill livinge

1592cB M Harl 2129 (Notes by Mr Vincent of Kent) Here lyeth Sr John Beanspath which was made Kt he … dyed the year 1443

Hic iacet Johes et Elizab filia Tho: dygby (? ashby) de quenby on a gravestone

In Lindon natus Johes sic vocatus lingue limatus

[apud?] Oxoniam graduatus ? doctor formatus Aule Merton sociatus

Oxonie gratus Commisarius reputatus ? Glaston platus /iacet hic sub marmore stratus?moribus ornatus sil et cum Christo beatus hic requietem .. prima ? Annos millenos quadrengenos lege plenos

Trinos et sens nunc cellos scandit camelios

{In Margin

This John of Linden was R in 1418 [correction? d 1409] (see Beauties of England & Wales xij pt 2)

Also a memorial to Walt. Colley & Agnes his wife (1407)}

1592May 3Mrs Collye wife of Anthony C of Glaston for not cominge to church: to pay 7s

Ellena Greenwood for not administering with Wm Palmer to pay 7s

Wm Palmer: to pay 7s

1592Jun 7Mrs Collye]

Ellena Greenwood } excomm: 20 Jun

Wm Palmer]

1592Oct 6Willm Hutton, cl. & Mistress Colly relic of Antony Colly: Edward Andrewes natural brother of Anthony Andrewes, husband of Jane A, defunct sought in the name of Anthony & Katharine Andrews children of the sd Jane rel of Anthony A. of Bisbrooke def that whereas securitie by lawe was given to his worship by Mr Anthony Colly late of Glaston dec, Wm Hutton, cl, aperioc & Wm Sharpe, yeoman, that a true & perfect inventory of all & singular the goods & chattels & debts of the sd Jane Andrews dec shld be given & exhibited into his worshipp’s office before the 2nd day of Feruary next after the date of letters of administration of the goods & chattels & debts of the sd Jane Andrews, the sd Mr Anthony colly & that the sd Mr A.C. shld make a true & just accompte of his doings therein when he shoulde be lawfully called thereunto. Anth Colly being now dead, He seeks leave to su..

1592Nov 21The chancell windows are out of repaire & psonage is likewise oute of repair

Mr Colly doth not reapire to the churche nor doth not receive the Communion nor hath not longe time to our knowledge.

Jane, wife of Wm Skampton liveth incontinently

1593Jun 28Wm Hutton, Cur. in causa Cored. ? Thos Markham & Anthony his son. There brawled & scoulded in the churche everye Sundaie and hollidaye at nights & that he would prove it by the whole parishe

1594Dygbie, R.

1594Nov 9Thos Markeham & Alic his wife: Rowland Markeham & Garthrude, his wife they have not received the Communion this twelvemonth.

1595Jun 7Alice markham not recq the Comm at E. last

Rowland Corbie, simlr

Edward Harrison, smlr

1595Jun 7Isabel Jordan ward of Mrs Arundel comm. incontinency with whom we know not

1595Jun 7Wife of Kinge (see morcott sub dat)

1595Jun 7Henry Harrington to amend the mounds of the churchyard and the … window

1598Jan 11Willmus Hutton, cl, lic. to serve as priest at Glaiston

1598Nov 18 Mr Dygbye for not being resident with us there xij monthes nor dothe not preache on the monthe nor quarter but we ourselves do hier another: &29 Nov & 20 Dec & 15 Jan & 23 Jan & 13 Feb & 27 Feb & 13 Mar

1599Jan 28(Jul?) See Bisbrooke

1599May 10Mr D. answers that he hath a qualification for his non res. & doth preche quarterly acc to thinjunction. (see May 10 1598)

1599May 10Thos. Bov … & Eliz Ward: & May 7

1604Sep 10Walter Baker, cl, AM was presented to the R by Thomas Baker, gen. in pursuance of a right granted by Anthony Colly esq & Elizabeth his wife to Sir John Harryington from whom he obtained the grant. John Greene who had been instituted on the presentation of Edward King with the consent of Elizabeth his wife (relict of Anthony Collye) decided to resign the living. The next Rector was was presented by James I in right of Anthony Collye, minor.

1604Oct 31Mr Everard Digby our pson is non residt

1604Nov 29John Green, cl. AM. lic to serve as priest in G

1610May 9Joh Thacker for living as the report is with one dwelling in Leicestershire.

1610May 9Ellen Jenkinson for a recusant.

1610Nov 3Ward pres that our churche doth want bells as by lawe we ought to have

1611Nov 8Our churche is in decae: the leades of the churche are oute of repaire

They have but one bell, they had 2 bells sent to Lester to cast & they were left

1611Nov 8John Flower q.. for not cominge to the churche: Thos Langley of Gl stated the sd Flower doth for beare to come to churche only in respect of his sickness and age & that he hath recd holy Communion with him the sd Langley about a month after Easter last

1611Nov 26To certify of the having againe of 2 bells that were lost.

1612Jun 13Our churche to be out of repaire & that it wanteth bels

1613To call upon them for there booke of Christenings

1613Sep 30the Wardens bill is not forthcoming

1614They want Jewell’s works

1614May 18Wardens present bill

1614Jun 3Widow Wright for a common scowld – likewise Widow Barker

1614Sep 22See under Uppingham

1614Oct 12John Alexander incont ante nupt

1616Jun 14Anth ffedd & Thos Vyne: ad cerif de repar campane: monil. f.. pux Mich.

Rich Harris of Harringworth for not paying his levye towards the buying of a bell, having a farm in G:- solv 6s

1616Jun 28Rich Harris of Harringworth for not payinge his levy towards the buyinge of a bell, having a ffarm in Glason

1616Jul 12Rich H (as above Jun 14): deceit est pro eod viis of modis

1616Jul 27Itis 9s which is due for the sd Harris to paye for the sd (geffhel). The Gard affirm that the sd Thomas Harris nor by other did not ofer them the sum of 9s although the same was diverse tymes demanded

1619May 11Anth Fedd & Wm Wotton, wardens: warned to repair their steeple & their bells and to certify.

1619May 11Edward Harris for playing at scales on the Sabothe daie in service time

1619May 29Anthony ffedd & Wm Witt monished to repayre their steeple & their bells

1619May 29Edward Harris – playing at scales on the Sabothe daye in service time. The Wardens state that there was such a fame (game?) that the aforesaid Harris should aboule a xij month since play at scales. Harris states that he hath not played at scales within these xij months upon Sabothe daye.

1619May 29Elizabeth Bullyvant: to certify pen: & 22 Jun

1619Jun 22Wardens to certify rag reprs by St Bartholomew: & 9 Jul: & 23 Jul: & 14 Sep: & 2 Oct: & 19 Oct

1620Jun 19Solomon Quenborowe for not rec. of the Comm at Easter last

1620Jul 6They want a fire ?fore/- bell.

1620Jul 28Susanna wife of Wm Harrison: for not ? the Comm at Easter last

1620Oct 9Thomas Pudman & Johana his wife ant. nupt. formic.

1624Jul 2Edward Wakefield for being marryed to Mary Andrew at Dodington by Mr Story in Dodington churche withoute lycense or banes

1624Jul 2Simon Castor for abusinge of Edward Harris in the churchyarde being churchwarden.

1624Jul 19Sim. Castor admits that he did give the sd Harris some evil speeches and is monished that from henceforth he do not give fother speeches

1625Nov 10Catharine Harryson for a common scowld as the fame goeth

1626Jun 20Edward Harris & Susannah H. not recevinge the Comm.

Susannah Harris guilty of adultery with Wm Harrison her servt. To purge herself 6 Jun

1626Jun 20Edw Harris: not receavinge the Comm at Easter last

Susanna his wife: sim

Wm Harrison: silnt

1626Oct 26Cuth Deacon farmer of R gt Edw Harris: Tithe case

1627Jan 10See Edith Weston

1627May 10Edward Haris for not paying his levies to the church

1627May 29Edward Harris not certifying payment of his levies to the parishe churche

1628Apr 29Cuthbert Deacon farmer of G. gt Thos Harryson of Manton. Tithe withheld

1628Jul 31Susan sent to Mr Billingsley is with child by one of Sr Anthony Colly’s men

1628Sep 18Ana Sudborowe maid of Mr Billingsley with child by one of Sr Anthony Colley’s men.

1630Aug 4Edwd Harris being absent from the ch there.

1631Nov 17Daniel Larrat pres by the Rect Mr Billingsley for being absent from Morning Prayer upon the 16th day of October And for coming extraordinary late to divine service both at morninge & eveninge prayer upon the 23d of this month of October to the great offence of the congregation . . D.L. admits he hath come somewhat late to churche & for not kneelinge at the litany He is monished to come in due time for prayers & his kneeling at the letany.

Daniel Larrat for sitting at the time of the reading of the letany And also for not suffering of John Alexander the parish Clerk to sit in the seat wherein he was placed by Mr Billingsley but also established by Mr Richard Johnson. D.L. states that the seat in the churche wherein the sd Alexander doth sit doth belong to the sd respondent’s house & that Mr billingsley did place him there without this respondent’s consent.

1633Jan 16They have not a house for the minister

They have never a cloth nor cushion for the pulpit

1634Feb 11Mr Ffarren R. hath suffered some lands belonging to the said church to be inclosed without license first obtained from the Ordinary, & on 5 May 1636 Mr F admitted there are some church lands inclosed since his time without the bishops or ordinary consent

1635May 4Willmus Bacon A M lic to serve Cure & act as Sch Master

1635Jun 25Parish clerk not allowed of by the Bp

1635Sep 17Wm Ducker travels abroad on Sundays: he was at Preston 5 Jul and there (then?) kept the servts in disorder day & night to the great offence of the parishioners.

1635Dec 15John Dilsorth of Pilton & Ellinor Parkins of G Incont

1635Dec 15Some seats in their church want repair.

1636Jan 26Former wardens not having repaired four seats in the church.

1636Feb 16Wardens not certif. & repayre of certen seates in the churche, juxt morit (& Jan 26, 2Feb)

1636Feb 16Edward Harris does not appear

1636May 5Mr ffarren, R of Glaston: that he hath consented and suffered the lands belonging to the Rectory of G to be alienated and changed without the consent of his Ordinary. The R. answers that he did not know that it was contrary to the Canon or other lawes of this Realm to alienate Churche lands withoute the consent of the Ordinary of the Diocese where suche lands were to alienated and therefore he did ignorantly consent to the said alienation without the consent of the Ordinary. Mr F. is suspended ab executio ne officii et a beneficio

1636May 9Monday. Mr ffarren sought absolution, also divers inhabitants of G came forward & stated that no injury had been done to the said churche of G & asked that a Commission shld be appointed to investigte the matter: accordingly commissioners were selected namely William Greenhill, Clk, chaplain to the Bp + John Knowsley STB Rect of Tansor: William Worthington, cl . MA R of Barnwell St And: + Thos Dillingham cl AM Rect of Barnwell All Saints to superintend and overlook the lands belonging to the R of Glaston as to quality and worth: the suspension of the sd R is withdrawn meanwhile

1636Jun 21Edward Harris for striking one James Jackson in the sd. church as the fame goeth. E.H. states he did not strike the sd Jackson in the ch. but did put him back with his hand he the sd Jackson offering to intrude himself into the said Harris his seate. – Harris sent away with a warning .

1636Dec 15Wm Billingsley was married at Stamford dioc Lin. to the dr of Noah Tookey of South Luffenham dioc Pet.

1637Jul 31The Rector is absolved from Aug 1 (see May 1636)

1639- ’81 William Halls MA collat to Preb V of Pet. Cath. 5 Nov 1642 ob 1681: bur at G. where he was R: was also R of Morcott, but no memorial at either church

1639William Halls, R. – A.M. Preb V of Peterborough and R of Glaston (£120 a year) He served the cure for 2 years after his sequestration , not being allowed anything. At lengh he was forced to retire with his wife & six children, his goods & books having been seized three times by the Parliament soldiers & three times bought back by his friends. The last party who came entered in their inventory a pot hanging over the fire. The good gentlewoman Mrs Halls asked whether they intened to enter the beef & pudding boyling in it for the children’s dinners? No, they answered, they intended to eat there when their business was over. Then said she Pray gentlemen be pleased to enter my children among the rest of the goods. No was the answer we intend to leave them to you instead of your fifths. No fifths were paid except by Mr Thos. Phillips who when the soldiers retired sent for Mr Halls & invited him back. Mr Phillips who was not an ejected Minister died V (?) of Elton.

1662Calamy & Palmer} Mr Thos Philips neither ejected nor silence (lest DrWalker

Noncon. Mens } nd of Glaston (de Bauc Roll 362m35d) contains Haryngton pedigree

1662Mr Halls R. of G. also R of Morcott

1662Mr Halls (Bp’s Visit) exht bras ordin Inst & Induc & solv Exlis

1688Sea Char Comm Petty Bag Off. Pt 43.1 W & M. Rytl 25

1754The Rectory of G from 17.. to 1861 was annexed to the Mastership of Peterhouse in Cambridge and no institution of Rectors occur between 1734 and 1861

1803cThis related of Francis Barnes, Mr of Peterhouse, Cambridge & R of Glaston 1788-1838 that on one occasion only did he try to visit Glaston but that having travelled from Cambridge to Stamford by post he became tired of the journey & returned to Cambridge without proceeding farther.

Extra notes for Glaston

Willm Palmer R from 1554-79 on presentat of Anthony Colleye,esq. In 1557 he was suspended by Reginald Cardinal Pole, acting as a papal legate, for an unlicenced plurality he being also R of Carlton (preb in Leics, near Hinkley) to which he had been recently presented. The matter was again taken up in 1563 when Matthew (Parker) Abp of Canterbury issued a dispensation from the court of Facalties for him to hold both benefices & this action was confirmed by letters patent of Elizabeth. Copies of all these documents are preserved at Peterborough under date 1577. This Rector does not appear to have been ordained priest until 18 Sept 1571.

In 1570 it is reported that the chauncell windowes be broken.

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