Veterans Colleague Networking Group minutes for 19 Aug 2013
Present were Bob Stundtnder, Emily Franco, CAPT Jim Horten, Edgar
Johnson, Glenn Larratt, Steve Headrick, Brian Watso, Sue Withers,
and Dave Juers.
Emily Franco called the meetng to order at 1212, with a round of
At 1214, Emily raised the issue of forwarding a solicitation for funds
to the mailing list. Jihn Quigley brings forth two opportunities for
Army PA training - is this appropriate to send out to the mailing list?
Some discussion; we would not *endorse* such things, but we can share
them. The question was raised whether we need an organizational
policy or guideline on this question in general; no clear consensus
was reached.
At 1217, leftover bookmarks created for the SEED event were distributed;
Emily would love input on making them better.
At 1218, Emily reported for Rick on event planning: the informal event
is scheduled for 4:30-6:30 on September 10th at Moakley House; the menu
is set, the space reserved, Emily will send around a reminder to the
mailing list.
At 1221, Emily reported for Brendan on Team Red, White, and Blue: we
are reviewing priorities we've established; the notion is to plan eight
weekly events to go into a rotation - possible coaching opportunities,
adopt-a-highway, etc. This could evolve into a framework for our
community service efforts. Bob Stundtner recommends Henry Crans to
Brendan as a contact - he is an Air Force veteran who works for
Cornell Outdoor Education. Much discussion was had.
At 1232, Cassie Joseph reported on Public Relations: Alumni Affairs &
Development came across two alumni who want to contribute to
veteran-support work; Cassie is talking to AA&D about this, and will
forward information on as it develops. Cassie is also in touch with a
fledgling veteran support group at Northwestern that's looking for
At 1234, Cassie distributed a draft of Human Resources' 2013-4 Project
Initiation Plan for Veteran Strategy; she reports that it is currently
in its infancy. There was some discussion of "gaps", particularly
those concerning student-related veteran support; Cassie and Edgar
are interested in suggestions or other feedback.
At 1243, Marv Hankinson and George Kelly of Project New Hope
( spoke to us about that program. The
national organization began in Minnesota to provide weekend retreats,
information, counseling, financial advice to veterans and their
families. The New York facility includes a swimming pool, a pond with
boats, massages (provided by students from the Finger Lakes School),
an icebreaker campfire, and counseling opportunities. Project New Hope
allows the participants to define "family" as they see fit, and
includes all desired family. The program is not structured to *require*
counseling, but it is available. New York's program doesn't yet have
this, but PNH programs in eigh other states (out of 12) provide
couseling specific to female veterans and Gold Star families. The New
York facility is ideally situated and appointed to provide hunting
opportunities, though that part of the program is not yet developed.
The facility has 41 buildings, of which two are suitable for year-round
The mission of PNH is to help veterans and their families re-integrate
after wartime service; the New York program provides other support as
well (veterans with MS, FRG's). The biggest challenge is visibility,
marketing, and public relations.
There are currently 8 families registered, 1 tentative, and 1 open
slot for the August 23rd weekend; no registrations yet for the
September 13th weekend. The camp is also potentially available during
the off-season; it is a good place for seminars or other get-togethers.
VCNG members are welcome if anyone wants to come out this weekend.
George and Marv's experience is that individuals within the Veterans
Administration are enthusiastic about PNH, but somewhere up the chain
support dwindles. There are currently two counselors, with a third
coming onboard. A Pennsylvania instance of the program is about to
start, and some people from that program are coming to the August
weekend here.
Emily volunteered to pass materials and information to Kevin Justian.
Q(Dave Juers): what is the geographic distribution of the families
PNH serves?
A: All over New York State; the Agust weekend includes families from
Greece, NY, Ft. Drum, and towns east of Binghamton.
Q:(Emily): So there are two events per year?
A: typically 3-5; this year has had unusual constraints.
At 1308, we turned discussion to the Vietnam Veterans Commemorative
Partnership. Emily reports that we're thinking around Veterans Day for
the first event; further, we're thinking perhaps to dovetail that with
the Disability CNG joint event and/or the Sharing Our World event.
At 1314, we discussed slots in the Yellow Ribbon program; we need to do
research so as to be able to petition to increase the number.
Q(Steve Headrick): This is the first year the application for admission
allows veteran self-identifcation; is there followup outreach to
self-identified veteran applicants/matriculees?
A: Yes, infromation is being provided to those who self-identify.
At 1319, we turned to the issue of a perment Cornell employee veterans
representative, with the notion of working toward a campus veterans
center. Cassie reports that Kevin is collecting data in support of
this; Bob pointed out that this has been a priority since we began,
and that it's an ongoing multi-year priority.
At 1321, we discussed red, white, and blue cords for Commencement; there
was uncertainty as to whether these were cords or tassels, and what
specifically is involved.
At 1322, other issues were discussed:
- annual Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans; Emily is to contact
Neil; Kevin is already planning to make an appearance;
- committees address specific issues were created:
- Edgar Johnson, Dave, Bob: Veterans Day/VVCP event committee
- Cassie: DCNG joint event committee
- Brendan Kraft in abs., Steve: Team Red, White and Blue committee
- Cassie, Emily: initial research Yellow Ribbon/Commencement cords
At 1333, Bob raised the issue of a document from the Southern Tier
Veterans Support Group that was too big for mailing to the Listserv;
Cassie is to send a copy to Glenn Larratt for posting to the Confluence
At 1335, Dave noted that he posted a "veteran friendly" sign on his
office door, and has had three folks walk in and talk so far.