PSO Board Meeting, 12/16/16, 11:30-1:00pm

Dempsey Hall, Room 333

Call to Order:

Approval of Oct 2016 Minutes:

General Session:

  • President/Vice President Report
  • Budget - all committees should have submitted budgets by now
  • Larry/Aileen: Proposal and comments for online Pro Staff skills list repository (similar to the APL P-Finder program) Many PRO staff on soft-money. When groups run out of money, a solution is often to reduce PRO staff to 50% or “lay off” (?) - an IT system was developed for scientists/engineers/PI’s - “P-Finder” program - 2 sides to it - folks on layoff list or folks who want to supplement their FTE, some PI’s also post that are looking for SW / Electrical engineer, etc. Helps Pro staff find work. Could we “not put people on a layoff list” but instead have a program to find bridge funds or get the in to another group that needs them. Layoff means (even if hired back right away) person loses accrued vacation/sick leave. APL program may not be suitable for campus wide use (homegrown, more engineer focused?) Exploration of U-Temp system (?) Layoff is not for cause, its for lack of work, lack of funds, reorg... People use U-Temp as an avenue to keep the 8 hrs a month needed to keep accrued vacation/sick/seniority (is this right?) while they look for another position or funding. P-Finder is simply a matching tool. U-Hires/U-Temp are mechanisms to set up the appointment/hire. There is a cost to hiring unit to using U-Temp. Ask: How can we kick this off? Put this initiative on the spring meeting with UW HR. Is there a conflict / competition / overlap between P-Finders and U-Temp? People may use a combination or all of these tools to network and find something.
  • Action item: Put Pro staff matching tool (like Pfinder) initiative on the spring meeting with UW HR
  • Scholarship committee met yesterday, still waiting for some ratings from some folks
  • Transportation Committee update - Ann Eskridge (new transportation services director - as of last week)
  • Brief discussion about bike cages - must reserve a specific cage / possible proposal “U” designation for bike permits - can use any cage?
  • Tent city - Fisheries - Aqua verde - boat street - in W35 next to Wallace hall - portage bay garage. Moving in this weekend. 8 ft chain link fence around entire site. Accommodations for about 100 people - will be there Dec 17-March ?. Tents / Dorms / Porta potties, pallet platforms, Showers / Drug free. This is the 70th time the group has moved. Volunteers needed for all kinds of activities - construction, serving food, etc. There is rent paid to be a part of the community. Sponsored by Sharewheel. Tent city pays for all the services that they need (dumpster, ) website - “UW Addressing Homelessness”
  • Action item: Sponsor a meal for Tent City
  • Intention: Want to partner/contribute with Tent City. Mindset - supporting - informing - not looking for praise or recognition.
  • Action item: Tent city: PSO Newsletter item - fundraising ask - how to learn more
  • Tent city: Pick a date - March ?
  • Tent city: Events committee - also put on the Volunteer Opportunities page (Need 5 to 8 people per meal)
  • Some discussion of the “Donate to PSO” link on the web page - the link to “online donation” doesn’t work as expected
  • Action item: Link on PSO web site for “online donation” just goes to a bunch of PDF files -there is a simpler way that we should link to on the PSO web site. Lets audit the # of clicks and ease of donating. “Online donate” should really be online, not just getting you to a PDF form to fill out.
  • Budget for 2016-2017 is approved
  • Action item: Put a link to the “addressing homelessness “ and “Sharewheel” site on the PSO web site:

Aileen: Clarifying the student code of conduct (both title 9 and non-title 9) Aileen is a voting member on this committee (Student Affairs?) - Wonder about reporting back responsibilities .Annette: Share information, report back, monthly updates when available. Is there messaging about the issue to the PSO constituency ?


Faculty Councils updates (if no updates, please indicate “No updates”)

  • ACADEMIC STANDARDS: FCAS is reviewing requirements for options, minors, and moving from the term competitive majors to capacity constrained. The College of Engineering is asking to revise their College Admissions process.
  • RESEARCH - I was unable to attend the meeting on 12/7 but will include an update on next meeting agenda, after the meeting notes are distributed.
  • TEACHING AND LEARNING - 12/1 meeting the council saw presentation from Mike Brown regarding Active Learning Technology and had discussion of how to implement campus wide. Also discussed Canvas Commons roll out and other IT upgrades occurring. Sub-groups discussed strategies for achieving goals set for current academic year.
  • UNIVERSITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES - 11/17 meeting the council reviewed the CMP and the One Capital Plan, with presentations by Mike McCormick and Theresa Dougherty. 12/1 meeting saw presentations on campus energy management Norm Mentor and from Capital and Space Planning. Steve Kennard
  • UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES - Since last PSO meeting, the FCUL held meetings on 11/11/16 and 12/7/16. The 11/11 meeting focused on the committee charges: To support development of policy on Digital Scholarship; to support development of a class C resolution to establish an Open Access (OA) policy; to support and offer feedback on university Open Educational Resources (OER), including the Open Textbook Network (OTN); and to offer feedback on the draft Libraries Masterplan. In the 12/7 meeting, ChelleBatchelor presented on activities to date with OER and the OTN with the libraries and specifically with the OER steering committee. Ellen Barker remains the PSO rep to the committee, but Tom Helleberg will report out as a regular guest.

The several million dollar deficit due to the parking tax back liability appears to have been paid for by taking parking citation revenues that have been historically earmarked for Active Transportation program and redirecting them to cover the deficits. When the UTC approved the parking rates and a zero-change in UPASS rates last summer, this was not mentioned as a solution. The PSO comments on the Draft master plan were entered in to the public record at the December UTC meeting. -MattW

  • MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS - No update, next meeting is Monday 12/12.
  • WOMEN IN ACADEMIA - No meeting yet. Will begin in winter 2017.
  • STUDENT AFFAIRS - The FCSA met on 11/8 and 12/6 to review draft changes to the UW Student Conduct Code (SCC) before they are forwarded to the Senate Executive Committee in March. The guests at both these meetings include Jill Lee (Executive Director, Compliance Services), Amanda Paye (Deputy Title IX/ADA Coordinator, Compliance Services), Ellen Taylor (Assistant Vice-President, Student Life), Kara Blake (Project Manager, Compliance Services), and Elizabeth Lewis (Director, Community Standards & Student Conduct).

They were present to give an update to the council on the ongoing draft Phase II changes being made to the UW Student Conduct Code (SCC). The guests explained that Phase II revisions are more substantial than Phase I, and include reevaluating the entire student conduct process at the UW, both for non-Title IX and Title IX (sexual assault) student misconduct cases. They explained the draft changes have been designed to create a more efficient and linear process, better reflect trauma informed practices, enhance transparency and understanding, and better serve the diverse community of the UW. They reported that the new Student Conduct Code is expected to be implemented in September of 2017. The guests asked the council to review the current and proposed processes.

The Associated Students of UW (ASUW) identified affordable student housing as a major concern for the undergraduate student population. A number of students commute 50 minutes to 3 hours a day to get to campus, because they cannot afford housing in the city. The FCSA has decided to look into this. Aileen is currently soliciting data on this topic from BU, NYU, Cal Berkeley and UCLA.


Committees Updates

  • Communications
  • This month we have updated the PSO web page with the following information:
  • Several updates to the web page for the scholarship committee, corrections provided by board members, and the PSO scholarship flyer was posted to the PSO FaceBook page.
  • Posted UWRP notice of Friday’s VIP fund review meeting to the News and Events page
  • Added bio for Aaron Morello but the photo he sent to me isn’t working when I add it
  • Per David Wright’s request I updated the PPT file to remove the D2D:
  • Questions to the Board on 11/8 that I would like answered so I know what to post:
  • Hi,
  • I looked around your web site and was wondering if your recent meeting minutes are posted there. Also, are the meetings open to all professional staff? If so is the schedule (time and place) listed on your web site too?
  • Thanks,
  • Sue Geier
  • Board: We did agree to post a “sanitized” version of the minutes, didn’t we? But what content do we want included?
  • Did Nancy Modolo’s question about the payroll deduction form (12/2) get an answer?
  • Budget was submitted to Annette
  • Events
  • Finance
  • Legislative:
  • Session is starting on
  • Scholarship: Received 8 applications for winter quarter 2017. Review meeting to take place on 12/15 @ 11 a.m. in Gerb 36.
