Grade-1 Islamic Studies Lesson Plan
Class Time 45 min Babul-Ilm®Week / Topics
01 / Introduction and Orientation
1.Syllabus and Course Objectives
2.Discipline in the class and Attendance policy
3.Theme of the year → Respect for Elders
02 / Introduction of Islam:
Islam means submission
Islam also means obedience
Islam is the religion of submission and obedience to Allah (SWT)
Submission and obedience to Allah (SWT) brings peace
Islam is the religion of peace
03 / Introduction of a Muslim:
Muslim is a person who submits to the will of Allah (SWT)
Muslim is a person who always obey Allah (SWT)
Muslim believes in Oneness of Allah (SWT)
Muslim believes that Prophet Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah
Muslim is a follower of Islam
04 / Review material covered in week 1-3
Quiz # 110 questions covering material from week 1-3
05 / Attributes of Allah (SWT):
Al-Ahad Allah is the One
Al-Akbar Allah is the Greatest
Al-Khaliq Allah is the Creator of every thing
Al-Baseer Allah sees every thing we do
As-Sami Allah hears every one
Ar-Rahman Allah is the Most Gracious
Ar-Raheem Allah is the Most Merciful
06 / Introduction to the Malaikah, Jinns, and Humans:
Allah created Malaikah (Angels), Jinns, and Humans
We can’t see Malaika and Jinns
Malaikah always obey Allah’s orders
Names of four important Malaikah: Jibraaeel, Mikaaeel, Israafeel, and Izraaeel
Malaikah have special duties (To be discussed later)
07 / Introduction to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) chooses Prophets and Messengers
They were all men like us but especially chosen by Allah (SWT)
They were the most pious people
They all brought the message of Allah (SWT) to us
Names of four important Prophets who brought the Books of Allah (SWT): Dawood (A), Musa (A), Eesa (A), and Muhammad (S)
There were many Prophets ( To be discussed later )
08 / Review material covered in week 5-7
Quiz # 2 10 questions covering material from week 5-7
09 / Introduction to the Divine Books:
Allah (SWT) sent Books to the Prophets.
Names of four Books: Qur’aan, Injeel, Tauraat, and Zaboor
Quraan was sent to Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
Injeel was sent to Prophet Eesa(A)
Tauraat was sent to Prophet Musa (A)
Zaboor to Prophet Dawood (A)
10 / Introduction to Five Pillars of Islam:
- Eeman (Faith) Memorization and explanation of Kalimah Tayyibah
- Salaat
- Sawm
- Zakaat and
- Hajj
11 / Importance of Salaat (To Remember Allah):
- Names and times of five obligatory (Fard) daily prayers (Salaat):
- Zuhr (Noon Prayer)
- Asr (Afternoon Prayer)
- Maghrib (Evening Prayer)
- Isha (Night Prayer)
- Importance of Wudu.(No Salaat without Wudu)
12 / Review material covered in week 9 - 11
Quiz # 3 10 questions covering material from week 9 - 11
13 / Performing Salaat:
- Individually or in Jamaat (Group)
- Basic etiquettes of Salaat (Prayers)
Clean place
Facing towards Kaabah and
Niyyah (intention) of Salaat
- Basic etiquettes of Masjid
No running or walking in front of person praying Salaat
Making straight lines
14 / Discuss Islamic rules of cleanliness:
Keeping body clean
Keeping clothes clean
Keeping room and house clean
Keeping washroom etc.
Note: Show the Video of Wudu
15 / Teach Masjid etiquettes:
Entering the Masjid with right foot first
Introduce important areas of a Masjid like Mimber, Mehraab, Rows, etc.
No talking, running, misbehaving etc. in the Masjid
No walking in front of people praying
Making straight lines while praying in Jamah (group)
Exiting the Masjid with left foot first
Note: Field trip to the local Masjid for hands-on training
16 / No Lecture
Mid-Term Exam
25 questions covering from week 1 - 15
17 / Basic qualities of a good Muslim-I:
Obeying Allah (SWT)
Following Prophet Muhammad (S)
Listening to Parents
Obeying Teachers
Always speak the truth
Be helpful to others
Note: Show Video on Salaat
18 / Duties of Malaika (Angels):
Jibraeel (A) : Brought messages of Allah (SWT) to the Prophets
Mikaeel (A) : The angel of Rain
Israfeel (A) : The blower of the Soor (Trumpet) on the Day of
Izraeel (A) : The angel of Death
Note: There are many other Angels with different duties
19 / Discuss about Shaitaan:
Shaitaan is also known as Iblees, Satan or Devil
Shaitaan (Iblees) disobeyed Allah (SWT)
Shaitaan leads you to do bad things
Do not follow Shaitaan
Say “Aoozu billahi minash-shaitaan nir-rajeem”, to seek Protection of Allah (SWT) from Shaitaan
20 / Review material covered in week 17 - 19
Quiz # 4 10 questions covering material from week 17 - 19
21 / Introduce Islamic Etiquettes-I:
Say “Bismillah” for every thing you do
Say “Al-Hamdu-Lillah”, thanking Allah (SWT) for every thing
Say Salam to every one
Pray Salaat Five times a day
Recite Quraan daily
22 / Introduce the month of Ramadaan-I:
Ramadaan is the month of fasting
Fasting is from dawn till sunset
No eating and drinking during fasting
Reading more Quraan in Ramadaan
The good deeds are rewarded more in this month
Eid-ul-Fitr is at the end of the month of Ramadaan
23 / Discuss Prophet Aadam (A):
Story of Prophet Aadam (A)
He was the first man created by Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) taught him the names of everything
He was the father of all human beings
His children
He was the first Prophet to build Kaabah (House of Allah)
24 / Review material covered in week 21 - 23
Quiz # 4 10 questions covering material from week 21 - 23
25 / Discuss Prophet Nuh (A):
Long life and Dawah to his people
Building of Noah Ark
Collection of the pairs of creatures
Lesson form the story of Nuh (A)
26 / Discuss Prophet Ibrahim (A)-I:
Proclaimed Oneness of Allah (SWT)
Breaking the idols
Throwing in the fire, its cooling, and being saved by Allah (SWT)
Rebuilding of Kaabah
Father of Prophets Ishaq (A) and Ismaeel (A)
27 / Discuss Prophet Dawood (A):
Defeat of Goliath
Father of Prophet Sulaiman (A),
28 / Life of Prophet Muhammad (S)-I: Family
Family background – Quraish – Noble Arab tribe
Banu Hashim
Abdul Muttalib - Grandfather
Parents – Abdullah (father) ; Aminah (mother)
Birth – 571 A.D. in Makkah
Childhood – Foster mother Halima (R)
Abu Talib (uncle)
29 / Final Review:
Islamic Etiquettes
Prophets of Allah (SWT)
30 /
No Lecture
Final Exam
25 questions covering material from week 16-28Babul-Ilm® ver-1