Grade-1 Islamic Studies Lesson Plan

Class Time  45 min Babul-Ilm®
Week / Topics
01 / Introduction and Orientation
1.Syllabus and Course Objectives
2.Discipline in the class and Attendance policy
3.Theme of the year → Respect for Elders
02 / Introduction of Islam:
Islam means submission
Islam also means obedience
Islam is the religion of submission and obedience to Allah (SWT)
Submission and obedience to Allah (SWT) brings peace
Islam is the religion of peace
03 / Introduction of a Muslim:
Muslim is a person who submits to the will of Allah (SWT)
Muslim is a person who always obey Allah (SWT)
Muslim believes in Oneness of Allah (SWT)
Muslim believes that Prophet Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah
Muslim is a follower of Islam
04 / Review material covered in week 1-3
Quiz # 110 questions covering material from week 1-3
05 / Attributes of Allah (SWT):
Al-Ahad  Allah is the One
Al-Akbar  Allah is the Greatest
Al-Khaliq  Allah is the Creator of every thing
Al-Baseer  Allah sees every thing we do
As-Sami  Allah hears every one
Ar-Rahman  Allah is the Most Gracious
Ar-Raheem  Allah is the Most Merciful
06 / Introduction to the Malaikah, Jinns, and Humans:
Allah created Malaikah (Angels), Jinns, and Humans
We can’t see Malaika and Jinns
Malaikah always obey Allah’s orders
Names of four important Malaikah: Jibraaeel, Mikaaeel, Israafeel, and Izraaeel
Malaikah have special duties (To be discussed later)
07 / Introduction to the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) chooses Prophets and Messengers
They were all men like us but especially chosen by Allah (SWT)
They were the most pious people
They all brought the message of Allah (SWT) to us
Names of four important Prophets who brought the Books of Allah (SWT): Dawood (A), Musa (A), Eesa (A), and Muhammad (S)
There were many Prophets ( To be discussed later )
08 / Review material covered in week 5-7
Quiz # 2 10 questions covering material from week 5-7
09 / Introduction to the Divine Books:
Allah (SWT) sent Books to the Prophets.
Names of four Books: Qur’aan, Injeel, Tauraat, and Zaboor
Quraan was sent to Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
Injeel was sent to Prophet Eesa(A)
Tauraat was sent to Prophet Musa (A)
Zaboor to Prophet Dawood (A)
10 / Introduction to Five Pillars of Islam:
  1. Eeman (Faith)  Memorization and explanation of Kalimah Tayyibah
  2. Salaat
  3. Sawm
  4. Zakaat and
  5. Hajj

11 / Importance of Salaat (To Remember Allah):
  1. Names and times of five obligatory (Fard) daily prayers (Salaat):
a. Fajr (Morning Prayer)
  1. Zuhr (Noon Prayer)
  2. Asr (Afternoon Prayer)
  3. Maghrib (Evening Prayer)
  4. Isha (Night Prayer)
  1. Importance of Wudu.(No Salaat without Wudu)

12 / Review material covered in week 9 - 11
Quiz # 3 10 questions covering material from week 9 - 11
13 / Performing Salaat:
  1. Individually or in Jamaat (Group)
  1. Basic etiquettes of Salaat (Prayers)
Clean clothes
Clean place
Facing towards Kaabah and
Niyyah (intention) of Salaat
  1. Basic etiquettes of Masjid
No talking
No running or walking in front of person praying Salaat
Making straight lines
14 / Discuss Islamic rules of cleanliness:
Keeping body clean
Keeping clothes clean
Keeping room and house clean
Keeping washroom etc.
Note: Show the Video of Wudu
15 / Teach Masjid etiquettes:
Entering the Masjid with right foot first
Introduce important areas of a Masjid like Mimber, Mehraab, Rows, etc.
No talking, running, misbehaving etc. in the Masjid
No walking in front of people praying
Making straight lines while praying in Jamah (group)
Exiting the Masjid with left foot first
Note: Field trip to the local Masjid for hands-on training
16 / No Lecture
Mid-Term Exam
25 questions covering from week 1 - 15
17 / Basic qualities of a good Muslim-I:
Obeying Allah (SWT)
Following Prophet Muhammad (S)
Listening to Parents
Obeying Teachers
Always speak the truth
Be helpful to others
Note: Show Video on Salaat
18 / Duties of Malaika (Angels):
Jibraeel (A) : Brought messages of Allah (SWT) to the Prophets
Mikaeel (A) : The angel of Rain
Israfeel (A) : The blower of the Soor (Trumpet) on the Day of
Izraeel (A) : The angel of Death
Note: There are many other Angels with different duties
19 / Discuss about Shaitaan:
Shaitaan is also known as Iblees, Satan or Devil
Shaitaan (Iblees) disobeyed Allah (SWT)
Shaitaan leads you to do bad things
Do not follow Shaitaan
Say “Aoozu billahi minash-shaitaan nir-rajeem”, to seek Protection of Allah (SWT) from Shaitaan
20 / Review material covered in week 17 - 19
Quiz # 4 10 questions covering material from week 17 - 19
21 / Introduce Islamic Etiquettes-I:
Say “Bismillah” for every thing you do
Say “Al-Hamdu-Lillah”, thanking Allah (SWT) for every thing
Say Salam to every one
Pray Salaat Five times a day
Recite Quraan daily
22 / Introduce the month of Ramadaan-I:
Ramadaan is the month of fasting
Fasting is from dawn till sunset
No eating and drinking during fasting
Reading more Quraan in Ramadaan
The good deeds are rewarded more in this month
Eid-ul-Fitr is at the end of the month of Ramadaan
23 / Discuss Prophet Aadam (A):
Story of Prophet Aadam (A)
He was the first man created by Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) taught him the names of everything
He was the father of all human beings
His children
He was the first Prophet to build Kaabah (House of Allah)
24 / Review material covered in week 21 - 23
Quiz # 4 10 questions covering material from week 21 - 23
25 / Discuss Prophet Nuh (A):
Long life and Dawah to his people
Building of Noah Ark
Collection of the pairs of creatures
Lesson form the story of Nuh (A)
26 / Discuss Prophet Ibrahim (A)-I:
Proclaimed Oneness of Allah (SWT)
Breaking the idols
Throwing in the fire, its cooling, and being saved by Allah (SWT)
Rebuilding of Kaabah
Father of Prophets Ishaq (A) and Ismaeel (A)
27 / Discuss Prophet Dawood (A):
Defeat of Goliath
Father of Prophet Sulaiman (A),
28 / Life of Prophet Muhammad (S)-I:  Family
Family background – Quraish – Noble Arab tribe
Banu Hashim
Abdul Muttalib - Grandfather
Parents – Abdullah (father) ; Aminah (mother)
Birth – 571 A.D. in Makkah
Childhood – Foster mother Halima (R)
Abu Talib (uncle)
29 / Final Review:
Islamic Etiquettes
Prophets of Allah (SWT)
30 /

No Lecture

Final Exam

25 questions covering material from week 16-28

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