Baart saMcaar inagama ilaimaToD Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

mahap`baMQak dUrsaMcaar kayaa-laya 0/0 General Manager Telecom

saMcaar Bavana Sanchar Bhavan

sar ivaSvaoSvarOyaa maaga- Sir Vishweshwaraiya Marg

naaiSak – 422 002. Nashik – 422 002.

No. Staff-10/TBPB-PROM/ 89 Dated at Nashik, the 09/05/2012

Sub: Time – bound promotion of Executives of Nashik SSA

In accordance with Corporate Office New Delhi order letter No.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18.01.2007 & subsequent clarifications issued there on and as per AGM(Estt) % CGMT MH Circle Mumbai letter No. No. A/HRD-I/Timebound/Nashik /11-12/12 dated 21/04/2012, the approval of Competent Authority, is hereby conveyed for placing the following Executive in Table –A ( 2nd Time Bound Promotion from E 3(Rs.24,900-50,500 to E-4 (Rs.29100-54,500) Pay Scale), Table –B 2nd Time Bound Promotion from E-2( Rs. 20,600-46,500) to E-3( Rs.24,900 -50,500 ) Pay Scalewith effect from the eligibility date mentioned against them.

A) 2nd Time Bound Promotion from E-3 (Rs.24,900-50,500 to

E-4 (Rs.29100-54,500) Pay Scale

NO. / Name of the Executive / Desg. /


NO. / Date of of Eligibility of 2nd TBP
01 / S.H. Ansari / SDE (E) Mnmad / 198315418 / 14/01/2011
02 / S.V. Bhad / SDE (EB-II) Nashik / 199004952 / 14/01/2011
03 / V.P. Bhangale (Smt) / SDE ( Transferred to Goa) / 199004692 / 14/01/2011
04 / R.R. Borhade / SDE (Staff) / 199105424 / 14/01/2011
05 / V.R. Choudhary (Smt) / SDE (SDE (Plg) / 199004968 / 14/01/2011
06 / S.M. Deogire (Smt) / SDE (MDF) Nashik city / 197104883 / 14/01/2011
07 / B.D. Deore / SDE (Mobile) / 199004969 / 29/01/2011
08 / B.D. Gaikar / SDE (Plg) / 198607253 / 14/01/2011
09 / M.B. Ghorpade / SDE (MARR) / 199105380 / 25/01/2011
10 / Y.B. Jadhav / SDE Nandgaon / 197910881 / 14/01/2011
11 / R.G. Kale / SDE Manmad / 199212206 / 14/01/2011
12 / S.R. Kapadnis / SDE (Genl) / 199105329 / 14/01/2011

Contd.on page No.2…


13 / S.M. Khanapure (Retd.) / SDE (Retd.) / 198408528 / 14/01/2011
14 / C.P. Kulkarni (Retd.) / SDE (Retd.) / 197507750 / 14/01/2011
15 / C.B. Kulkarni / SDE (Legal0 / 199212101 / 14/01/2011
16 / S.S. Kulkarni / SDE (EWSD) Cidco / 199105084 / 14/01/2011
17 / S.P. Kulkarni / SDE Plg -I / 199105149 / 14/01/2011
18 / S.N. More / SDE Plg - III / 197606934 / 14/01/2011
19 / P.C. Nemade / SDE (Estt) / 197506921 / 23/01/2011
20 / S.B. Patil (Mobile) / SDE (Mobile) / 199206199 / 23/01/2011
21 / M.A. Pawar / SDE LC / 198315445 / 02/08/2011
22 / N.N. Rayarikar (Smt) / SDE Sinnar / 199105509 / 14/01/2011
23 / P.K. Thakare / SDE Plg / 199105346 / 02/08/2011
24 / M.A. Wagh (Smt) / SDE (Mobile) / 199105476 / 24/01/2011

B ) 2ndTime Bound Promotion from E-2( Rs. 20,600-46,500) to

E-3( Rs.24,900 -50,500 ) Pay scale

NO. / Name of the Executive
S/Shri / Desg. /


NO. / Date of Eligibility of 2nd TBP
01 / V.M. Ahire, ) / SDE Transferred to Raigad TD / 199105489 / 01/10/2011
02 / P.S. Bhaikar / SDECity / 199105330 / 01/10/2011
03 / P.T. Bindu ( Smt) / SDE EWSD Cidco / 199105445 / 01/10/2011
04 / Borse G.G. / SDE Dindori / 199105226 / 01/10/2011
05 / N.R. Gahiwade / SDE Transmission / 199803525 / 16/06/2011
06 / B.N. Girase / SDE Trimbak / 199105177 / 01/10/2011
07 / D.R. Jadhav / SDE (CDR) / 199704359 / 01/06/2011
08 / J.R. Jadhav(Smt) / SDE ( CMTS) / 199803439 / 01/10/20111
09 / R.K. Jadhav / SDE ( PP & Battery) / 199803577 / 01/10/2011
10 / M.L. Kothawade / SDE ( E-I) Satpur / 199105502 / 01/10/2011
11 / D.B. Mahajan / SDE (E) City / 199105418 / 01/10/2011

Contd. on page No.3



12 / S.H. Mandalik / SDE (Extl) Cidco / 199105348 / 01/10/2011
13 / P.C. Mandalik / SDE Ozar / 199803559 / 01/10/2011
14 / S.N. Medhane / SDE LC / 199704696 / 01/06/2011
15 / V.D. Morkar / SDE (BB) / 199803544 / 01/10/2011
16 / S.M. Pagar (Smt) / SDE Transferred to Kalyan TD / 199704462 / 08/09/2011
17 / U.K. Pagare / SDE (E) Nashik Road / 198009883 / 01/10/2011
18 / S.B. Patil / SDE OCB CC / 199105413 / 01/10/2011
19 / S.D. Patil / SDE M’ Makmalabad / 199803546 / 01/10/2011
20 / V.P. Patil (Smt) / SDE (Mobile) / 199803590 / 01/10/2011
21 / G.V. Pawar / SDE ( Pimpalgaon) / 199105342 / 01/10/2011
22 / S.S. Pawar / SDE ( PCM) / 199803547 / 01/10/2011
23 / S.A. Salunke / SDE (PCM) / 199105154 / 01/10/2011
24 / P.M. Salve / SDE (FM) / 19910510 / 01/10/2011
25 / P.S. Shinde / SDE Transferred to Goa / 198214670 / 01/10/2011
26 / S.G. Shinde / SDE Dindori / 197410273 / 16/06/2011
27 / P.P. Shingote / SDE CTTC / 199703426 / 01/10/2011
28 / C.P. Shirole / SDE BTS / 199105219 / 01/10/2011
29 / B.R. Singh / SDE (RMC) / 198915323 / 12/05/2011
30 / D.G. Somawanshi / SDE Anadwalli / 198300044 / 01/10/2011
31 / N.B. Sonawane / SDE (Extl) Ozar / 199105391 / 01/10/2011
32 / R.R. Wagh / SDE (Intl & CSC ) Cidco / 199803486 / 01/10/2011
33 / S.S. Walimbe (Smt) / SDE (Intl & CSC ) Pimpalgaon / 198915726 / 01/10/2011
34 / B.Y Aher / SDE Transferred to Goa TD / 198606881 / 01/10/2011
35 / S.A. Chavan / SDE (Mobile) / 199803576 / 01/10/2011
36 / S.A.Mali (MOB) / SDE (Mobile) / 199801596 / 01/10/2011
37 / K.S. Mandalik / SDE (Mobile) / 199105089 / 01/10/2011
38 / D.M. Suryavanshi / SDE (Mobile) / 199802095 / 01/10/2011

Contd. on page No. 4


39 / G.B. Jorvekar (Retd.) / SDE Retd.) / 197607561 / 17/02/2011
40 / P.P. Wakade (Smt) / JTO (CDR) CC / 199003539 / 01/10/2011
41 / K.P. Salve (Smt) / JTO ( Upnagar) / 199105690 / 01/10/2011
42 / P. V Patil / JTO Chandwad / 199803570 / 01/10/2011

The above up-gradation of the executives will be under following terms and conditions.

1) Consequent to up-gradation of IDA Pay Scale , there will be no change in substantive status , designation and duties and responsibilities of the executives, unless there is any change in order in any specific context.

2) The above Time Bound pay scale up-gradation is personal to the executive concerned as such, no claim what-so-ever can be made by comparison on ground of Seniority, Class, Community, cadre, stream, etc. Further no claim will lie on account of any of the other provisions of FR SR in the context of pay scale, pay fixation, substantive status etc, except the guide lines as provided in the above BSNL Head Quarter

3) The pay fixation of the above officer in the upgraded pay scale may be done as per the provision contained in the 2nd PRC Order No. .1 50/2008-PAT(BSNL) DT. 5.03.2009

The officers shall have the option to be exercised within one month from the date of issue of this order for fixation of his pay in the new scale either with effect from the date of his up-gradation in his higher pay scale or with effect from the date of increment in his old scale.

4) The above officers will have to compulsorily undergo online training within 2 years from the date of issue of this orders for upgradation to the next higher scale for being eligible for drawal of second increment in the upgraded scale. The executives who fail to successfully undergo the prescribed training within a period of 2 years from the date of issue of orders for upgradation to the higher scale will not be eligible for the next IDA scale upgradation even if he/she is due for upgradtion otherwise.

5) If there is any Vigilance/disciplinary case pending / contemplated against any of the officers or any punishment like stoppage of increment is current, it may be reported to this office immediately and the upgradation shall not be granted without specific instructions from this office.

6) All other terms and conditions shall be governed by Corporate Office letter No.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18.01.2007 & subsequent clarifications thereof.

Asstt. General Manager (HR &Admn)

O/o General Manager Telecom.

B.S.N.L. Nashik – 422 002

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to :

  • AGM (Estt.) O/o CGMT MH Circle Mumbai-54
  • PS to Sr. GMT Nashik
  • Addl. GM (CFA-I) Nashik
  • DGM - (HR & Admn) /(CFA-II) /(IT & EB) / (CM) Nashik
  • AGM( CS, MIS &OP) /(MM & Mktg)/ (Plg) Nashik
  • DE/CC/NashikCity/NSS/Cidco/SaleMobility/CMTS/Rural/Pimpalgaon/Malegaon/ Manmad/TAD (Dindori)
  • AO - Salary / SDE (Estt) with spare copies.
  • Staff-10/TBPB/JTO
  • Dist. Secretary – AIBSNLEA / SNEA (I) /SCSTEWA Nashik.

Baart saMcaar inagama ilaimaToD Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

mahap`baMQak dUrsaMcaar kayaa-laya 0/0 General Manager Telecom

saMcaar Bavana Sanchar Bhavan

sar ivaSvaoSvarOyaa maaga- Sir Vishweshwaraiya Marg

naaiSak – 422 002. Nashik – 422 002.

No. Staff-10/TBPB-PROM/90 Dated at Nashik, the 11/05/2012

Sub: Time – bound promotion of Executives of Nashik SSA

In accordance with Corporate Office New Delhi order letter No.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18.01.2007 & subsequent clarifications issued there on and as per AGM(Estt) % CGMT MH Circle Mumbai letter No. No. A/HRD-I/Timebound/Nashik /11-12/12 dated 21/04/2012, the approval of Competent Authority, is hereby conveyed for placing the following Executive in 1st Time Bound Promotion from E 2(Rs.20600-46500 ) to E-3 (Rs.24900-50500) Pay Scalewith effect from the eligibility date mentioned against him


NO. /


NO. / Name of the Executive / Desg. / Present IDA Pay Scale (Pre- revised Rs 11875-300-17275 )
(E-2 Revised IDA scale) / Up graded IDA pay Scale ( Pre-revised.
Rs. 13000-350-18250
(E-3 Revised
IDA scale) / Date of Eligibility of Time Bound promotion
01 / 199211632 / Shri P.M. Joshi / SDE / 20600-46500 / 24900-50500 / 01/01/2011

The above up-gradation of the executives will be under following terms and conditions.

1) Consequent to up-gradation of IDA Pay Scale, there will be no change in substantive status , designation and duties and responsibilities of the executives, unless there is any change in order in any specific context.

2) The above Time Bound pay scale up-gradation is personal to the executive concerned as such, no claim what-so-ever can be made by comparison on ground of Seniority, Class, Community, cadre, stream, etc. Further no claim will lie on account of any of the other provisions of FR SR in the context of pay scale, pay fixation, substantive status etc, except the guide lines as provided in the above BSNL Head Quarter

3) The pay fixation of the above officer in the upgraded pay scale may be done as per the provision contained in the 2nd PRC Order No. .1 50/2008-PAT(BSNL) DT. 5.03.2009

contd. on page No.2


The officers shall have the option to be exercised within one month from the date of issue of this order for fixation of his pay in the new scale either with effect from the date of his up-gradation in his higher pay scale or with effect from the date of increment in his old scale.

4) The above officer will have to compulsorily undergo online training within 2 years from the date of issue of this orders for upgradation to the next higher scale for being eligible for drawal of second increment in the upgraded scale. The executives who fail to successfully undergo the prescribed training within a period of 2 years from the date of issue of orders for upgradation to the higher scale will not be eligible for the next IDA scale upgradation even if he/she is due for upgradtion otherwise.

5) If there is any Vigilance/disciplinary case pending / contemplated against officer or any punishment like stoppage of increment is current, it may be reported to this office immediately and the upgradation shall not be granted without specific instructions from this office.

6) All other terms and conditions shall be governed by Corporate Office letter No.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18.01.2007 & subsequent clarifications thereof.

Asstt. General Manager (HR &Admn)

O/o General Manager Telecom.

B.S.N.L. Nashik – 422 002

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to :

  • Sr. GMT Nashik
  • DGM - (HR & Admn) /
  • Principal CTTC Nashik
  • AO - Salary / SDE (Estt) with spare copies.
  • Officer Concerned
  • Dist. Secretary – AIBSNLEA / SNEA (I) Nashik.

Office of General Manager

Nashik Telecom. District

‘Sanchar Bhavan’

Bharat Ratna Sir Vishweshwaraiya Marg

Nashik- 422 002

No. Staff-10 / TBPB / JTO /66 Dated at Nashik the 11/05/2012.

Subject :- Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) – Timebound Scale Upgradation under EPP on revised & promotional IDA pay scales of executives – JTOs as per 2nd PRC effective from 01.01.2007.

In term of BSNL Time Bound / post based Executive Promotion policy for Gr. ‘B’ level officers in O.M.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18th Jan.2007 and subsequent clarification issued vide letter no. 400- 61/2004-Pers.I(pt-II) dated 18.03.2011, approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for preponement of date of effect of 1st Time Bound IDA Pay scale upgradation to the following Officers working in Nashik SSA from IDA pay scale of Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) to IDA pay scale Rs.20600-46500 (E-2) w.e.f. the date shown below in Col.VI. This is in partial modification of Office Orders issued for their 1st financial upgradation from E-1 to E-2 given earlier w.e.f. the dated mentioned against their names in the col. V:

No / Name of officer
(S/Shri…) / HRMS No. / Designation. / Previous date of Effect of 1st Time Bound Promotion / Dt.of eligible for revised Time Bound prom. due to 2nd PRC
I / II / III / IV / V / VI
1 / Yeole A.S. / 198915618 / JTO CMTS / 24.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
2 / Sonawane N.N. / 198808553 / JTO CTTC / 30.07.2007 / 01.01.2007
3 / Ahirrao H.S. / 198010481 / Sindhudurg / 03.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
4 / Akhade A.R. / 199105153 / JTO E Cidco / 03.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
5 / DubeS.D. / 197205739 / Retd.JTO / 16.07.2007 / 01.01.2007
6 / Jadhav D.J. / 19831597 / JTO E Satpur / 03.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
7 / Mahadeokar S.R. / 199105090 / JTO CTTC / 01.10.2007 / 01.01.2007
8 / Darekar K.D. / 199105370 / JTO E NSS / 27.08.2007 / 01.01.2007
9 / Malao S.P / 19731675 / Retd.JTO / 16.07.2007 / 01.01.2007
10 / Pekhale J.B. / 199105158 / JTO Adgaon / 03.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
11 / Nikhade V.P. / 198408369 / JTO MARR VPT / 03.09.2007 / 01.01.2007
12 / Bagul A.N. / 198315666 / JTO Gr.SNN / 04.01.2008 / 01.01.2007
13 / Bhavsar R.R / 197308497 / Retd.JTO / 29.10.2007 / 01.01.2007
14 / Gaikwad K.T / 198010360 / Retd.JTO / 03.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
15 / Kapadane M.U / 198215676 / Vol.Retd.JTO / 24.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
16 / Kulkarni R.A / 197607275 / Retd.JTO / 24.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
17 / Pawar W.S. / 198114890 / JTO Trans / 31.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
18 / Pohare K.T / 197411091 / Retd.JTO / 26.03.2008 / 01.01.2007
19 / Raulwar V.B / 197307412 / Retd.JTO / 29.10.2007 / 01.01.2007
20 / Shelar G.S. / 200203169 / JTO Mobile / 15.03.2008 / 01.01.2007
21 / Wagh K.D. / 198915205 / Trfd. to Goa / 26.03.2008 / 01.01.2007
22 / Kunde P.D. / 197805883 / SDE IGP / 27.08.2007 / 01.01.2007
23 / LadN.C. / 197508006 / JTO CO CC / 24.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
24 / Salve P.M. / 198010591 / Retd.JTO / 31.12.2007 / 01.01.2007
25 / Nikam S.P. / 19831827 / JTO CTO / 31.12.2007 / 01.01.2007

Contd. on page No.2….


(2) The pay of the above executives who have been granted scale upgradation shall be fixed under the provision of letter No. I-50/2008-PAY (BSNL) dated 05.03.2009. In case of anomaly, the fixation of higher scale will not be given effect and the case may be referred to this office. Accordingly the officers desirous of exercising option for fixation of pay do within one month from the date of issue of this order.

(3) No claims what so ever can made by comparison on ground of seniority, class community, cadre stream etc. Further except as provided in the Time Bound Promotion guidelines, no claim will lie on account of any of other provision of FRSR in the concept of pay scales, pay fixation, substantive status etc.

(4) Consequent to the upgradation of IDA pay scale there will be no change in the substantive status, designation and duties and responsibilities of the executives, unless any change is ordered in any specific context.

(5) The above officers will have to compulsorily undergo online training ( if not undergone earlier) within 2 years from the date of issue of this orders for upgradation to the next higher scale for being eligible for drawal of second increment in the upgraded scale. The executives who fail to successfully undergo the prescribed training within a period of 2 years from the date of issue of orders for upgradation to the higher scale will not be eligible for the next IDA scale upgradation even if he/she is due for upgradtion otherwise.

(6) All other terms and condition shall be governed by OM.No. 400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dt.18.1.2007 and subsequent clarification thereof.

(7) This order is applicable till the time revised E-1A / E-2A pay scales are settled. After settlement of E-1A / E-2A pay scales, the date of first financial ungradation mentioned in the above order shall be reviewed and may change due to the fact that attendant conditions for first / subsequent time bound financial upgradation as mentioned in BSNL’s Executive Promotion policy No. 400 -61/2004-Pers.I dated 18.01.2007 have to be fulfilled in the new scenario.

Asstt.General Manager(HR / Admn),

O/o G.M.Telecom, Nashik-422 002.

Copy to :-

  1. AGM (Estt) O/o CGMT, MH.Circle, Mumbai-54.
  2. PS to GMT Nashik
  3. GMT Sindhudurg / Panji
  4. Addl.G.M.(CFA-I) Nashik
  5. Dy. GM (CFA-II) / CM / (IT & EB) / ( HR & Admn) / (F&A) / (TR) / Mobile Nashik
  6. Prin CTTC Nashik
  7. DE CC / City /CMTS / Cidco / Nashik Road /Trans / Rural /Manmad / Malegaon
  8. AO Salary / W & B / CA / Cash Nashik.
  9. SDE (Estt) Nashik with spare copies
  10. Dist.Secretary – AIBSNLEA / SNEA (I) Nashik.

Office of General Manager

Nashik Telecom. District

‘Sanchar Bhavan’

Bharat Ratna Sir Vishweshwaraiya Marg

Nashik- 422 002

No. Staff-10 / TBPB / JTO /F/ 11 Dated at Nashik the 09/04/2012.

Subject :- Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) – Timebound Scale Upgradation under EPP on

revised and promotional IDA pay scales of executives – JTOs as per 2nd PRC effective from 01.01.2007.

In term of BSNL Time Bound / post based Executive Promotion policy for Gr. ‘B’ level officers in O.M.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18th Jan.2007 and subsequent clarification issued vide letter no. 400- 61/2004-Pers.I(pt-II) dated 18.03.2011, approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for preponement of date of effect of 1st Time Bound IDA Pay scale upgradation to the following Officers working in Nashik SSA from IDA pay scale of Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) to IDA pay scale Rs.20600-46500 (E-2) w.e.f. the date shown below in Col.VI. This is in partial modification of Office Orders issued for their 1st financial upgradation from E-1 to E-2 given earlier w.e.f. the dated mentioned against their names in the col. V:

No / Name of officer
(S/Shri…) / HRMS No. / Designation. / Previous date of Effect of 1st Time Bound Promotion / Dt.of eligible for revised Time Bound prom. due to 2nd PRC / Remarks
I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII
1 / Fale P.N. / 200205988 / JTO Manmad / 14.10.2008 / 01.01.2007 / …..
2 / Dhokrat M.R. / 200205983 / JTO Umrane / 20.05.2008 / 01.01.2007 / …..

(2) The pay of the above executives who have been granted scale upgradation shall be fixed under the provision of letter No. I-50/2008-PAY (BSNL) dated 05.03.2009. In case of anomaly, the fixation of higher scale will not be given effect and the case may be referred to this office. Accordingly the officers desirous of exercising option for fixation of pay do within one month from the date of issue of this order.

(3) No claims what so ever can made by comparison on ground of seniority, class community, cadre stream etc. Further except as provided in the Time Bound Promotion guidelines, no claim will lie on account of any of other provision of FRSR in the concept of pay scales, pay fixation, substantive status etc.

(4) Consequent to the upgradation of IDA pay scale there will be no change in the substantive status, designation and duties and responsibilities of the executives, unless any change is ordered in any specific context.

(5) The above officers will have to compulsorily undergo online training ( if not undergone earlier) within 2 years from the date of issue of this orders for upgradation to the next higher scale for being eligible for drawal of second increment in the upgraded scale. The executives who fail to successfully undergo the prescribed training within a period of 2 years from the date of issue of orders for upgradation to the higher scale will not be eligible for the next IDA scale upgradation even if he/she is due for upgradtion otherwise.


(6) All other terms and condition shall be governed by OM.No. 400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dt.18.1.2007 and subsequent clarification thereof.

(7) This order is applicable till the time revised E-1A / E-2A pay scales are settled. After settlement of E-1A / E-2A pay scales, the date of first financial ungradation mentioned in the above order shall be reviewed and may change due to the fact that attendant conditions for first / subsequent time bound financial upgradation as mentioned in BSNL’s Executive Promotion policy No. 400 -61/2004-Pers.I dated 18.01.2007 have to be fulfilled in the new scenario.

Asstt.General Manager(HR / Admn),

O/o G.M.Telecom, Nashik-422 002.

Copy to :-

(1)AGM (Estt) O/o CGMT, MH.Circle, Mumbai-54.

(2)PS to GMT Nashik

(3)Addl.G.M.(CFA-I) Nashik

(4)Dy. GM (CFA-II) /CM/(IT & EB) / ( HR & Admn) / Mobile Nashik

(5)DGM (F&A) / (TR) Nashik

(6)DE Manmad / Malegaon

(7)AO Salary / W & B / CA / Cash Nashik.

(8)SDE (Estt) Nashik with spare copies

(9)Dist.Secretary – AIBSNLEA / SNEA (I) Nashik.

Office of General Manager

Nashik Telecom. District

‘Sanchar Bhavan’

Bharat Ratna Sir Vishweshwaraiya Marg

Nashik- 422 002

No. Staff-10 / TBPB / JTO /F/ Dated at Nashik the /02/2012.

Subject :- Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) – Timebound Scale Upgradation under EPP on

revised and promotional IDA pay scales of executives – JTOs as per 2nd PRC effective from 01.01.2007.

In term of BSNL Time Bound / post based Executive Promotion policy for Gr. ‘B’ level officers in O.M.400-61/2004-Pers.I/308 dated 18th Jan.2007 and subsequent clarification issued vide letter no. 400- 61/2004-Pers.I(pt-II) dated 18.03.2011, approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for preponement of date of effect of 1st Time Bound IDA Pay scale upgradation to the following Officers working in Nashik SSA from IDA pay scale of Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) to IDA pay scale Rs.20600-46500 (E-2) w.e.f. the date shown below in Col.VI. This is in partial modification of Office Orders issued for their 1st financial upgradation from E-1 to E-2 given earlier w.e.f. the dated mentioned against their names in the col. V: