WPMS Lesson Plan Format


Teacher: Turbeville
Date(s): 1/25-2/4 / Essential Question(s):
What is the Solar System? How did it form? Earth centered, Sun centered and Modern views of solar system. Inner Planets,(rock) and Outer Planets,(gas). Composition, size, distance from sun and ability to support life. / Objective(s):
5.01, 5.02, 2.01, 2.02, 1.10, 1.06

Lesson Component


Points for Self-Assessment

Y = Yes, N = No

Plans / Notes / Materials

T = Teacher, S = Student

Warm-Up (3c/3d)

/ Connects to prior learning/interdisciplinary?
Bridges prior with anticipated learning?
More than simple recall of information? / Science Workouts: Essential questions tying into prior knowledge. Vocabulary introduced. Solar System, All inner and outer plants, and the Great Red Spot, comet, meteor, meteorite, and asteroid.
Students are given note taking chart to draw and color planets. Inclusion will be given longer time periods on all activities.
Visual representation will aid Autistic student.



/ Asks essential questions, discusses learning objectives, and determines performance expectations?
Uses data to inform instruction? / What is the solar system? What holds the solar system together? How were the planets in the solar system formed? Describe sun-centered, earth centered and modern views of solar system. Why is life unlikely on other planets? What makes earth unique? Compare and Contrast the inner and outer planets. What are the distances from the sun for each planet? From earth? What is the Sun? A planet or star? What gives the gas planets their color? How do comets change when they approach the sun? Distinguish among comets, meteoroids and asteroids.
Autistic student: Book to read and AR test taken (Journey to Solar System).

Explore (4f/4g)

/ Evidence the teacher has thought through the planning process?
Teacher models or “guides on the side” as necessary?
Uses learning teams to encourage leadership? / Students view and answer questions using inter-write board with Brain pop movie.
Students will make chart on each planet with media center research and using the NASA application on ipads.
Students will participate group activity making scale models of the Solar System with mathematical formulas and accurate depiction of planets.
Students will create own planet system through astro planet.
Flashcards and Quiz assigned through Engrade.
Interactive and visual for Autistic student.
Explain (4g/4h) / Students communicate what they learn in a variety of ways?
Teacher cues for feedback to reveal what students have uncovered?
Teacher evaluates student progress to inform instruction / Teacher guided overview of chapter 10 sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. Students read together with discussions. Teacher asking probing questions. Students create understandings and interpretations of text information through class discussions.

Extend (4d/4e/4f)

/ Lesson forces students to look at concepts in a different way?
Students use technology to extend their learning?
Opportunities for student choice/reflection? / Student chosen groups of 3 work on section review questions. Each group has 3 questions with one student responsible for reading and understanding their 1 question. May use the help of group members.
Each student group of 3 will re-teach the class one section review question and answer. The group will decide as a whole which question they will teach. Students learn the concepts from a peer perspective.
Evaluate (4h) / Uses a variety of assessment strategies?
Assesses & differentiates based on student progress
Students and teacher use self-assessment/ reflection strategies / Evaluate student understanding of concepts with quick check questions, quiz for understanding.
Collect 3-K’s Sheet
Student Scale Models
Class Participation
Progress Reports
Individual communication with autistic student
Closure (3a/3d/4a/4b) / Objectives are revisited?
Students are asked “how” they met the objectives. (metacognition)
Teacher spikes interest in how
Today ------> tomorrow? / Students paraphrase objectives and reflect.
Class discussion and predictions are made about future changes and discoveries in the Solar System.
Predictions are made about possible sustainable planets.
Technology: (3a/4d) / Supports essential curriculum?
Activities differentiated in terms of rigor and intent? / Research with Ipads
Astro Planet
Panthers have more time given per activity
H.O.T.S. (4e)
Use HOW & WHY questions! / Questions forced students to think at higher levels? / Creating Own Solar System

Classroom Climate (4a)

/ Mutual respect is evident?
Student products are on display?
Scenery invites thinking and learning? / Class rule #1-Respect Teacher, Self and Others.
Student Safety Posters remain displayed
Science Posters/Books/Organization
Students work displayed throughout room.
Information Board located in room.
Pictorial and informational posters displayed throughout room.
Teacher available for tutoring during warrior hall in morning and afternoon.