September 15, 2017
Pima Room, Student Union


Walt Klimecki, Emily Butler, Mingtey Lin (for Dajun Zeng), Katia Bezerra, Beatrice Dupuy, Ronald Hammer, Nicole Yuan, Ute Lotz-Heumann, Hong Cui, Kelley Merriam-Castro, Marie Teemant, Mary Staugaard, Andrew Carnie, Janet Sturman

Call to Order and Roll Call – Chair Klimecki

No quorum on voting items, proceeded with presentations and held an email vote. The previous minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report – Carnie

Grad center, we now have 4th year of Fellows, 78 in total. A new location for the center, will now be in the old testing center at 1st and Cherry. Currently running pilot of UAVitae for PhD students. We should launch in Nov to allow students to submit their information if the programs choose. Planned GA raises are still being worked out.

Associate Dean's Report– Sturman

First two GEM workshops were well attended. Materials are made available on a BOX link One coming up on Oct 3. Admissions has a new student award form, online form. Can calculate the award for you. Under accreditation for VA program, Andrew has contacted the departments to make sure their graduate handbooks appear on their page in the Graduate Catalog and Program Description Guide. University Fellows are very active, working on Mentoring, grant writing, financial literacy and managing debt, career pathways for graduate students.

Chair's Report –Kimecki

Nothing to report. Jim isn’t here to report on Faculty senate.

GPSC Report – Dustin Tran

Dissertation and leadership review, 50 students. Helping with preparing job applications. GPSC social on Thursday and off campus breakfast.

Action Items:

Masters of Healthcare Management–Gilliland (by phone)

Masters of Medical Studies– Hammer

Discussion Items:

Badging – Brown

Badging; Credentials that potential employers can see what other training people have. They can be conspicuous in their absence if it does become mainstream. There are some programs that are more conducive to badging. Right now it is mostly being done in undergrad with student engagement and career development.

Questions and comments:

-How will Graduate students incorporate it into their normal day- to- day routine?

-Maintaining quality and how will faculty/staff maintain these?

-Grad college, one would face some kind of evaluation.

-Budgetary and administration concerns as well.

Stackable Certificates–Sturman

There is interest in moving towards “stackable” certificates, taking certificates and aligning them in a combination that would lead to a master’s degree. The proposed programs would share a core and maybe a capstone experience.

Questions and comments:

-What does the market need that we aren’t addressing?

-Who would oversee it?

-How many peer institutions do this or are looking into it?

- For those that are already professionals, this could be a good way forward for them.

Committees and Requirements for Master's Reports v. Master's Theses–Sturman

For master’s theses, 3 members are required for the committee. Policy on report committees was discussed and whether they should be following the same committee formation as a thesis or be more flexible.