Rensselaer CoC/ESG Business Meeting

Date/Time:May 19, 2-3p.m.Location:YWCA Troy

Attendance: See attached sign in sheet

  1. ESG/STEHP Update

Pat noted there has been collaboration between all Prevention/Rapid Rehousing programs via meetings and email. She will call a meeting for next month to review current review process and standards.

  1. 2015 Continuum of Care Update

Michelle discussed the expected time line for the 2015 Application. Registration has been completed and submitted to HUD. It is expected the application itself would come out in early July. Organizations will once again have a tight turn around and will have approximately 4 weeks to submit their applications to CARES for review. CARES will again help organization by collecting Match letters for the top 10 Capital Region Match organizations but will not assist with leverage documentation as leverage letters will not be required to be submitted with the application. More information will be forthcoming.

  1. Committee Updates

Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee is now chaired by Tracy Pitcher. The Committee has been working diligently to analyze the Rank and Review tool.

Next Meeting: Needs to be scheduled

Goals Committee

The committee did not meet.

Next meeting:August 5, 2015 10am Hill Street

Data Committee

The Committee will be meeting May 26th to review Phase II of the Data Plan.

Next Meeting: August 25 at 12pm YWCA

Ad Hoc Coordinated Entry Committee

The committee met on May 13th and the process will begin Phase I. Joseph’s House will be facilitating the SPOA like meetings every 2 weeks. Amy LaFountain will be the lead.

Next Meeting: Needs to be scheduled

HMIS Advisory

The committee meetings quarterly and has no update this month.

Next Meeting:June 25, 2015 10 am Conference Call

  1. New Business

Changes within The City of Troy’s Community Development

Kevin reported that Tim Mattice has resigned from his position as Director of Community Development for the City of Troy. Currently there is no word on his replacement; however Charles Doyle is currently handling all ESG issues.

Foothold Technology Update – AWARDS

Kevin noted that due to upgrades within AWARDS older versions of Windows are not able to support the web based software. Kelli noted that she would touch base with Allyson to confirm.

Sanctuary for Independent Media – New Radio Station

Pat note that the Sanctuary for Independent Media now has a radio station - - WOOC 105.3 FM. Not much more is known, but it may be an opportunity to discuss RCHSC activities.

Rensselaer CoC Community Meeting

Date/Time: May 19, 3-4 p.m.Location: YWCA Troy

Attendance:See attached sign in sheet.

  1. Agency Updates

Agencies shared their current status, upcoming events, and successes.

  1. New Business: Housing Inventory/Point in Time

Cares debriefed the Community on the submittted Point in Time and Housing Inventory Chart process. The deadline was extended to May 15. The data did not indicate a significant change in the sheltered or unsheltered count.

  1. Board/Committee Report

Kevin summarized all Committee reports and highlighted dates of upcoming meetings. It was also noted that the Ad Hoc Ten Year Plan Committee and CoC Action Plan Ad Hoc Committee have not met and at this time do not have meeting dates set. However, the Board is currently reviewing the 10 Year Plan to end Homelessness in order to discuss next steps in order to develop an up-to-date strategic plan for RCHSC. This plan may be a 1, 3, or 5 year plan. The areas of review/discuss have been formed and are noted below:

  1. Great Achievements: affordable housing
  2. Prevention: currently not enough utility, lack of land lord tenant mediation, lack of coordination with Code
  3. Housing: the need to expand housing opportunity for specific household types (i.e.- single women- families either small (1 parent 1 child) or large
  4. Community engagement

Members should feel free to participate by sending comments/concerns/suggests to Kevin or Pat.

  1. Collaborative Applicant Report

Michelle discussed the expected time line for the 2015 Application. Registration has been completed and submitted to HUD. It is expected that the application itself would come out in early July. Organizations will once again have a tight turn around and will have approximately 4 weeks to submit their applications. CARES will again help organization by collecting Match letters for the top 10 Capital Region Match organizations but will not assist with leverage as leverage letters will not be required to be submitted with the application. More information will be forthcoming.