1st Six Weeks / 4th Six Weeks
Unit #1: Safety/Experimental Design (10 days)
Unit #2: Matter and the Periodic Table (15 days) / Unit #6: Space Systems (15 days)
Unit #7: Ecosystems (15 days)
2nd Six Weeks / 5th Six Weeks
Unit #3: Force and Motion (30 days) / Unit #8: Classifications - Biology (15 days)
Unit #9: Matter Part II (10 days)
Unit #10: Plate Tectonics II (5 days)
3rd Six Weeks / 6th Six Weeks
Unit #4: Energy (15 days)
Unit #5: Earth Systems (15 days) / Unit #11: Solar System Part II (5 days)
Unit #12: Force and Motion Part II (8 days)
Unit #13: Energy Part II (5 days)
Unit #14: Living Systems Part II (10 days)Grade 6 Science Year at a Glance
2016 - 2017
Process Standards(ScientificinvestigationandReasoningSkills)6.1.A demonstratesafepracticesduringlaboratoryand fieldinvestigationsas outlinedin theTexas Safety Standards
6.1.B practiceappropriateuseand conservationof resources,includingdisposal, reuse,orrecyclingof materials
6.2.A plan and implementcomparativeand descriptiveinvestigationsby makingobservations,askingwell‐definedquestions, and using
appropriateequipment and technology
6.2.B design and implementexperimentalinvestigations by makingobservations,asking well‐definedquestions,formulatingtestable
hypotheses,and using appropriate equipment and technology
6.2.C collect andrecorddatausing theInternationalSystemof Units(SI)and qualitativemeanssuch as labeleddrawings,writing,and graphic
6.2.D construct tables and graphs,usingrepeatedtrials and means,to organizedata and identify patterns
6.2.E analyzedata to formulatereasonableexplanations,communicatevalidconclusions supportedby thedata,and predicttrends
6.3.A in all fieldsof science,analyze,evaluate,and critiquescientific explanations by using empirical evidence,logical reasoning,and
experimentaland observational testing,including examiningall sides of scientific evidenceof thosescientific explanations,so as to
encouragecriticalthinking by thestudent
6.3.B usemodels to representaspectsof thenatural worldsuchas a model of Earth’slayers
6.3.C identifyadvantagesand limitations of models such as size,scale,properties,and materials
6.3.D relatetheimpact of researchon scientific thought and society,including thehistoryof scienceand contributions of scientistsas relatedto
6.4.A useappropriatetools to collect,record,and analyzeinformation,including journals/notebooks,beakers,Petridishes,metersticks,
graduatedcylinders,hotplates, test tubes,triple beambalances,microscopes,thermometers,calculators,computers,timing devices,
and otherequipment as neededtoteachthecurriculum
6.4.B usepreventativesafetyequipment, including chemicalsplash goggles,aprons,and gloves,and bepreparedto useemergencysafetyequipment,including an eye/facewash,a fireblanket,and a fireextinguisher