East Riding Registration


Celebratory Services

Guidance Handbook


Approved Premises


Civil Marriages


Civil Partnerships

This booklet sets out the arrangements currently operated by East Riding Registration and Celebratory Services for the licensing of venues as Approved Premises for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships and other non-statutory ceremonies.

These arrangements also apply to the renewal of a licence.

Please read it carefully.

These arrangements may be changed from time to time.

If you require advice or assistance please contact either -

Martin Heath

Proper Officer’s Representative


Patricia Mann

Superintendent Registrar

Register Office

Walkergate House



HU17 9BP

Telephone: 01482 393600

Fax: 01482 873414



In this booklet the term “Approved Premises” means “Approved Premises for the solemnization of Civil Marriages in pursuance of Section 26(1)(BB)) The Marriage Act 1949, and the registration of Civil Partnerships in pursuance of Sections 6(3A)(a)of The Civil Partnership Act 2004”.

Licence means the approval of any premises pursuant to The Marriages and Civil Partnership (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005

The registration and approval authority is East Riding of Yorkshire Council (East Riding Registration and Celebratory Services). Throughout this document it will be referred to as ERRCS and any reference should be construed accordingly.



Venue Criteria6

General Information9

The Licence13


1Licence Requirements 15

2 Licence Conditions16

3 Freestanding and ‘Gazebo’ Structures21

4 Celebratory Services23

5 Photography at Ceremonies26

6Approved Premise Licence Application Form27


Introduction / Page 3


• East Riding Registration and Celebratory Services (ERRCS) are responsible for the provision of the registration service in East Riding of Yorkshire. Part of this Service deals with the registration and celebration of civil marriages, the registration of civil partnerships and includes the approval (licensing) of venues where civil marriages and civil partnerships may take place.

•Under the Marriage Act 1994, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005, ERRCS may approve suitable venues where civil marriage and civil partnerships may take place without compromising the fundamental principles of English law and Parliament’s intention to maintain the solemnity of the occasion for these important events. These venues are called ‘Approved Premises’ and include hotels, stately homes, civic halls, castles and similar places. Many venues also have garden gazebos or other free - standing structures where ceremonies may be held, subject to approval and suitable weather conditions.

• ERRCS welcomes enquiries and applications in respect of all types of venues that meet the requirements and conditions detailed in this booklet.

• However, before making application applicants are advised to arrange an initial visit. There is no charge for this service and it provides an excellent opportunity to discuss an application, ensure that the venue is suitable and that applicants fully understand the requirements of the licence.

Civil Marriage

• Civil marriages may be take place between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm on any day of the week including Sundays, Bank and national holidays, subject to staff availability. The latest commencement time for a ceremony is 4.30pm.

• All civil marriages are solemnised by a superintendent registrar (or their deputy) and registered by a registrar of marriages (or their deputy). These staff are provided by ERRCS and will normally arrive at the venue 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.

• All bookings for a civil marriage taken by the approved premises are subject to the availability of the registrars and the couple’s capacity to marry. Couples must be advised to contact the register office as soon as possible to establish both.

• Ceremonies must commence on time, in cases of extreme lateness the registrars reserve the right to leave for their next engagement. If it is possible they will return to facilitate the marriage later in the day.

• All guests should be assembled in the ceremony room/area 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the ceremony.

Civil Partnerships

• Civil partnerships may take place between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm on any day of the week including Sundays, Bank and national holidays, subject to staff availability. The latest commencement time for a registration is 4.30pm.


Introduction / Page 4

• Unlike a civil marriage, a civil partnership is legalised by a registration. However, couples may wish to enhance their registration with a ceremony and ERRCS is pleased to provide a ceremony combined with the registration.

• All civil partnerships are registered by a civil partnership registrar. When a couple wish to celebrate with a ceremony, a celebrant will conduct this. These staff are provided by ERRCS and will normally arrive at the venue 30 minutes prior to a ceremony and/or registration.

All bookings for a civil partnership taken by the approved premises are subject to the availability of the registrars and the couple’s capacity to enter into a civil partnership. Couples must be advised to contact the register office as soon as possible to establish both.

• Ceremonies must commence on time, in cases of extreme lateness the registrars reserve the right to leave for their next engagement. If it is possible they will return to facilitate the civil partnership later in the day.

• All guests should be assembled in the ceremony room/area 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the ceremony.

Celebratory Services

In addition to civil marriage and civil partnership other ceremonies may be held at approved premises.

These currently include the following -

  • Renewal of Vows - For married and partnership couples who wish to renew their marriage or civil partnership vows and may take place on anniversaries,where the couple may have had a ceremony abroad (that is recognised in this Country) or at certain times in a couple’s relationship. See appendix 4
  • Naming Ceremony - For parents who wish to have a non-religious ceremony to welcome a new addition to the family. This could be a new baby, an adopted child or where the parents are re-marrying or entering into a partnership and wish to welcome the children from previous marriages/relationships into the new family unit. This ceremony can be added to a marriage or civil partnership ceremony. See appendix 4
  • Marriage/Civil Partnership Celebration – The legal, contractual part of the union is carried out within the approved premise. The celebration ceremony may then follow in a location within the grounds of the venue, which may or may not be included in the licence, subject to a successful pre assessment by the registrars. See appendix 4.


Fees for licensing venues and fees for ceremonies are set annually by ERRCS. Fees in respect of ceremonies are paid to ERRCS direct by the couple or person booking the ceremony, the approved premise is not involved in this transaction. Current fees are available upon request or via our website.

The Licence application fee is non-returnable and must be submitted, in full with the application. Payment of the fee can be by cheque (made payable to ‘East Riding of Yorkshire Council).


Introduction / Page 5

Approved Premise Responsibilities

• Designate a number of ‘responsible persons’ (please see page 16).

• Abide by the conditions and requirements set out in this booklet.

•Show integrity and commitment in dealing with couples/parents wishing to have a ceremony at their venue.

•Be fair, responsive and courteous in the delivery of a quality service.

• Be professional and have well informed employees who take pride in what they do.

• Inform couples/parents of any limitations or conditions applying to the venue in respect of civil marriage, civil partnership and other ceremonies.

•Respond effectively to complaints.

•Send representatives of their venue to ERRCS annual stakeholders meetings.

•Provide a private interview room for use by registrars prior to ceremonies.

•Ensure clear, relevant signage is on display prior to each ceremony.


Venue Criteria / Page 6

What type of venue is suitable?

• An approved premise must be a permanent immovable structure comprising of a least one room, or any boat or other vessel, which is permanently moored.

• Marriages and civil partnerships cannot legally be held in the open air, in tents, marquees or any other temporary structure.

• ERRCS will consider applications which include free standing or ‘gazebo’ structures providing that they are permanent buildings with a solid floor and a roof. The free standing or gazebo structure must be part of an overall application involving a building with at least one inside room to be used for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies (requirements are outlined in detail on page 21).

• The premises must not be used for religious purposes. Advice will be given at the time of the initial visit if there is any doubt.

• The venue must be in keeping with the solemnity and dignity of the marriage or civil partnership ceremony.

•The venue should where possible comply with disabled access requirements. However it is accepted that this may not always be possible given the age, construction and style of a building. If disabled access is not possible then measures must be in place for a disabled objector to voice their concerns i.e. someone available in an accessible place with instant communication to the ceremony location.

Other Criteria

•The premises must be regularly available for the solemnization of civil marriages or the formation of civil partnerships.

•The public have unrestricted access to witness the marriage or civil partnership, and/or make an objection prior to or during the ceremony. No charge may be made to any member of the public attending a ceremony.

Within the Venue

•Within the venue individual rooms or areas will be licensed, therefore registrations and ceremonies may only take place within these rooms or areas.

•Whilst the ceremony rooms do not have to be separate from other activities at the venue they must not be affected by any other activity happening at the same time.

•There is no required minimum or maximum size of room or area as this will vary between venues. It is suggested that an ideal minimum occupancy is 25 persons, divided between seating and standing. However, smaller rooms may be acceptable dependant upon the market that a venue is seeking to attract.

•The proposed room or area should be suitably decorated appropriate to its use for ceremonies and in accordance with the overall décor, age, condition and style of the venue.


Venue Criteria / Page 7

•The room or area will need to be provided with two tables (for marriages), size approximately 4’ x 4’or 120cm x 120cmand 3 corresponding chairs at one end where the ceremony will take place. This should also include a comfortable space where the couple and the registrar who will conduct the ceremony will stand, some chairs should be provided for guests. These can be set ‘theatre style’ with a central aisle or as agreed with the couple subject to final approval by the registration staff. Chairs do not need to be provided for all guests (subject to agreement with the couple). Whichever room layout is used it must allow for the safe exit of all in the event of a fire.

Suggested layouts for marriages = A

Suggested layouts for civil partnerships and non-statutory ceremonies = B & C.


At the final inspection ERRCS may require that the ceremony room is laid out for a ceremony so that the position and number of chairs, position of table and aisle can be agreed.

•A ‘red carpet’ for an aisle may be provided but it is not essential. Where a ‘red carpet’ is provided the venue must ensure that it is regularly cleaned and maintained and does not present a health and safety tripping hazard.

• In addition to the ceremony room a further separate room or area should be available to allow for the confidential interviewing of the ceremonial party prior to the start of the ceremony. This must be on the same floor as the ceremony room and must not be an occupied bedroom.

•A supply of drinking water is required for the registrars.

•The ceremony room and other rooms to be used must be cleaned, set-up and made ready one hour before the agreed start time for the ceremony.

Fire and Health and Safety

•The applicant will be deemed by ERRCS to be the responsible person (or acting on their behalf) under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, to ensure that a fire-risk assessment has been carried out on the premises.


Venue Criteria / Page 8

•The assessment is required to reduce the risk of fire, and make sure that all people who might be on the premises can escape if there is a fire. The applicant must produce the fire risk assessment at the time of application. The applicant may be required to provide confirmation of a current fire-risk assessment at any time during the life of the licence (advice may be obtained from the fire authority).

•ERRCS are also obliged to officially consult with the fire authority. The fire authority may wish to inspect the premises and any recommendations regarding fire precautions, alarms, signage etc. may need to be resolved prior to a licence being approved or become a special condition of the licence.

•The responsible person for the venue or one of their deputies must be present in the ceremony room at all times. The health and safety of the public is the responsibility of the venue and not of ERRCS.

•Registrars must be provided with a safe working environment

•Health and safety issues will be discussed throughout the licence approval stages.

Planning Decision

Applicants are advised to consult with their local planning authority to check whether use as an approved premises for civil marriages and civil partnerships would constitute development or change of use. A copy of any existing planning decision(s) relating to the venue and which could affect its use for marriage and partnership ceremonies should be enclosed with the application. ERRCS reserve the right to contact the planning authority where any doubt occurs.

Public Liability/Third Party Insurance

The building or structures to be licenced must have public liability (third party) insurance cover during the three-year period of the licence. The applicant must provide evidence of this insurance when making the application and may, at the discretion of ERRCS, be required to confirm this insurance cover at any time during the licence period.

Such insurance should normally be for a minimum of £5m (five million pounds) in respect of any one act, unless otherwise agreed with ERRCS and subject to advice from the venues’ insurers.

Car Parking

Where car parking is available two free or reserved car parking spaces should be provided for the use of the registration staff. These spaces should be near to the main entrance of the building/ceremony room and must allow ease of access and exit so that the registration staff may leave the venue promptly once the ceremony is finished.

The applicant will be responsible for car parking and access arrangements for the bridal or partners car and for any car parking provided for guests attending the wedding.Special licenceconditions may be applied by ERRCS where it is considered that car parking or access may be a nuisance.


General Information / Page 9


No animals with the exception of guide dogs are allowed in the ceremony rooms immediately before or during the ceremony.

Food and Drink

No food or drink may be served and/or consumed within the ceremony room or area one hour before and during the ceremony. In respect of a gazebo or outside structure ERRCS will agree an area around the gazebo or structure where food and/or drink may not be served or consumed.

Food and/or drink can be served and consumed elsewhere at the venue but the applicant is responsible for ensuring that no food and/or drink is brought into the ceremony room or area or the agreed area around a gazebo or outside structure.

If the ceremony room houses a bar area this must be screened from view during the ceremony (this may be via curtains, portable screens or shutters).


The number of guests that can be comfortably accommodated within the ceremony room/area will be discussed with the venue. ERRCS may place a restriction on the number of guests dependent upon the size of the room/area. If a venue is seeking to include a gazebo or outside structure within its licence, consideration will need to be given to the number of guests that can be accommodated within an indoor room/area if for any reason the ceremony cannot proceed outside.

Guests should be assembled in the ceremony room 15 minutes prior to the commencement time of the ceremony.

The registrars have the discretion not to proceed with a ceremony if any of the party is threatening, abusive, drunk or under the influence of drugs.

It will be the responsibility of the applicant to deal with inappropriate behavior by guests.