Tuesday 7 February 2012

Who was here: Florence Garland, Tony Dixon (supported employment, You Trust), Bernard Pearcey (Carer), Alison Froude (HCC), Alison Cooper (Parity for disabled), Mo Rowe (parent/carer), Karl Shemming (Aldershot day service), Frances Hartley (Aldershot Day service), Grant Stillwell (Aldershot day service), Tracey Powell (Basingstoke day service), Maria (Basingstoke day service), Stuart Outterside (Basingstoke integrated team), Cerian Paton Greigsmith (Basingstoke integrated team), Kim Means (Princess Royal Trust for Carers), Emma Dyer (HCC), Ian Penfold (parent/care,special school Governor Parkside Trustee), Adam Briggs, Ian Purves (Advocacy), Bernadette Chuter (Just Advocacy), Paul Pullan (Just advocacy), Jennifer Kelsey (Just Advocacy, chair of the meeting), Sam Davies (Just Advocacy), Wendy Gannon (carers together)

Apologies: Simon Cartland, Caroline Stelling, Catherine Wheeler, Jess Hutchinson, Karen George, Laraine Beech and Kue Fullick

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising

The meeting was a bit shorter than usual because the Good Health Subgroup was meeting straight after this meeting (with Michelle Stickland from NHS Hampshire chairing).
Wellbeing Centre: Caroline Whitchurch will come to the LIG meeting and tell us a bit more about it.

In house transformation

Apologies from Jess Hutchinson.

Alison Froude () gave us an overview of the project:

Meadowcroft in Aldershot:

It is now closed and the plan is to offer different types of respite. Alternative arrangements have been made for long term care/crisis.

Alison was reminded that there are transport issues still with this project but said that these are being addressed.

Alison also confirmed that money from the sale of Meadowcroft will be ring fenced to the LD project but not Aldershot specifically.

Bernard is taking his daughter to Dalewood in Basingstoke but he feels that he has no connections there and day service provision is an issue.

Ian also said that respite is badly serviced across the NEH area. He mentioned Parkside in Basingstoke with the cost of transport increasing (Ian/Emma now dealing).

Also mentioned that there are no services for complex needs/challenging behaviour in this area. Ian experienced directly the results of this lack of provision and the distress it caused his family.

Day service:

  • Basingstoke day service is currently working with people who are more able on the “launchpad project”. Dominic Care and Basingstoke Mencap are now the main providers and working closely together.

The DOC (day opportunity coordinators) are able still to offer advice and are working with service users on a day to day basis.

Grant added that accessing the community for different activities has improved some people’s confidence.

  • People with complex needs: 17 people are currently being offered Person centre reviews and are developing a plan. There is also a community link with the Discovery centre in Basingstoke. By the summer, they should be all going to Ashwood.

The team is working with Alderley’s to provide a sensory room.

The project is taking far longer than expected but the team feels it is important to get it right.

Alison is aware of communication issues and is trying to re-address them as soon as possible. She is also aware of transport issues/costs.

Tracey is also working with parents/carers for bus passes/dial a ride etc. If people need a companion pass, they should ask for a letter from their community nurse The community nurse will provide this freely but there may be a cost if you ask your GP.

Hillside in Surrey is being used for respite butthe team in Hart & Rushmoor is also developing Shared lives options to create more choice for people .

Parity: there are 20 extra places if needed. Extra money has been given through the Lottery though capital funding needs to be found (planning application agreed). They would like to have a hydrotherapy centre and are working with Treloars college. They are looking at expanding the autism side at Alderley’s through “Aspire”.

Partnership Board and service user involvement

Some money was awarded through HARG for setting up subgroups in each LIG. £30,000 to be split into 5 LIGs.

We now have 2 LIG reps per LIG (ie 10 across Hampshire): Sam is a LIG rep and Paul has come along to consider being a rep.The two reps will represent Basingstoke, Hart & Rushmoor.

The reps will meet with groups and individuals to tell them about the Partnership Board and the LIG and to get their thoughts and feedback on current issues. All 10 reps in the County will meet together a few weeks before each Partnership Board Meeting

We also need a new co-chair for the Partnership Board and reps will have the option of putting themselves forward for this role.

We hope to have formal elections at the time of the Self-Advocacy Day at the end of 2012

Please contact Jennifer for further information.

Supported Employment – work programme – Tony Dixon

Tony Dixon is the Supported employment Team at You Trust in September. You Trust have restructured the service over the past 2 months and job assessment coaching workers (JACK) are now in place. Jess Lee is helping out in our area as Stacey is currently on maternity leave.

The scheme is only available to people who meet the HCC eligibility criteria. Concern was expressed about the impracticality of this criteria and that this should be reassessed.

You Trust has funding to work for 12 weeks with people who may want voluntary work, work experience or paid work. Vicky Jessop chairs a monthly panel to look at referrals.

Please contact Tony if you would like more information:

Carers Voice – Janet Chierchia

Janet is the chair of Carers Together and she is also mum to Louise who is 34 years old.

The Carers Voice project has been awarded £30,000. It is to enable carers to have a voice at the Hampshire LD Partnership Board. Janet has devised a questionnaire for parents/carers to fill in to find out how they would like this to happen.

Flo has sent the details out. Please spread the word.

Our contact for this LIG is Wendy Gannon who works for Carers Together (*) in Basingstoke.

(*) and they have been awarded preferred provider for the benefits office


The Blue LIG agreed to do 2 police “Hate crime” events. (potential venues: Farnborough community centre, Farnborough rugby club, Popley fields). The venues need to be large enough to accommodate police vehicles. Flo sorting out.

Elvis Night at Aldershot day service – potentially early July. All agreed. Organised by Bernard and his team of helpers!

Health day - TBC

Provider day event - TBC

Dates for your diaries

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 10 April 2012 at Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 1 pm


Tuesday 12 June 2012
Tuesday 14 August 2012
Tuesday 16 October 2012
Tuesday 11 December 2012
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 1 pm
free parking

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