Study Skills Syllabus
Teacher: Mr. Rottino
Grade: 12th
Room: WW 25
Course Objective: The Study skills class has been developed to allow students the opportunity to receive additional academic support to be successful here at Vista Murrieta High school. The determination for placement was agreed upon by all members of an IEP team to help facilitate more support for the student. The curriculum for this course is unique and somewhat flexible in that it will allow the teacher to focus on skills that are necessary for a group of students. The main emphasis is on work completion during this class. However, important skills such as Organization, Note-taking, Test-taking, and Structuring are essential to becoming a good student. All of these skills will be addressed and reinforced for students to have an opportunity to be academically successful.
Requirements: Each student will be given a daily planning sheet that will be used each and every day. Each student will be required to have all materials for each day including but not limited to; books, paper, pens, pencils, dividers, calculator, storage device, student ID, and correct binders. Each student will also be given Progress Report checks between each 6 week grading periods. Each student should have a reading novel of their choice in case they are finished with work or any lessons during the class.
Grading: Each student will be graded every day on their planning sheet. It is extremely important that students understand the grading system and the required structure of this sheet. Each class needs to be recorded for that day as well as the date. Any and all assignments, projects, tests, and due dates need to be recorded on this planning sheet. If they are not, this will indicate an incomplete planning sheet, thus earning a low mark. Likewise, once the assignment is due, there needs to be an initial by that teacher indicating that the student turned in the work. Therefore, both parents and case carrier can see that the student has successfully turned in their work.
At the end of each week, parents need to sign on the back of the planning sheet. This represents that the parent has seen the sheet and observed whether or not their son/daughter has been turning in their homework. If these things are not filled out properly and accurately, student’s grades will be reflected as such.
I will go over the procedures and steps on how to fill this out the first week of school in specific details.
Note: There will be other assignments during the year that will be graded such as Progress Report checks, Writing assignments, Organizing skills, random notebook/binder clean outs.
Rules: All rules in the classroom are governed by the school wide rules and will be strictly enforced. Here is a sample of the rules in this class:
· No eating
· No drinks except for water
· No hats, scarves, bandannas, hoods, beanies, or anything on the head in class
· No electronic devices in the class including; cell phones, I-pods, or any musical device. Needs to be turned off once in class. These will be taken.
· No cussing or foul language
· No physical contact
· No disrespect to any individuals in the learning environment
If any of these rules are broken consequences will be handed out. Please refer to the student handbook for a list of severe consequences.
1 Tardy is allowed, after that On-Campus Detention will be issued.
Remember that our Study skills class is a place and time for quiet learning and for students to complete assignments while receiving extra instruction.
I expect each and all students to work hard and be efficient with their use of time. There should never be any talking except if there is approval by the teachers or it is group skills time. Any one who can not comply with these standards will be removed for the benefit of all the other students who are taking advantage of this time.
I look forward to a great year of working with you and your parents.
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or call me at 951-894-5750 EXT 6558
Parents and students please sign and date the bottom portion and return to Mr. Rottino. Keep the rest of this Syllabus.
This states that you have read this Syllabus and agree to uphold your part.
Parent Signature______Date______
Student Signature______Date______