Regular Meeting – March 14, 2016
Report No. 15-137
MEETING Regular Meeting – February 22, 2016
ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Groters, Mr. Pomorski, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Skinner, Jr., Mrs. Tanis and Mrs. Ward
Also present: Samuel L. Wright, Superintendent
Employees and Visitors
President Pomorski called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
The Board and Visitors recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The next regularly scheduled board meetings will be held:
March 09, 2016 @ 5:30 p.m. Work Session BOE Center
March 14, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
March 28, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
April 25, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
President Pomorski welcomed visitors.
Consent Agenda
It was moved by Mrs. Groters, seconded by Mr. Skinner, to approve Consent Agenda items 15-126, 15-128, and 15-129.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
15-126 Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from 02/08/16
15-128 Approval of Expenditure Report
General Fund: $388,552.26
Food Service: $86,824.02
Child Care: $120.00
Capital Projects: $104.80
Mrs. Lori Martin reviewed the expenditures from the General Fund
15-129 Approval of High School Ground Breaking Ceremony
It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Groters, to approve Consent Agenda item 15-127 [Personnel Report].
Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Abstain: 1 [Tanis – Personal] MOTION CARRIED
15-127 Approval of Personnel Report
Regular Meeting
February 22, 2016
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A. Summer Camp Program
Mrs. Savage presented the details for a summer camp program proposal that would take place for two (2) weeks in June – four (4) days each week; June 20-23 and June 27-30. This program would be open to current students in 3rd – 5th grades. She shared that there will be two (2) components to the program, an academic and sports activity portion. Added amenities will include two field trips, t-shirt, snack, and in-district transportation, all for a fee of $5 per student. This proposal will be placed on the 03/14/16 agenda as a consent item.
B. 2016-17 Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Mr. Wright proposed a board meeting schedule for 2016-17 based on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, exception being December and April which only have one (1) meeting scheduled. Meeting times will be 5:30 p.m. when school isn’t in session and 6:30 p.m. when school is in session. Mr. Wright shared that this schedule is similar to what we currently follow however, there is no Public Forum listed due to the construction project that will be taking place at the high school. In addition, added work sessions may be incorporated, as needed accordingly. The proposed scheduled will be placed on the 03/14/16 agenda as a consent item.
A. Professional Development
Mrs. Savage shared a brief summary on the many opportunities of professional development that staff participated in on 02/19/16. Elementary staff took part in Comprehension Strategies training facilitated by SLD Read while counseling grant training for music, PE and counselors took place on programming components of Remo Drums, Polar, and Kimochis. Secondary staff received training in a variety of areas including; department time, school improvement, classroom management, 2016-17 schedules and test preparation for upcoming state assessments and 6-12 science teachers met with a Kent ISD Science Consultant to go through new science standards and practices. Special Education staff took part in sessions that focused on accommodations, service capture and behavior and secretarial staff met in the morning to review essential topics of interest. Finally, as the final segment of training by Dr. McEvoy, bus drivers received training on how to handle student conduct and conflict on the bus. Mrs. Savage thanked the administration team and food service staff for their efforts in making the day a success.
B. Family Rocket Night
A Family Rocket Night (FRN) will be held at KMS on Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Ms. Travis shared that a free taco dinner will be provided to families by KPS food service with a variety of science activities available to students and families directly following dinner. All ages are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
C. Second Student Count
Wednesday, February 10th was the state’s supplemental spring count for the 2015-16 school year. Mrs. Martin summarized that the district had an unaudited count of 2186 which was a loss of approximately 55 students from the fall count which came in at 2241, adding that it is typical for the district to experience a loss from the 1st to 2nd count.
Regular Meeting
February 22, 2016
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She explained that additional funding is captured by submitting Section 25 requests on eligible students who enroll between counts but that it usually is a wash because other districts submit the same requests when they receive KPS students during that time. Mr. Wright indicated that we currently receive state funding based on a 90% fall and 10% spring split however, the governor is proposing a 50/50% formula that would not be beneficial for us. Mr. Wright also stated that he is working on a preliminary budget for 16-17 based on an enrollment projection of 2120.
D. Committee #4 (Instruction) Goals
The Goal Committee #4 (Savage – Chair, Ward, Farkas, Alcorn, Palmitier, Stevens, and Hoorn) shared an update on their goal progress:
Instruction - - Goal #1: Design grade level and/or department curriculum grades, including alignment of K-12 curriculum.
Desired Results: Inform parents and staff about teaching and learning within Kelloggsville.
Instruction - - Goal #2: Evaluate the effectiveness of the K-12 math program and interventions.
Desired Results: Close gaps in K-12 math.
Instruction - - Goal #4: Implement a District Instructional Team to provide guidance on district curriculum items, including gifted & talented, STEM and EL services.
Desired Results: Ensure that student needs are being met and continuous improvement in programming is developed to meet those needs.
Mrs. Savage shard that the committee has begun working on implementation of Curriculum Crafter with staff. Preliminary training has been done but the work has just begun as additional guidance and training will be needed for staff on lesson plan criteria and curriculum map uploads. As part of the committee’s second goal, the math evaluation tool has been sent to K-12 grade level leaders and math department chairs with a return date of 03/31/16. Lastly, the District Instructional Team has been put into place and has met once with another meeting scheduled on 03/1/16. During their first meeting, the team went through an instructional infrastructure activity to gauge where the district is in terms of instruction. Also included at the first meeting, discussion took place on the purpose of the team and the various components that will be used to get us to where we want to be; SI plans, data report outs, alignment work, curriculum cycle reviews and evaluation of programs. This committee will report back to the Board in April.
E. Committee #6 (Community) Goals
The Goal Committee #6 (Owen – Chair, Sellers, Groters, Anderson, Palmitier, Travis, Blok, Martin, Massey, and Townsend) shared an update on their goal progress:
Community - - Goal #1: Create a plan of action to inform parents/guardians of current students about the many positive aspects of Kelloggsville Public Schools.
Desired Results: Return students that are currently in Kelloggsville.
Community - - Goal #2: Create a plan to inform parents/community members about the progress of the High School remodel and addition.
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February 22, 2016
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Desired Results: Create excitement regarding the changes to a building designed to be the centerpiece of the community.
Community - - On-Going Goal #4: Review and evaluate parental involvement programs and implement any necessary changes to increase participation.
Desired Results: Ensure that there is increased participation and involvement by parents in school sponsored parental programs.
Board of Education - - On-Going Goal #2: Meet quarterly with the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and develop a positive relationship to enhance community involvement and communications.
Desired Results: Develop the PAC to provide a link to the community using assigned projects with possible outcomes that will assist the Board of Education with information to lead the district.
Board of Education - - On-Going Goal #3: Review, evaluate and acquire feedback on the district’s marketing plan.
Desired Results: Ensure that a successful marketing plan is reaching out to the Kelloggsville community.
Mr. Owen shared that the committee is working on several of the goals simultaneously. To increase awareness of the district webpage and Facebook site, staff are being encouraged to send in pictures and descriptions of activities and events taking place in their classrooms and buildings and a scavenger hunt contest will be created to familiarize families and the community with the sites. In addition, plans to create an app through the App Store for Kville are being researched, which will be a great addition to parents and students that will link them directly to all district information.
He shared that postcards have been sent to our current EL and Schools of Choice families to welcome them and express appreciation to them for choosing our district and to share some positive bullet points of what makes KPS a great place to education their children. He added that postcards will also be going to families of Head Start students to inform them of the upcoming K Round Up event that will be taking place in April. A large sign is also being designed to be displayed on the paper trailer at Diemers during the Schools of Choice open window period that will spotlight information pertaining to Kelloggsville’s dedication of providing students with a big education in a small district environment.
To keep the community abreast of all of the construction activity that will begin in the spring, Mr. Fron has put together a video that showcases the high school’s past, present and future renderings of the project. This video will be streamed at all home events and activities. Groundbreaking ceremony activities are also being developed and refined, the date has been selected for April 25 @ 4:30 PM.
Lastly, Mr. Owen shared that the next PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) meeting will take place in March. This committee will share another report to the Board in April.
Regular Meeting
February 22, 2016
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Bid openings will take place for the construction project on Tuesday at the KHS Media Center @ 3:30 PM. TowerPinkster and OAK will review the results of the bids with the Board at the Work Session on 03/9/16. The bids will then be placed on the 03/14/16 board agenda as consent items.
- Mrs. Ward – shared appreciation to staff for all the extra learning that they took part in on Friday and is encouraged that it will be useful and beneficial;
- Mr. Skinner – congratulated both the boys and girls bowling teams for their conference title. He also congratulated Gage Nickelson for his perfect score of 300;
- Mrs. Sellers – nothing;
- Mr. Anderson – also congratulated both bowling teams and commended Gage Nickelson for his outstanding bowling performance. He also extended condolences to the Mattawan School Community and the family of Tyler Smith, who recently experienced the same kind of loss that the Kelloggsville community felt;
- Groters – congratulated the bowling, competitive cheer, and wrestling teams and individual athletes for their very successful season and championships. She also shared that the next basketball game at home will host the Davenport pep band;
- Tanis – nothing;
- Pomorski – nothing;
President Pomorski adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
David Skinner, Jr., Secretary Beth A. Postma
Kelloggsville Board of Education Recorder
VISITORS: Kim Stevens, Jeremy Palmitier, Lori Martin, Tammy Savage, Beth Travis, Eric Alcorn, Scott Gunn, Eric Schilthuis, Brenda Jansen, Jeff Owen, Jim Lafler, Suzanne Schmier, Terri Ricketson.