Fang Chou

Date of Birth: Oct. 14, 1983

Sex: Female

Nationality: Chinese


Personal Profile

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I went to the U.S. for education in 2000. I am currently studying at Drexel University, and I’ve just changed my major from Psychology to International Business, which belongs to Drexel’s Lebow College of Business that’s ranked 25th in the United States and 47th in the world. I am familiar with most basic Microsoft Office software, and also have some beginner skills of the software listed below.


2003 ~ Present Drexel University, the U.S.A.

2000 ~2003 Solebury School, the U.S.A.

Computer Skills

Microsoft office tool suit

Visual Basic

Anti virus tool




Chinese – fluent (my native language)

English – fluent

Japanese – intermediate

Korean – beginner

Community Services

I have always been spending my spare time on helping others in the community. I visited nursing homes and women and children protecting organizations proximately 72 hours every year in high school. In addition, I also volunteered to participate in the local kindergarten around my university area. I really enjoy working with kids and entertaining elders. I feel like part of me is fulfilled as doing so.

Specialty / Hobby

Drawing – I became interested in art when I was in middle school, and since then I’ve taken many art related courses (drawing, painting, art history etc). I applied to some professional art universities while applying for college. I got accepted and offered scholarship by Moore College of Art and Design.

Writing – I was always interested in writing articles and poetry. I’ve my work published in many newspapers in Taiwan. I also represented my school and won many national writing competitions throughout my elementary, middle, and high school years in Taiwan.

Photography – I started taking photos in college and just fell in love with it. I took a digital photography class in my second year and still study on my own.

If you are interested in getting an idea of how my drawings and photos look like, please see the attached PowerPoint file.

Thank you very much.