Welcome to Kindergarten!

The first day of kindergarten is an important one for your child. The activities in kindergarten are designed to teach your child the skills and concepts needed for success in his/her future school years. I am looking forward to working with your child and with you.

Please have your child bring his/her LARGE backpack to school every day!

PLEASE see that your child wears his/her name tag to school each day for the first week of school. The first week is always very confusing for the student, teachers and bus drivers.

Drop off and pick up:

Before school: Kindergarten students will need to be dropped off at the kindergarten gates until there is a teacher on duty. Once there is a teacher on duty, they will open the gates and let the students in. If you drop your child off out front, please make sure they wait in front of the gate until we open it. We don’t want any kinder students out on the big playground.

At dismissal time: we will be opening the side gate 5 minutes before dismissal time for you to walk to the classroom to pick up your child. If you are going to walk to pick up your child, PLEASE DO NOT park in the circle driveway! PLEASE park your car in the parking lot or on the street and walk in! When you park in the circle driveway you prevent parents from pulling forward and also prevent parents from being able to get out of the parking lot! If you prefer to stay in your car, we will be walking students out our side gate after all the students have been picked up from the classroom, and we will help your child find you! Please remind your children to say goodbye to us before leaving! We don’t want to lose anyone!

Many students have similar looking sweaters, backpacks, and lunch boxes. PLEASE write your child’s name on ALL items with a permanent marker.

Toys are never to be brought to school. They have a tendency to get lost or broken. If your child would like to share something, we ask for books that relate to the current theme of study only.

Visitors are always welcome. Please sign up at the back tables to help out during centers or to help run copies or do prep work! We require you to check into the office for a visitor’s pass. We are always in need of parent volunteers to help in the classroom! (Sorry, no siblings! J)

Kindergarten students will be required to have homework. The nightly activities will vary and should not exceed 30 minutes. Your child will need to have scissors, crayons, pencils, glue sticks and paper. We prefer the homework be done in pencil (writing) and crayon (drawing). No markers please!

Each Monday your child will bring home a note explaining the assignments. Homework is to be returned in the homework folder every Friday!

Nightly reading is a required part of homework. To help with this we will be sending home “book-bags” Monday-Thursday nights. Your child will select a book from my personal collection to put in his/her book-bag (a gallon size zip-loc bag). These books are always to be returned the next day in the book bag. Please record the number of pages and title of book read on the monthly calendar sheet.

If your child cannot already write his/her first name, he/she will need to practice writing it correctly. Please help him/her use a capital letter first and the rest lower case. Your child also needs to recognize his/her name.

Please help your child learn to tie his/her shoes. We understand that this is a difficult task, so if your child cannot do it yet, please double tie his/her shoes before he/she comes to school.

If your child rides the bus and you wish to pick him/her up instead, PLEASE send a note with your child. If we have no note and you have not arrived, we are required to send him/her home on the bus. We cannot release your child to anyone other than you without a note unless his/her name is on your child’s emergency card.

All kindergarten students will be eating lunch at school. Your options are to:

1.  Bring a nutritious lunch from home or

2.  Buy lunch: lunches are $2.25: please bring lunch money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and amount. You may pre-pay in the cafeteria(write checks payable to Todd Elementary School) or online at www.myschoolbucks.com. The money will be credited to your child’s account. We will not be responsible for lost money!

Please notify the school office each time your child is absent! (951) 736-7035. There is a message machine on when the office is closed.

If your child comes to school sick, or becomes sick during the day, we will call you to come and pick him/her up. If you work outside the home, please be sure to update your child’s emergency card so that we can reach you in case of an emergency. You must have 3 additional emergency contacts (3 different people at 3 different phone numbers) in Corona that will be able to pick up your child in the event that you cannot be contacted.

Email-I communicate with parents through email to save paper and it is an easy way to send out a reminders! Please make sure you filled out your email address on the signup sheet on the back table!

If you are ever wondering if there is something you could buy for our classroom, the following items are things we use on a regular basis, and would appreciate your help!

Large and small zip-loc bags

Clorox wipes

paper plates

Glue sticks, glue sticks, glue sticks!!!!


Crayola markers

Colored pencils

Bingo dotters

Scrapbook paper


Hand sanitizer

Hand soap

Clothes pins

Googly eyes


Classroom snacks

Dixie cups

Cotton balls

In order to guarantee your child an excellent learning climate he/she deserves, we believe all students can behave appropriately in the classroom. We will not tolerate any student from stopping us from teaching and/or keeping the class from learning.

Class Rules:

1.  Raise your hand to have a turn to talk

2.  Use a quiet voice indoors

3.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

4.  Walk in the classroom

5.  Respect yourself and others

6.  Listen, learn and try!

Early Release days are every Wednesday! We get out at 11:32am! J

We love celebrating your child’s birthday at school. If you would like to send a special treat, please make sure it is something quick and easy that we can pass out! No cakes please! Your child will also be bringing home our special birthday bag..please make sure you keep all the things together and return the bag and journal the next day!

We are looking forward to a fabulous year with your child! If you ever have any questions or concerns our door is ALWAYS open! J