Year 3: September 30, 2017 to September 29, 2018
Status: IP = in progress, C = completed, B = barrier, D = delayed (e.g., competing priorities)
Overarching Goal: Improve the oral health of pregnant women and children by providing a DHL in each state to serve as a communication link between NCECHW, state-level stakeholders, and early childhood education (ECE) programs.
Strategies / Activity / Action Steps / Deliverables / Resources / Lead / Others Involved / Timeline(Start/End) / Evaluation Method / Status /
Date Completed
Build or enhance DHL relationships at the state level through collaboration with key stakeholders (SOHP, HS and child care community, oral health coalition) / Maintain DHL webpage with contact information for key stakeholders / DHL webpage / Michelle Landrum / Ongoing / DHL annual survey / Ongoing
Provide updates on DHL activities during regional health specialists’ conference calls / Presentations upon request / NCECHW oral health team / As requested / DHL quarterly report
Attend regional health specialists’ annual meeting, if funds permit / Presentations upon request / TBD / As requested / ASTDD meeting report
Provide DHLs with a planning guide to prompt DHLs to contact key stakeholders / DHL At-a-Glance Activity Guide / Michelle Landrum, Kathy Hunt / October 2017 / DHL quarterly report / Complete
Work with HSICC to post DHL project description on ECKLC’s oral health webpage / DHL project description / Sarah Kolo / October 2017 / DHL annual survey / IP
Provide DHLs with NCECHW resources to share with stakeholders / 1. DHL project description
2. Brush Up on Oral Health tip sheets
3. Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles handouts
4. I Like My Teeth posters / Michelle Landrum, Beth Lowe, Katrina Holt / Ongoing / DHL annual survey / Ongoing
Participate in exhibit tables at state, regional, and national meetings / NCECHW oral health promotional kit / Beth Lowe / Ongoing / DHL quarterly report
Encourage DHLs to collaborate and share resources with key state-level contacts / Regional DHL coordinators / Ongoing / DHL quarterly reports / Ongoing
Promote toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste starting with the eruption of the first tooth / Develop resources to promote toothbrushing at the table / 1. IHS’s circle toothbrushing poster (adapted)
2. Toothbrushing at the table video / Beth Lowe / January 2018 / DHL annual survey
Host a DHL webinar that outlines AAP’s Brush, Book, Bed program and I Like My Teeth posters to promote toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste / 1. DHL webinar
2. Brush, Book, Bed Implementation Guide
3. I Like My Teeth posters / Michelle Landrum, Lauren Barone / January December 20178 / Webinar evaluation / IP
Host a DHL webinar that outlines other resources to promote toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, and post resources on the DHL webpage / 1. DHL webinar
2. Brush Up on Oral Health tip sheets
3. Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles handouts
4. IHS’s circle toothbrushing poster (adapted)
5. Toothbrushing at the table video
Encourage DHLs to share NCECHW-approved resources that promote brushing with fluoride toothpaste with key contacts / Regional DHL coordinators / Ongoing / DHL quarterly reports / Ongoing
Promote drinking water (versus sugar-sweetened beverages) / Host a DHL webinar that outlines resources available to promote drinking water (versus sugar-sweetened beverages) / 1. DHL webinar
2. I Like My Teeth posters
Other possible resource (pending NCECHW approval):
· Drink Up videos
· Rethink Your Drink handout
· How Much Juice Should Children Drink video / Michelle Landrum, TBD / January 2018 / Webinar evaluation / IP
Encourage DHLs to share NCECHW approved resources that promote drinking water with state-level contacts / Regional DHL coordinators / Ongoing / DHL quarterly reports / Ongoing
Improve DHL recruitment and engagement by promoting DHL project within ADHA / In collaboration with ADHA, promote DHL successes by highlighting state activities in Access magazine / Access magazine article / Michelle Landrum, Kathy Geurink / TBD / Article published
Present at ADHA annual session / ADHA presentation or panel discussion / Presenters TBDMichelle Landrum, Gina Sharps, Michelle Martin / June 2018 / Evaluation forms / June 2018IP
In collaboration with ADHA, disseminate information about DHL project to state ADHA chapters / 1. DHL project description
2. Article in ADHA Spotlight newsletter / Michelle Landrum, Ann Lynch / January 2018 / DHL roster and quarterly reports / IP
Encourage ADHA state chapters to have an ad-hoc DHL position / 1. Article in ADHA Spotlight newsletter / Michelle Landrum, Ann Lynch / January 2018
Collaborate with ADHA in recruiting DHLs as needed / Recruitment message (complete and posted in Update!) / Michelle Landrum, Ann Lynch, regional DHL coordinators / Ongoing / DHL roster / Ongoing
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