CayugaFest 2017
P.O. Box 85
Cayuga, Ontario N0A 1E0
May 1, 2017
* Note July 15 at 10:00am is the date and time for this year
Dear Parade Participant:
It’s that time when entries to the CayugaFest Parade are being accepted. The parade is set for Saturday, July 15 at 11 AM., marshalling at the Cayuga Arena carpark by 10:00AM. With your participation, we should have a great parade this year. Please support your community by entering into this event!
We invite you to fill out the enclosed form and submit it to the address listed above, or email it, include whether you have a float, band, antique car, business vehicle, marchers or you are an individual. There will be prizes awarded for the following categories: Best Float (1st, 2nd and 3rd) Best Antique/Agriculture, Best Car and Best Music. (Prizes for these categories will be Tim Hortons Cards).We encourage participants to have a float or have music playing. Theme this year is “HAPPY 150th CANADA!”
Please feel free to copy blank entry forms if more than one entry is submitted. And be sure to keep a copy of your written form(s).
Thank you in advance for your consideration, and we hope to hear from you soon.
Paul McClinchey, Saby and Richard Fox, Parade Chair
Parade Rules and Regulations
- Overall theme for CayugaFest is “HAPPY 150th CANADA”
- All self-propelled and towing vehicles must be in good mechanical condition.
- All floats must have a towing hook and / or chain in case of breakdowns.
- Driver must have 180° vision and / or a walker.
- All floats must provide rapid means of escape for the driver.
- Exhaust pipes must extend well beyond decorations and be wrapped in fireproof material.
- We suggest that each float should carry a 2 lb. fire extinguisher.
- An adult must accompany all youth participants under the age of 9.
- We suggest that every float must have body support, harnesses or handrails that are bolted to thefloor.
- No alcoholic beverages in the marshalling area or along parade route.
- No smoking on floats.
- Do not throw anything from a float, including candy. Even if you do not strike a spectator, you couldlure a child onto the road and into the path of a vehicle or animal. You can have walkers who can hand it out.
- Use of noisemakers or band practices is forbidden near animals.
- No air horns, “shotgun” blasts, or explosive noises from backfiring novelty cars.
- All entries must be in position at least 30 minutes before the parade begins.
- At the discretion of the Parade Marshall, any entry delaying the parade may be asked to withdraw.
Terms of Participation Agreement
I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to abide by the rules and regulations. I understand andagree to any picture being taken and recordings being made for use in any promotion for this event. Iunderstand and agree that the Parade Marshall has the final authority in all matters related to the paradeand our / my participation therein.
Do you have a:
Float Music
Vehicle Yes
Brief Description:
Do you have special requirements?
Brief Description: ______
Are you planning on children or pets on your float?
If so how many?
Please complete, sign, and return to CayugaFest, Box 85, Cayuga, ON, N0A 1E0 or Email By June 30th 2016
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2017
All floats in place by 10:30 a.m.
Parade starts at 11:00 a.m.
Marshalling at Cayuga Arena
Travels south on Thorburn to Joseph Street
Right on Joseph street to Munsee
Right on Munsee toTalbot street.
Right on Talbot street. to Thorburn right on Thorburn
to the Arena (total distance is 2.2 km).
For your convenience, the Arena
will be open for costume changes and bathroom use.
Water for horses will be stationed
In Parking lot at Arena
Arena will be open from 10AM to 12 PM for washrooms
Contact Info
Paul McClinchey, Parade Chair