Hadar Facilities Schedule
Unless noted, times listed are when our programs are scheduled for. Set up should be completed by then.
Monday, May 17
Evening / Five Hadar people arrive / Need the following rooms ready:Lawn C, Lawn A, Bunk 48, Village X
Evening / Canteen Store / Should be clear for Hadar to use as a gear storage room. Depending on the timing, we may start to unload some gear.
Tuesday, May 18
1 pm / Set up crew arrive (maybe earlier) / Rooms do not need to be ready when this group arrives – only at 3 pm when the first participants come.1:30 / Lunch / Lawn F / For 15 people (cold food – see menu)
1:30-4 / Hadar volunteers prepare camp / We will be start distributing our gear to program spaces, hanging up signs on the cabin doors, etc.
3 pm / Housing Ready / Lakeside, Motel, Admin Row, Lawnside, Hillside, Village, Select Bunks – ready for guests. Doors unlocked, no keys.
3 pm / Hang out areas set up / Canteen / All video games / electronics unplugged and covered with table cloths.
Café tables set up on the porch and inside.
Tables or bar space available for snacks all weekend long.
Urns for hot water, with tea and coffee fixings.
Snacks ready by 6 pm. Camp to supply whole fruit, chips and pretzels. Coffee/tea/water. Hadar to purchase additional snacks and add to set-up.
Beach / Lawn / Maximum number of chairs for lounging
3 pm / Program Spaces Set up / Gelman / 60 chairs, facing left as you walk in
Jewish Herit. / 50 chairs, facing front
Lawn Conf. / 50 chairs set up on either side. They should face the lawn side of the room (the wider end) and extend back to the narrower end if needed. On the left side, the couch and chair can be moved to the far back if possible.
Mini Social / 150 chairs, facing the left as you walk in, with a podium in the front.
PAC / Need 300 chairs set up facing the stage, with 1 wide aisle.
One table, covered in a table cloth, in the front of the room against the stage.
One table, covered in table cloth, on the stage, behind the curtain (curtain to be closed).
Please set up a podium in the front.
Behind the last row of chairs, set up a row of 8’ tables, covered in table cloths.
Guest Dining / If not set with tables, we need 40 chairs in the room around the edge. If there are tables, we can use the chairs and tables already in there.
Dining Hall / Set up 4 tables on the right, to be used for candle lighting. We will set up tea light candles in disposable tins that are filled with sand. We will also light two 24-hour candles which will burn into the next day.
4:30 pm / First cars arrive
5 - 7 pm / Registration / Vladik Park / Four 8’ tables under shade tents (if you have) with 2 chairs each.
One table with coolers of water.
Rain location is the Motel Lounge (still need tables)
5:30 pm / Buses / Parking lot / Vladik Park / We will have a volunteer at the front gate to direct buses towards registration. Cars will most likely drive in towards registration and afterwards park in the lot.
6 – 7:30 / Snacks available / Canteen / Heavy snack / sandwich fixings (see menu)
7:45 pm / Afternoon Prayer / PAC / No change to set up (see 3 pm)
7:45 / Candlelighting / Dining Hall / Tables on the far right side.
8 pm / Limit Radio and Golf Cart use / Main Camp Area / Lower the bar gate by the office. We will hang a sign directing all cars to go directly into the parking lot and not into the main camp.
8:30 / Kick-off / PAC
9:30 – 10:45 / Dinner / Dining Room / Round tables, with table cloths. Each tables set with: wine glasses, drinking glasses, pitches of water, silverware, cloth napkins, grape juice, 2 loaves of whole Challah bread. Seating for 225. Real dishes, cutlery and napkins for a dairy meal.
At least two buffet lines where convenient, with plates / bowls set up on the buffet.
Items for ritual hand washing on each table – 1 plastic pitcher filled with tap water (no ice) inside a large plastic bowl to pour into.
10:30 / Snacks for all-nighter / Canteen / First round of snacks set up.
Coffee fixings set up for all nighter. Set up coffee – 6 20 cup urns, plus hot water for tea and hot chocolate. Hadar purchased Equal Exchange Hot Chocolate and coffee to be used for this.
Show Hadar staff where remaining snacks are that we will put out throughout the night.
10:30 / Set up for AM / PAC
Gelman Back / No change – make sure it still looks fine.
Leave 2 empty pitchers and paper towels on the table in the back near the bathroom in Canteen.
All Night / Classes / Throughout the night the following will hold classes: Gelman, Jewish Heritage, Mini Social, Lawn Conference Left and Right, and the Guest Dining hall. All set up is as before (see 3 pm)
The Canteen will be used as a lounge with snacks, which Hadar will replenish throughout the night.
Wednesday, May 19
All Day / Limit Radio and Golf Cart Use / Main Camp Area
7:30 am – 10:00 / Breakfast / Dining Room / Seating for 150. Will come in bit by bit. Breakfast buffet, with coffee and hot water urns for tea. Real dishes and cutlery on the buffet (tables should be covered, but do not need to be set).
On the front round table should be grape juice and challah for people to use – (table not used for seating). Grape juice and Challah to be removed by 8 am.
8 am / Childrens Playroom / Gelman / Clear all chairs and leave room empty. Will be used on and off throughout the day for kids, parents, babysitters.
9 am / Late Morning Prayer / PAC / Same set up.
10 am – 12:30 / Snacks available / Canteen / See above snacks.
Have some grape juice available as well.
12:00 / Class / Mini Social / Same set up.
1:30 pm / Lunch / Dining Room / Two buffet lines. Real dishes and cutlery.
Grape juice and 2 challah rolls on each table.
Stations for ritual hand washing – 2 large coolers of water
(no ice) in the front and back of the room, with cups available. Water can be poured into a garbage can / large bowl. Need paper towels for drying hands and trash can for used towels.
2:30 - 6:30 / Lake open / Life Guard
2:30 / Free time / sports / Sports fields / Cooler of water at the basketball court and baseball field
2:30 / Indoor Activities / Lawn Conf / Left and Right – same set up
3:30 / Snacks / Canteen / See above snacks
4:45 / Classes / Lawn Conf
Jewish Herit.
Mini Social / All rooms with same set up.
6:00 / Classes / Lawn Conf
Jewish Herit.
Mini Social / All rooms with same set up.
6:30 / Early Family Dinner / Dining Hall / Prepare seating for 20 kids.
Can be in the guest dining hall if easier. Disposables.
7:15 / Afternoon Prayer / PAC / Same set up
7:45 / Candle lighting Set Up / Dining Room / We will reset tea lights in tins on the side tables.
We will again light 24-hour candles. Tonight it might be more like 10.
8:30 / Evening Prayers / PAC / Same set up
9:00 / Candle lighting / Dining Room
9:10 / Dinner / Dining Hall / Round tables, with table cloths. Each tables set with: wine glasses, drinking glasses, pitches of water, silverware, cloth napkins, grape juice, 2 loaves of whole Challah bread. Seating for 225. We will use disposables for dinner except for real napkins (meat meal).
At least two buffet lines where convenient, with plates / bowls set up on the buffet.
Items for ritual hand washing on each table – 1 plastic pitcher filled with tap water (no ice) inside a large plastic bowl to pour into.
10:45 – 1 am / Tisch (singing) / Guest Dining Hall / Snacks (see menu).
Still need to work on set up to get as many people around tables as possible.
In the buffet area, we want the room empty, but with a stack of chairs ready for us to unload if needed for overflow.
Trash cans for garbage and recycling cans for bottles
We will bring extra food back to dining hall and clean up (around 1 am)
10:45-1 / Snacks / Canteen / Snacks set up.
We will clean up at the end of the night (1 am)
10:45 / Evening activity / No set up needed
Thursday, May 20
9 pm / Limit Radio and Golf Cart Use / Main Camp Area
8 am / Childrens Playroom / Gelman / No change. Will be used on and off throughout the day.
9:30 am / Morning Prayers / PAC / Same set up
11:30 / Class / Jewish Herit. / Same set up.
12:15 / Class / Jewish Herit. / Same set up.
1 - 2 pm / Lunch / Dining Hall / Two buffet lines. Disposables for a meat meal.
Grape juice and 2 challah rolls on each table.
2:00 / Free time / sports / Sports fields / Cooler of water at the basketball court and baseball field
2:00 / Indoor Activities / Lawn Conf / Left and Right – same set up
2 – 6:30 / Lake Open / Lake / Lifeguard
3:30 / Snacks / Canteen / Snacks set up
4:00 / Classes / Lawn Conf
Jewish Herit.
Mini Social / All rooms with same set up.
5:00 / Classes / Lawn Conf
Jewish Herit.
Mini Social / All rooms with same set up.
6:10 / Afternoon Prayer / PAC / Same set up
6 – 7 / Early Family Dinner / Dining Hall / Prepare seating for 20 kids. Can be in the guest dining hall.
7:00 / Dinner / Dining Hall / Buffet lines. Real plates and cutlery on the buffet.
8:30 / Closing Program / PAC / Same sets up.
9:00 / Holiday Ends / Raise bar gate by the office to facilitate car movement from parking lot to bunks.
9:30 / Sweep of Camp / We will collect all gear from all program spaces and try to do a sweep of all housing for Lost and Found
10:00 / Buses arrive / Vladik Park
10:30 / Buses and cars leave