(Name of organization) is considering implementing a compressed workweek program with some or all employees. Currently employees work a variety of schedules, primarily five days per week and eight hours per day. If implemented, the new schedule will be based on supervisor approval and consist of four 10-hour days each week or eight 9-hour & one 8-hour days every two weeks (employees would still be expected to work 40 hours per week). Participation in the CWW program will strictly voluntary – please return this survey to ______no later than ______.
This questionnaire is designed to get our employees' input, perceptions and attitudes on this new work option prior to implementation. Please keep in mind that a program of this type will be implemented solely at the discretion of management and not necessarily based on majority rule.
Department ______
Phone or extension ______
1. Have you worked a compressed schedule previously? Yes No
1a) If yes, please specify 4/10s9/80s3/36sother
2. Please describe your current schedule.
Start times:
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /Saturday
ampm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
Stop times:
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /Saturday
ampm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
pm / am
2a) Are you currently satisfied with this schedule? Yes No
3. Do you anticipate any difficulty in adjusting to a compressed work schedule?
Yes No
3a) If yes, why? (Please check all that apply.)
FatiguePersonal schedule (i.e. child care, school, etc)
Current job dutiesConflict with current commute arrangements
3b) Do you think these issues can be resolved? Yes No
3c) If no (or if yes to 3b) what schedule would you most prefer to work?
(Rate all -- 3 = most interested, 2 = somewhat interested, 1 = not at all interested)
4/10s 9/80s 3/36sother ______
4.How comfortable do you think you would be if asked to change your existing schedule?
Very comfortableComfortable
Not comfortableI would seek other employment
4a)If you answered very comfortable or comfortable, what advantages do you expect? (Check all that apply.)
More customer contactLess stressGreater productivity
Better work qualityMore free timeLess commuting
More job satisfaction Reduced absenteeism Reduced cost
Other ______
5. Additional comments: