Minutes of Meeting
Monday 28th January 2013
Level 8 Meeting Room, Postgraduate Office, Ninewells
Present: / Dr Matt Lambert (ML) – ChairDr John Davidson (JD), Dr Alan Robertson (AR), Dr Hannah Naasan (HN), Mrs Fiona Anderson (FA), Dr Clare McKenzie (CMc), Dr Fiona Shearer (FS), Mr Craig Butler (CB)
In attendance: Mrs C Cunningham (CC)
1. / Apologies and Introductions
Dr Nicola Schembri (NS), Dr Graham McCallum (GMc), Dr Aline Wilson (AW),
Dr Nikhil Patravali (NP), Dr Claire Wallace (CW), Dr Jenny Cartlidge (JC)
Craig Butler advised the group he had taken up the post of Postgraduate Quality Assurance Manager within NHS Tayside.
2. / Minutes from the Previous Meeting
FA asked about O & G safety and training which had been brought up at the previous meeting. The subject of bullying within this department had also been raised. It was agreed that if this is a genuine issue, then it needs to be explored and investigated. NHST and the Deanery should be involved in that case. ML will email NP for an update and specific examples.
The minutes were then accepted as a true record of the meeting. / ML
3. / Matters Arising
· Travel Expenses. Steven Haddow has now left post and a formal response had not been received on this subject. JD advised that he had met with Jennifer Mudie (JM) from HR. Education and Training are now under her remit and she will attend the TTMG meetings. She will also attend the Trainee Support Group as HR representation. CC will copy JM into these minutes.
· Issues within O & G department. Discussed previously. ML will email NP for update
· JDF membership. CC tabled a list of present members and advised that three quarters of these do not reply to emails. AR suggested STC trainee reps could be encouraged to attend the JDF. FA thought it might be useful to write to group members outlining how many meetings they had attended or otherwise. JD agreed the group was potentially useful and very powerful. ML will write to members
· Website. CC reported she had had brief training on Umbraco. CC has sent the articles to ML previously. ML will distribute these to original authors to find out what is current and what needs updating.
· Email Update. ML has agreed, as an alternative to the newsletter to send a “round-robin” email to all trainees with current topics and issues. / CC
5. / Reports from Other Meetings
GMc attended but no feedback available yet. Next meeting is 1st March. ML asked for a deputy to attend in his place. It was agreed that ML will ask GMc to attend to ensure continuity.
b. Career Management Group
AR reported on this meeting. Kari Couser is now permanent careers adviser and is a good alternative source for trainees. She is keen to help. ML will include her information in the email update to trainees. CC will forward her email address to AR and he will email her. FA reminded the group that there is a variety of information online and Professor Carrie MacEwen who is LTFT A/Dean. Dr Elaine McNaughton had previously provided a paragraph on careers for the newsletter. CC will source this and forward to ML
c) IDT Panel
AR had also attended this meeting. He reported that the whole IDT system is changing to a UK based online system run through London. People asking for IDTs need to ensure that a covering letter is included to justify the request. Also misunderstandings about who is eligible. Good idea to get Deanery advice in the first instance. CMc reported that this process is not entirely signed off yet.
Deanery needs to ensure information is cascaded. AR reported that the appeals process could change. JD asked if Service objections were taken into account.
CMc suggested writing to Dr Drimmie to find out the latest situation with regard to IDT. ML will formally email FD for the most up-to-date status and when we can expect definitive information. / ML
6. / GIM Teaching
GIM curriculum amendment issues were fed back to SJDC by AR who has also spoken with Vicky Osgood who is director of PG Education for the GMC. The changes will be going ahead as the GMC do not want people on outdated curricula. However, AR fed back concerns around the assessments and mapping to eportfolio. If the curriculum is therefore changed then these mappings need to be transferred. GMC say this is not their issue.
HN reported that the assessments had already been changed to summative and formative but this won’t come in until new curriculum comes out. “Formative” cannot be seen at ARCP. If wrong box is ticked then a trainee will have less assessments on record.
CMc agreed that there was a reasonable run-in time and colleges will need to send data for mapping to deaneries. This needs to be pushed at college level. Too many colleges on eportfolio and not enough NES staff to handle.
ML reported the other issue was the amendment to the GIM 2012 curriculum. Trainees in their final year would not have the opportunity to address these. However the GMC stipulated that anyone in final year these changes won’t apply.
It was reported that GIM teaching for registrars in now in place. Richard Stretton is taking the lead on this. Monitor and review at next meeting.
7. / Foundation Teaching Programme
FA reported on this. There has been a change to the Foundation teaching programme following red flags in GMC survey. It has been decided to look at what is delivered and different ways in delivering. Fraser Reid has taken on responsibility for this. Three sessions so far, much more interactive and clinically focused. August 2013 will see a complete change to what is delivered in the TAUGHT programme. The teaching programme will be reviewed in March to identify what needs to be face to face and what can be done online.
Trainees have previously indicated that some of the DOTS modules are tedious with no education value. FA has been asked to sit on the LEG committee (LEARN Editorial Group) which looks at online resources for Foundation. Good opportunity to shape what goes into both the online and face to face teaching and listen to what trainees want. This will require a wider pool of people to deliver teaching particularly from senior trainees.
FA asked for feedback by the end of February.
CMc asked about attendance from trainees at these sessions. Concern about trainees coming along or staying for the whole session. The group discussed whether the three hour release for teaching be promoted through NHS Tayside (JD). Clinical commitments would always take priority with trainees. JD thought there was a problem with having enough people to backfill for trainees out at teaching. Day or half day offsite would probably work better.
FA will feedback from LEG at the next meeting.
8. / LaMP Website Development
FA reported there were now five dates in the diary for the pre-CCT clinical supervision courses. Still some space on four of these. First one went very well, lost of interest.
Abertay students could not attend meeting to show work being done on online interface for new LaMP modules.
Feedback was that first two modules of LaMP online were pitched at too low a level.
FA will invite previous reviewers back again to look at new content.
10. / AOB
· Mentoring - ML brought up mentoring for students. He had received an email stating that students would like mentoring from people less senior than consultants. HN told the group she was now a pastoral mentor for students. Discussion took place about this. FA told the group that the West Midlands deanery had a good mentoring system which was available on their website. The consensus was that the idea could potentially be useful but there were concerns about what training and back up would be provided from the deanery for this role particularly if difficulties were encountered.
· Dermatology Training – HN asked about annual leave. Can your full annual leave be denied. AR confirmed this cannot be done with proper notice.
· On Calls – HN asked where a list of on-calls can be sourced. AR advised that Fiona Pullar could provide this.
· Foundation Rotations 2013 – FA advised that these will be changing. Working with NHST on changes to the balance of the programmes to attract FY1 trainees and keep them into FY2. Knock on effect to present trainees. Some of the FY2 rotations might change for next year.
· Shape of Training – FA asked if everyone was aware of this and to look at their website. Changes to training taking place in the next few years. Could mean major changes to junior doctors. ML will highlight this to trainees. / ML
11. / Date of Next Meeting
ML will send out Doodle poll for dates of next meeting.
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