Hundon Parish Council Meeting 20th October 2009
Hundon Parish CouncilCllr David Rowlinson (Chairman), Cllr Geoffrey Spooner (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs Lynda Burrows, Cllr Wilfred Minshull,
Cllr Desmond Notley, Cllr Philip Impey, Cllr J McLardy, Mrs Amanda Parrett (Parish Clerk).
HELD ON TUESDAY 20th October 2009 AT 7.30 P.M
Cllr D Rowlinson (Chairman), Cllr G Spooner (Vice-Chairman), Cllr D Notley, Cllr W Minshull, Cllr L Burrows, Cllr P Impey and Cllr J McLardy
Also Present Mrs A Parrett (Parish Clerk), Cllr J Midwood (Suffolk County Council) 8.35pm, PCSO A Foster 8.20pm and 3 Members of the public.
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr D Whittaker.
- Declarations of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were apparent at this time but would be recorded as necessary.
- Minutes of Meeting 15th September 2009 (Circulated)
The Minutes of Meeting dated 15th September 2009 were adopted and signed as an accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr D Notley Seconded: Cllr J McLardy All in Favour
Resolution No. 072/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting dated 15 September 2009 (as circulated) be adopted and signed as a true and accurate record.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillor and Clare Police Station
Cllr J Midwood (SCC) reported
- £50.00 has been donated from the locality budget for a new bench outside the village shop.
- At a recent meeting about the extension of HundonPrimary School, concerns were raised over the expected increase in parking around the school.
- Cllr P Impey asked if the verges around the village could be cut again.
- Grit for roads should be delivered around the village shortly.
Cllr J Midwood left the meeting at 9.05pm.
Cllr D Whittaker (SEBC) reported (read out by chairman in her absence)
- A further letter has been delivered to residents of Windmill Rise regarding sewerage problems. Only two further households have indicated they would be interested in a CCTV survey to identify problem.
- Parish Council Conference Tuesday 10th November 2009, 4pm to 6.30pm at West Suffolk House, Bury St Edmunds.
- Local Government Review hearing was held on the 6th/7th October. No decision was made at that time but is expected within the next two or three weeks.
- The Bowls Club have been put in touch with the Grants Officer at St Edmundsbury Borough Council for funding for the club.
PSCO A Foster (Clare Police Station) reported
- There have been 2 burglaries to out buildings in the village and 1 case of criminal damage.
- A new Community Support Officer, David Matchett, will be working from Clare Police Station.
- Speeding continues to be a priority.
- Progress Reports
a)Iceni Homes / Hundon’s Affordable Housing Scheme
Negotiations are still ongoing between Iceni Homes, Planning Department and the landowners (Knight)
b)Street Light, Church Street
The new street light is due to be installed on the 29th October 2009.
c)Street Light, North Street
This light has now be repaired.
- Refurbishment of Village Hall Toilets
Cllrs L Burrow, J McLardy, P Impey and D Notley declared an interest in this agenda item.
The Chairman proposed that Standing Orders be suspended and the meeting should be opened to the public for a report from Mr T Cully about the refurbishment of the village hall.
Proposed: Cllr D Notley Seconded: Cllr W Minshull All in Favour
Resolution No. 073/HPC/20 OCTOBER- That Standing Orders be suspended and the meeting opened to the public.
The Village Hall requested a donation of £3,000 to assist in the refurbishment of the toilets and foyer. They obtained 3 quotes from recommended companies and decided on a quote of nearly £30,000.
Work will begin in January 2010.
Proposed: Cllr L Burrows Seconded: Cllr D Notley All in Favour
Resolution No. 074/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That Standing Orders be reinstated.
Councillors that declared an interest left the meeting while a decision was made.
Proposed: Cllr G Spooner Seconded: Cllr W Minshull All in Favour
Resolution No. 075/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That £3,000 be given to the Village Hall Committee to assist in the refurbishment of the toilets and foyer.
- New BenchOutsideVillage Shop
Request from the Village Shop for a £50 donation towards a new bench outside the shop. £50 has already been allocated from Cllr J Midwood (SCC) locality budget and £50 donated by a villager. The cost of a new bench is £349.
Proposed: Cllr W Minshull Seconded: Cllr G Spooner All in Favour
Resolution No. 076/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That £50 be donated to the Village Shop to purchase a new bench.
- Hundon Football Club Rent
Review of rent for the hire of the football pitch. The current rent charge is £300. The last rent increase was in October 2006 from £250 to £300.
Proposed: Cllr D Notley Seconded: Cllr P Impey All in Favour
Resolution No. 077/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That the rent charged to the Football Club for the hire of the football pitch should remain at £300.
- Donation to West Suffolk Voluntary Association for the Blind
In June 2008 the Parish Council donated £50.
Proposed: Cllr L Burrows Seconded: Cllr J McLardy All in favour
Resolution No. 078/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That £50 be donated to West Suffolk Voluntary Association for the Blind.
- Parish Plan
Request from the Parish Plan Steering Group for a donation of £500 to assist with the continued development of the plan.
Proposed: Cllr L Burrows Seconded: Cllr J McLardy All in favour
Resolution No. 079/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That £500 be given to the Parish Plan Steering Group for the continued development of the plan.
- Update on New Clerks Day
The day was very successful and gave the clerk a better understanding of how the Parish Council works and the role of the clerk within it.
Some procedures need to be amended and these will happen over the next few months.
The introduction of standing orders will hopefully be completed by the beginning of the next financial year.
The introduction of a public forum at the beginning of each Parish Council meeting to allow members of the public to comment on agenda items or bring issues to the attention of the Parish Council.
- New Clerks Day Follow-on Course
The Clerk requested to attend the Clerks Day Follow-on Course on 5th November 2009 at a cost of £45 plus VAT.
The bursary has been agreed by NALC and the Parish Council will receive 50% of both courses (£45) into the Parish Councils Community Account.
Proposed: Cllr L Burrows Seconded: Cllr P Impey All in favour
Resolution No. 080/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That the Parish Clerk attend the Clerks follow-on Course at a cost of £45 plus VAT.
- New Reference Books
New reference books need to be purchased by the Parish Council.
Local Council Administration – Arnold Baker - £67.00
The Local Council Clerks Guide – Paul Clayden - £11.75
Proposed: Cllr D Notley Seconded: Cllr W Minshull All in favour
Resolution No. 081/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That the Clerk purchase new reference books at a cost of £67 and £11.75 and claim the money back in next expenses claim.
- Donation of Royal British Legion for wreaths
Two wreaths have been ordered and will arrive at the beginning of November.
Last years donation was £50 per wreath.
Proposed: Cllr G Spooner Seconded: Cllr W Minshull All in favour
Resolution No. 082/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That £100 be donated to the Royal British Legion for the purchase of two wreaths.
- Planning Matters
Granted Applications
- TP0342 – Mrs C Lloyd-Jacob, Buntings, Chimney St, Hundon
Tree Preservation Order Application (i) 25% Crown reduction to 2 Oaks (O1 & O2 on plan, T1 & T2 on order) (ii) 20% crown reduction to one Walnut tree (W1 and plan, T3 on order (iii) fell one Lombardy Poplar tree (L2 on plan, T10 on order) (iv) re-pollard for Willow tress (W1-4 on plan, within group G1 on order).
- SE/09/0926 – Ms S Bresciani, Meadow View, Chimney Street, Hundon, CO10 8DX
Erection of extension to barn and renovation, amended by drawing no 6659/09/2 received 4 September 2009 omitting windows from the north and west elevations
Planning Applications – No Objections
SE/09/1190 – HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, CB8 9YG
Retention of single storey extension to healthcare building (ii) access ramp (iii) security fencing
SE/09/1120 – Mr C Shaw 5 Lower Road, Hundon, CO10 8DZ
10% crown reduction to one Walnut tree (1 on plan) and (ii) fell two plum trees (2 and 3 on plan)
- TCA09/1821 – Mr P Chedlow, Thatchers Hall, North Street, Hundon, CO10 8EE
40% crown reduction to one Ash tree (A1), (ii) 20% crown reduction and crown lift to lateral branches near garage to two Maple treet (M1 & M2)
- SE/09/1249 – Mr Sharp & Mr Bryson, Cartlodge Stables, Chimney Street, HundonCO10 8DX
Continued use of land for equestrian use, (ii) retention & alteration of vehicular access
- Finance
Banking Matters For October 2009
Community Account / Business Premium Account / Business Base Rate Tracker
(inc £3,000 Capital Reserve)
Opening Balances / 1,217.91 / 10,487.50 / 12,197.33
Income since September Meeting
I49 Hundon Herald Advertising Oct 09I50 Hundon Parish Plan Youth Club
I51 Hundon Herald Advertising Oct 09 / 120.00
Add – unpresented cheques
1,944.04 / 10,487.05 / 12,197.33
Account for Payment
E79 SEBC – Dog bin empty Oct – Dec 09
E80 Printwise – Hundon Herald Oct 09
E81 BDO Stoy Hayward – Audit fee YE 31/03/09
E82 SALC – New Clerks Day Course / 207.2
51.72 / LB/GS
1,374.86 / 10,487.05 / 12,197.33
Transfers between accounts
Calculated Balances / 1,374.86 / 10,487.05 / 12,197.33
The Annual Return for Year Ended 31st March 2009 was presented to the Parish Council for approval.
Proposed: Cllr W Minshull Seconded: Cllr D Notley All in favour
Resolution No. 083/HPC/20 OCTOBER 2009- That the Annual return was approved and accepted by the Parish Council
- Correspondence
- SCC – Enviroment & Transport – Temporary Road Closure – C672 Valley Wash, 600m for the U7213 Steeplechase to the U7204 junction.
- SALC – Agm 9th November at HaughleyPark Barn.
- SCC – Environment & Transport Service Delivery.
- East of England Regional Assembly – Scenarios for housing and economic growth.
- Dominic Holmes – Comments made about the positioning of new village hall signpost.
- HAVO – AGM 13th November, Haverhill Arts Centre 10am to 3pm.
- HMP Highpoint – Invitation to a ‘Diversity Open Day’ 18th November, 10am to 3pm.
- Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
Cllr L Burrows attend the Affordable Housing conference. She noted that for future reference County Council land can be given for affordable housing.
Cllr G Spooner has inspected the area behind the houses of 21 to 34 Galley Road because a villager commented there was no lighting. Cllr D Rowlinson will speak to A Tipple SEBC to see if there is anything which can be done.
- Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 17th November 2009 at 7.30pm – Hundon Village Hall Annexe
- Any Other Business
Adopting Red Phone Box – Some Phone Boxes are being decommissioned and Parish Councils can adopt the Phone Box for £1.
The Meeting Closed at 9.38pm.
Signature of Chairman……………………………………………