U.S. Geological Survey
USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
Little Rock, Arkansas
USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
Northwest Arkansas Project Office
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Revised April 30, 2012
PRIVACY ACT (pl 93-579) Information contained herein is considered confidential. Any disclosure of such information should be made to authorized personnel only. A substantial criminal penalty is provided by law for unauthorized disclosure of these records.
I. Building Addresses and Descriptions 3
A. Little Rock Main Office 3
B. Fayetteville Field Office 3
II. Essential Functions and Activities 4
III. Vital Records, Systems, and Equipment 5
IV. Plan Implementation and Activation/Deactivation 5
A. Responsibilities/Order of Succession 5
B. Warning and Notification 5
C. Relocation/Alternate Sites 7
D. External Requests for Assistance 7
V. Risk Assessment and Mitigation 8
A. General Assessment ...... 8
B. Plan Scenarios ...... 8
VI. Succession and Delegation of Authority 9
VII. Emergency Operations 9
A. Mission Sustaining 9
B. Facilities and Building Support 9
C. Emergency Organization Chart 11
D. Other Emergency Management or Response Organization and Officials 11
VIII. Restoring Normal Functions 11
A. Mission Sustaining 11
B. Facilities and Building Support 12
C. Emergency Response Equipment Inventory 12
IX. Identification of Employees 12
X. Communications 13
IX. Training and Exercises 13
Fig. 1 USGS Arkansas Water Science Center Little Rock Office 15
Fig. 2 USGS Arkansas Water Science Center Fayetteville Field Office 16
USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
I. Building Addresses and Descriptions
A. USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
Main Office
401 Hardin Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
The Arkansas Water Science Center Main office is the duty station of about 50 hydrologists, computer specialists, hydrologic technicians, and clerical staff. The Arkansas Water Science Center collects, stores, and makes available hydrologic data and does technical hydrologic investigations for the State of Arkansas.
The Arkansas Water Science Center Main office is the only occupant of an office building leased from GSA, owned by Jess Wood, and managed by the Hathaway Group (attention Sally Mears, 501-978-4962).
A GSA representative and the Federal Police inspect the building on an irregular basis during any given year. Little Rock City police are readily available if needed.
Utilities in the building are provided by Entergy, Central Arkansas Water, Little Rock Wastewater, and At&T. The building does not have an uninterruptable power supply.
Senior Facility Manager: David A. Freiwald, Director (501-228-3618, ).
Point of Contact for the Plan: David A. Freiwald, Director 501-228-3618, ).
B. USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
Fayetteville Field Office
700 West Research Center Boulevard, Suite 2411, Mail Stop 36
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
The Arkansas Water Science Center Fayetteville Field office is the duty station of about 8 hydrologists and hydrologic technicians. The Arkansas Water Science Center Fayetteville Field office collects, stores, and makes available hydrologic data and does technical hydrologic investigations for the State of Arkansas.
The Arkansas Water Science Center Fayetteville Field office is the one of 19 occupants of a 172,000 sq. ft. building owned and leased from the University of Arkansas, and is managed by the University (attention Mike Brosius, 479-575-6407, ).
A University of Arkansas representative and the University of Arkansas police inspect the building on an irregular basis during any given year. University of Arkansas and City of Fayetteville police are readily available if needed.
Utilities in the building are provided by the University of Arkansas through AEP SWEPCo Electric, Beaver Water District, Fayetteville Wastewater, and AT&T. The building has an uninterruptable power supply for emergency lighting only.
Senior Facility Manager: Dave Whitmire, Director of Finance and Administration (479-575-4340, ).
Point of Contact for the Plan: David A. Freiwald, Director 501-228-3618, ).
II. Essential Functions and Activities
--Maintain and operate USGS water resources stream flow, ground water, water quality, and water use data bases in Arkansas.
--Operate statewide network of gaging stations at which data are collected concerning the State’s water resources. This includes satellite telemetry sites that transmit data via satellite.
--Study and assess the condition of the State’s water resources with respect to availability, expected yield, and quality.
--Provide data and hydrologic interpretations to state water resources planners and managers who depend upon quality USGS data and sound interpretative work.
III. Vital Records, Systems, and Equipment
--National Water Information System (NWIS) computer data bases for Arkansas are located at the Main office.
--Original data for water resources records that are stored in paper files at both offices.
--Administrative budget and project information stored in FPPS computer data bases at the Department of Interior.
--Local Readout Ground Station (LRGS) that receives incoming satellite telemetry hydrologic data for gaging stations in Arkansas and Missouri and serves as a backup provider to Florida subdistricts (Miami, Tallahassee, Orlando, Tampa), Arizona, Mississippi, North Carolina, Montana, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Oregon, South Carolina, and California is located at the Main office.
--Original Administrative paper documents related to funding, billing, etc. are located at the Main office.
IV. Plan Implementation and Activation/Deactivation
A. Responsibilities/Order of Succession
NAME / OFFICE PHONE / CELL PHONE / OFFICE E-MAILD.A. Freiwald / 501-228-3618 / 501-554-6283 /
J.E. Funkhouser / 501-228-3663 / 501-766-3663 /
J.E. Petersen / 501-228-3620 / 501-554-2996 /
S.R. Dolls / 501-228-3604 / 501-554-6281 /
W.E. Baldwin / 501-228-3602 / 501-553-5411 /
K.M. Hubbs / 479-442-4888 ex206 / 479-304-8507 /
B. Warning and Notification
During duty hours, if an incident occurs which requires the identification of location or status of employees or visitors the following protocol would be followed.
· At the Main office: key officials would use the paging system to have employees convene at a central location, followed by a room-by-room search. If immediate evacuation were necessary, employees and visitors would be notified by the paging system. Physically impaired employees and/or visitors would be assisted by staff members, as appropriate. In the event of an evacuation, employees would convene in the parking lot for further instructions by a key official.
· At the Fayetteville Field office: key officials would have employees convene at a central location, followed by a room-by-room search. If immediate evacuation were necessary, employees and visitors would be notified. Physically impaired employees and/or visitors would be assisted by staff members, as appropriate. In the event of an evacuation, employees would convene in the parking lot for further instructions by a key official.
During off-duty hours, the Federal Executive Association (FEA) is the governing agency in times of emergencies. In the aftermath of an incident or event interrupting operations of the USGS facility, key officials would contact employees by telephone. A list of all employees is updated and distributed periodically to members of the Arkansas Water Science Center. Supervisors would be responsible for communicating with their subordinates in case of the threat and/or aftermath of an emergency.
In an extreme event that requires office closures, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) employees are expected to contact their immediate supervisor and notify them as soon as possible of their safety and status in accordance with their local emergency instructions and plans (for the purpose of this guidance “employees” include the Student Career Experience Program and the Student Temporary Employment Program employees and those students hired under a direct purchase order for personal services). Employees are encouraged to check-in with their supervisor after an emergency.
When contacted by an employee, supervisors should provide up-to-date information about changes to reporting and duty requirements and leave status. While post-event communications may be difficult, managers should encourage employees to be in touch as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the event employees are unable to contact their immediate supervisor, they should contact the USGS Emergency Call Center.
Contact information for the USGS Emergency Call Center:
· Toll Free: (866) 854-8987
· TTY (hearing or speech impaired): (800) 725-7024
· Reporting via Internet:
C. Relocation/Alternate Sites
In the event of an emergency that would prevent the use of current USGS Arkansas Water Science Center office space in Little Rock, and/or Fayetteville, Arkansas, key staff noted in number IV would communicate by phone and meet at one of their homes if necessary. Other employees, in the Little Rock and/or the Fayetteville offices, would be directed to remain at home as deemed appropriate unless otherwise deployed to maintain gaging stations if necessary equipment were available.
Depending upon the time frame, other arrangements would possibly have to be made to secure temporary office space with another Federal or State agency. If new, more permanent office space were needed, it would be acquired with the help from the General Services Administration.
D. External Requests for Assistance
Supervisors are also authorized to approve employees’ participation in non-mission activities during an emergency to save lives and protect property. Center Directors need to evaluate the nature of the activity, duration, and cost before expending Center funds. As soon as practical, the Center Director should inform regional management of the activity. If the requested non-mission activity exceeds the Center’s capacity to respond, the Center Director must consult regional management for approval and guidance on the best way to proceed. That consultation should continue throughout the duration of the emergency.
In the event of a National Security-type of emergency, key officials with the proper security clearances could be relocated to a facility designated by the local Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) office.
V. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
A. General Assessment
Possible Risk / Likelihood / ConsequencesFire / Not likely / Destruction, injuries
Floods / Not likely / Damage to road access
Explosion / Remote / Damage to buildings, injuries, employee evacuation
Heavy rain / Occasionally in summer / Damage to trees, possible equipment damage from roof leaks
Snow / Infrequently / Snow/ice on road, possible equipment damage from roof leaks
Tornado / Possible / Damage to building and fallen trees, possible equipment damage from roof leaks
Lightning / Frequently in summer / Power outages, damage to equipment and/or phone system
Power outage / Occasionally / Loss of data, damage to equipment
Terrorist threat / Possible / Disruption of function, injuries
B. Plan Scenarios
Possible Risk / Course of ActionFire / Pull fire alarm switch, call 911
Floods / Call employees if road is impassable
Heavy rain / Call employees if road is impassable
Snow / Federal employee announcements given over local radio and TV stations by Arkansas FEA
Tornado / Move employees to the conference room until “all clear” message given over local radio and TV stations
Lightning / Keep employees indoors until storm has subsided
Power outage / Call Power Company to report outage; if long-term outage, dismiss employees for the day
Terrorist threat or attack / Call Police, Federal Protective Service, and FBI. Lock all building entry doors. Evacuate building, if appropriate
VI. Succession and Delegation of Authority
Following is the order of succession for the Arkansas Water Science Center in the event of an emergency:
NAME / OFFICE PHONE / CELL PHONE / OFFICE E-MAILD.A. Freiwald / 501-228-3618 / 501-554-6283 /
J.E. Funkhouser / 501-228-3663 / 501-766-3663 /
J.E. Petersen / 501-228-3620 / 501-554-2996 /
S.R. Dolls / 501-228-3604 / 501-554-6281 /
W.E. Baldwin / 501-228-3602 / 501-553-5411 /
K.M. Hubbs / 479-442-4888 / 479-304-8507 /
VII. Emergency Operations
A. Mission Sustaining
In the event of an emergency that would prevent the use of current USGS Arkansas Water Science Center office space in Little Rock, and/or Fayetteville, Arkansas, key staff noted in number IV would communicate by phone and meet at one of their homes if necessary. Other employees, in the Little Rock and/or the Fayetteville offices, would be directed to remain at home as deemed appropriate unless otherwise deployed to maintain gaging stations if necessary equipment were available.
Depending upon the time frame, other arrangements would possibly have to be made to secure temporary office space with another Federal or State agency. If new, more permanent office space were needed, it would be acquired with the help from the General Services Administration.
If a state of emergency continues for a longer period of time, all employees listed in number VI would become directly involved in trying to maintain necessary USGS Water Science Center operations in Arkansas.
B. Facilities and Building Support
In the event of an emergency in which the facilities of the USGS Arkansas Water Science Center Little Rock and/or Fayetteville office(s) were destroyed, appropriate efforts would begin to locate alternate space. If facilities were not destroyed, but damaged, efforts would begin, as soon as possible, to arrange for repairs through the property managers, involving GSA when appropriate. If essential equipment were destroyed, procurement processes would begin to replace it.
C. Emergency Organization Chart
D. Other Emergency Management or Response Organizations and Officials
• Pulaski County Fire and Rescue: 911
• Washington Coounty Fire and Rescue: 911
• Hospital/Ambulance: 911
• Local law enforcement: 911
• FBI: 501-221-9100
• Arkansas State Police: 501-618-8000
VIII. Restoring Normal Functions
A. Mission Sustaining
Key Officials will have the time and attendance files, as well as the backup tapes necessary to submit hours for employees. In the event of a catastrophic event that prevents the normal processing of time and attendance information, the Payroll Operations Divison would use our pre- print files in order to pay all employees. They also will have the bankcards necessary to begin any necessary procurement actions. Financial management records, if destroyed, can be obtained on- line through USGS FFS systems. Property records are also available on-line through the USGS property management system. Key staff will work toward getting all data collection and project work moving in as normal a fashion as possible.