Faculty of Medicine
Dept. of General Surgery
Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit


Mohammed Safwat Shahin Mohammed

Assistant lecturer of Maxillo-facial surgery,


Assiut, Egypt.

Tel: Home (+2088) 2180647

Office (+2088)2413242

Fax: (+2088)(2333327)

Mobile: (+2)0104139104


Personal data / First name : Mohammed
Middle names : Safwat
Last name (Family or Surname): Shahin
Tel: Home : +2 088 2340548
Hospital : +2 088 2413242
Mobile : +20104139104
Fax :+2 088 2333327
Email :
Date of birth : 12, Aug, 1982.
Marital status : Married.
Nationality : Egyptian.
Address : Egypt, Assiut 18 Badary st., behind Nayla Khaton.
Correspondence: Egypt, Assiut, AssiutUniversityHospital, Department of General Surgery.
Current hospital: Department of General Surgery, AssiutUniversityHospital, Assiut, Egypt.
Languages : Arabic and English.
Current position / Assistant lecturer of General Surgery, AssiutUniversityHospital, Assiut, Egypt (2/5/2010 till now).
Positions held / House officer: AssiutUniversityHospital (1/3/2006-28/2/2007).
Resident (General Surgery): AssiutUniversityHospital (1/3/2007-28/2/2010).
Qualifications / High school diploma (basic education): Naser High School, Assiut, Egypt(1997-1999).
MB.Bch: Faculty of medicine, AssiutUniversity (9/1999-9/2005) (Excellent). [1]
M.Sc. in General Surgery: AssiutUniversityHospital (22/4/2007-22/11/2009). [2]
Professional licensure / Egyptian ministry of health full registration no.: 172775-2007/3/5
Clinical Experience / During my work as a house officer, as a resident and as an assistant lecturer, I gained experience in the following activities:
(High experience in all the following :)
  • Minor surgical maneuvers,
  • Out-patient clinical management,
  • In-patient clinical management,
  • Management of traumatized patients,
  • Emergency surgery, in the emergency surgery unit of my department concerned with the reception of cases like intestinal obstruction and acute abdomen and in addition, in the trauma unit in my university hospital,
  • Elective surgery including:-
-Parotid surgery: conservative superficial parotidectomy, total radical parotidectomy, enculation of parotid surgery.
-Endocrine surgery: various types of thyroidectomies, parathyroidectomy,
-Submandibular sialadenectomy, thyroglossal cyst excision,
-Excision of mandibular & maxillary cysts (all types), epulis, oral ulcers.
-Peripheral neurectomy of trigmenal nerve.
-Excision of any neck swellings.
- Open reduction & internal fixation of all facial fractures.
-TMJ ankylosis operations.
-Mandibular resections and reconstructions.
  • Assistance in the following open operations:
- Commando operation.
-Osteogenesis distraction operation.
-Total maxillectomy operation.
-Mandibular reconstructions.
-Craniofacial surgery.
Graduate, post graduate training, courses and conferences attended / 1999-2005: Graduate studies; Faculty of medicine, AssiutUniversity.
2006-2007: House officer; AssiutUniversityHospital. [4]
2007-2010: Resident; General Surgery dept., AssiutUniversityHospital. [5]
2009 :16-18 Dec. : attendance of The 10th Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery Congress at The Craniofacial and plastic Surgery Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria university .[4]
Teaching activities / Supervising house officers since March, 2007.
Supervising the work of residents since December, 2009.
Involved in undergraduate student teaching since March, 2010.
Research activities / Management of orbital blow-out fractures supervised by Shaltout S. Amar S. (my M.Sc thesis). [4]
Diagnostic & therapeutic arthroscopic uses for the management of TMJ disorders supervised by Shaltout S. Medra AM. A ThesisI am currently conducting, for the PhD degree. [4]
Referees and references / [1] AssiutUniversity was inaugurated in 1957 to encourage research, education and community services in Upper Egypt. It is located in AssiutCity which is 375 Km south of Cairo, the capital. The university comprises sixteen faculties and two higher institutions. PO Code No. 71515, Egypt.
[2] AssiutUniversityHospital is one of the biggest University Hospitals in Egypt. It is the core referral center for the whole Upper Egypt that serves about twenty million people. The hospital contains 2027 beds, including 94 ICU beds, and 46 operative theaters in which 240 operations are performed daily. 1478 medical and 6428 paramedical staff serve in this hospital. 3000 patients visit the outpatient clinics and 1000 are received in the emergency departments daily. The department of General Surgery contains 420 beds, including 98 beds in six specialized units: Laparoscopic Surgery unit, Pediatrics Surgery unit, Facio-maxillary surgery unit, Emergency Surgery unit, Endoscopy unit (including ERCP).
[3] Salah El-Dien Gaber Shaltout; Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, General Surgery Department, Assuit University Hospital.
Tel: +2 0165893888
[4] Morsi Mohammad Morsi; Professor of General Surgery, general surgery department, AssiutUniversityHospital. General Manager of AssiutUniversityHospital. Correspondence: AssiutUniversityHospital, General Surgery dept.
Tel: +2 088 2413003 -Fax: +2 088 2333327 -Email:
[5] Ahmed Mohammmed Medra; Professor & The Head of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculity of Dentistry; AlexandriaUniversity.
[6] Mohammed Hassan Osman; Lecturer of Maxillofacial surgery;AssiutUniversityHospital. Tel: +2 088 2298717 Fax: +2 088 2360606 -Email: -