Advertising Campaign Booklet

2018 Spring Concert

The 2017-18season marks Neponset Choral Society's 69th year of performing popular and classical choral music. The season’s spring concert will include American and international music “Sounds of Home”.

The NCS is a state-recognized non-profit musical organization withapproximately 65 members from the Norfolk, Bristol and Worcester County regions, performing primarily in Foxboro. Recent concerts have included major works by Vaughan Williams, Thompson, Faure, Mozart, and Rutter; works by women composers, and American folk songs and spirituals.

NCS’ projected budget for this season is approximately $45,000. We rely on the efforts of our own membership and the generosity of friends and sponsors to provide most of our operating funds. One significant source is local business advertising in our performance program booklet.

Advertising in our programs is an excellent way to promote your business as well as to support the arts in your local area. Our performance program booklets are professionally published and printed, and copies of previous programs are available if you wish to view actual advertising copy. When submitting your copy, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Ad material should be "camera-ready" (which means the ad copy is ready to go with few or no alterations by NCS), with any artwork such as logos or designs printed on high-contrast, and coated paper (if possible) to facilitate digital scanning.
  • Advertisers can provide copy in digital form as well. Formats we can use include .BMP, .GIF, .EPS, .JPG, .PDF, & .TIFF. For a format other than those listed, the ad seller canemail Dawn Newman () to learn if she can use it.
  • Minor changes such as the whiteout of text or small changes in text are included in the rates below. More substantial changes such as texture matching or large text changes cause the ad rates to double. Non-camera ready ads or simple ad creation are available for three times the quoted rates.
  • Color ad copy will be converted to grayscale.

The rates remain $35 for 1/4 page, $70 for 1/2 page, and $125 for full-page ads. For this year, weproject an audience of over 500 people, primarily from the Dedham, Norwood, Sharon, Walpole, Foxboro, Mansfield, Attleboro, and Mendon areas. Show your support for the arts, and reach a large audience at a great price! Advertisement copy MUST BE RECEIVED byFebruary 26, 2018 to guarantee inclusion in the winter concert program. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your support!

Barbara McLaughlin, NCS President