End of Season Checklist

Army Corps Visitor Use Survey Program

Closing Ceremony

Develop a ceremony/closing activity for the last day/week of work. Please email or call your SCA Program Manager to discuss this activity 1-2 weeks prior to the members’ end date. If combining this with one or more of your Agency Partners, so arrange with them, too.

Print out & sign completion certificates, if possible.

Schedule team dinner/lunch/snack (again, think of the budget. And even if food budget is overflowing, remember that one-time splurges (e.g. giant sushi dinner) are frowned upon)

Get small thank you gift for team? (only if budget allows)


After receiving the end-of-season evaluation from your SCA Program Manager, please make sure to schedule enough office time during the last week for all members to complete it to their fullest ability (as opposed to just throwing it at them on the last day). Be sure to stress the value of their opinion/experience in helping shape next year’s programming.

Set aside time in the last week to meet with each member to share feedback and talk about their experience, growth areas, and conduct their final evaluation.

After team has left, set a time with your Program Manager for a performance review to include two-way feedback and a general conversation of the teams and SCA’s successes and shortcomings.

Set a time with your agency partners at host site to discuss the successes and shortcomings of the teams work and experience. Ask for performance feedback. Have them fill out a Agency End of Season Evaluation form, if the Program Manager has not already provided it.

Paperwork & Website

Double check that all monthly reports, timesheets and evaluations have been received by your Program Manager.

Complete all pages of your site’s webpage.

Save your “greatest hits” photos to your site’s flash drive. Please do not include all photos that have been taken. Instead, select the best and consider how useful they will be for Program staff. (faces, logos, action, and PPE!) Please make sure to have the images named according to the file naming protocol (MDACode_Description_date)

 Save all SCA related documents (monthly reports, ERPs, etc) to your travel drive, in the correct folders and named using the correct naming protocol.)

Complete Chase card reconciliation process for any remaining funds. Print any remaining expense reports and mail with organized receipts to the Boise office.

[If applicable] To ensure mail is appropriately forwarded, it is advised that each member put in a “change of address” request with the post office. Some of you may be able to do it online at while others may need to go into your local post office branch.

Complete your Final Report and save it to the flash drive. Also save the report to a disk that you then give to the agency partner (s). It is recommended that you do not email this report, as the photos and maps included make it too large of a file for email.


Ship items back to where they came from via FedEx, using the FedEx Express Saver (3rd business day) option. Use your Chase card.

Furniture and some household items (i.e. dishes and brooms) purchased with SCA funds should be donated to a homeless shelter, an agency that assists low income people, or another service agency in the community in which you’ve been working.

Any field, office or electronic equipment purchased with SCA funds should be shipped to the Boise office (unless otherwise noted) (1491 Tyrell Lane,Boise, ID83706). Please do everything possible to ensure safe shipping – especially of electronic equipment (including using appropriate type of box, high quality tape, packaging material, etc.). Treat these shipments equal to or better than you would your own stuff. Check all equipment against your equipment inventory list sent with the original shipment. Clearly note any discrepancy, damage, or needed repairs on the checklist. With duct tape, please note the equipments condition and the date.

Digital Camera

Phone Charger


Printer cable

Power cord

Contract cell phone

Cell Phone Charger


Power cord

Computer bag


Travel Drive

GPS unit


Other equipment______

For camping gear, please carefully dry and clean before packing and/or storing, then mail to Nelson Bruni’s attention at the NH office (689 River Road • PO Box 550 • Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603-0550).

For Army Corps computers and equipment, please carefully pack and main back to the address supplied to you by the Program Manager or by the Army Corps Personnnel.


For agency housing – Be sure that the housing is left clean and in good order. Remember Leave No Trace principles.

Please clean your apartment or agency housing thoroughly to recover the maximum amount of any deposit. Again, not doing this at the last second really helps with the quality of this work.

Schedule and complete a final walk-through with the landlord/apartment manager or an agency staff member.

[If applicable] Make arrangements to have the deposit check (made out to the Student Conservation Association) mailed to Pat Rheaume; Student Conservation Association; PO Box 550; Charlestown, NH03603-0550

[If applicable] Contact utilities (reference utilities PO) to shut off services one day after your departure from the residence.


For rented vehicles, contact your Program Manager2 weeks prior to your departure to determine drop off location and where to mail the WEX gas card & receipts. Code all vehicle needs to the appropriate line item. Then make sure your vehicles are properly cared for:

Vehicle washed


Garbage/object free

Full tank of gas

If you have been using an agency vehicle, please follow any instructions given by agency staff.

Send your completed vehicle log(s) to your Program Manager in the Boise office.

Last Steps

Check all of the above to make sure they are completed.

Contact your Program Manager when you are about to leave and let him/her know the status of your site.

Alex Olsen 208-424-6734 x 7414

For Corps Members

End of Internship Checklist


Double check that all timesheets and evaluations are correctly completed and have been given to your Project Leader. ( Remember that if you are leaving your internship before your agreed upon end date, you have forfeited your AmeriCorps education award)


Clean your living space thoroughly. Remember Leave No Trace principles!

[If applicable] To ensure mail is appropriately forwarded, it is advised to put in a “change of address” request with the post office. You may be able to do it online at: or you may need to go into your local post office branch.

Last Steps

Check all of the above to make sure they are completed.

Check in with your Project Leader before leaving to ensure that all bases have been covered.

Give yourself a big pat on the back for your dedication, motivation and passion for volunteer service and the environment. Thank you for all your hard work!!