Top level Information
Type of Pregnancy:
/ Non Identical Twin Boys (DCDA)40 week due date:
Date of Planned C-Section, and weeks of pregnancy at this point:
Current medication/ allergy advice:
General notes/requests:
/- I am fully aware and accept that this is a wish-list and I understand that someof my requests may not be possible due to medical reasons.
- This is my first pregnancy & first surgery outside of dentistry work.
- I would like my husband to be with me at all times when he is allowed to be.
I or my husband will discuss all eventualities as they arise. It will help us to
know the answers to these questions:
1. What is wrong?
2. What do you suggest and why?
3. What would be the possible outcomes with and without this intervention?
4. How much time do we have to make a decision?
5. Are there any other courses of action open to us?
We will be guided by balanced, informative advice. We want a healthy baby and mother and will take all necessary steps to achieve this.
- I may need to discuss anti-anxiety options when I go in to get my spinal block – I will want to make a decision at the time as to whether I need something to help me or whether I feel fine
- I would like my catheter to be inserted and removed once I have had my spinal block so that I have no pain from this happening
In Surgery
- I will be bringing my phone and AUX cable in and would like to have playing my “baby play list” on Spotify. I will have it prepped and ready and will let my husband know how to access it too so that it can be started before surgery begins.
- I would like everyone to introduce themselves before they begin with name and job title so I know who is who when I am faced with a room full of strangers in masks.
- I want a discretion screen up at all times and would like you to check that I can’t see any reflections of the surgery taking place before beginning. I would also like my discretion to be taken into account at all times when prepping me for surgery and getting me ready to be transported.
- I may get nauseous during the surgery, as my sister did with her sections, I would like options to be discussed and administered as soon as possible if this does occur.
- I would like to have a commentary of what is happening up to and including the birth /for the whole time spent in theatre.
- I am happy for students to be present to observe but do not want students operating on me or stitching me up after.
- I would like to bring my camera into theatre and get a photo of each baby as they get lifted up across the dividing curtain, along with them getting weighed and put down in the crib together – if My husband isn’t able to do this but a student or other member of staff is then this is fine (I accept that this is a nice to have and can only happen if the babies come out healthy and don’t require medical intervention).
- If possible I would like delayed cord clamping to be implemented.
- My husband has no desire to cut the cords himself for information.
- I ideally don’t want forceps to be used unless completely necessary.
- I would like if possible for them to be placed in 1 cot next to each other as quickly as possible. Then whilst I am being stitched up, to come over to us, be held near my face to say hello and then go on my husband for skin on skin until we are transported to recovery.
- I prefer to have dissolvable stitchesused to close thewound.
- I would like, if possible to put some of my lavender oil on my pillow in surgery to calm my nerves.
After Birth
- I would like to attempt to breastfeed both twins as soon as possible and will require support in doing this.
- I would also like to bind my stomach to assist with the healing process, I have bought and packed a bamboo band and will need support and advice with this and how to use it.
- I would like implement skin on skin as soon as possible.
- I would like the twins to be next to my bed as soon as possible in one cot together, I have packed swaddling blankets to wrap them in and would like support and advice on how to use them.
- I have packed the twins bag with changing items and clothes packed in zip-lock bags by size (tiny baby & new born depending on what they need) there is also a special set of clothes for going home in which I would ideally not like to use until we go home, this is in a separate, labelled zip lock bag for info.
- I want/need advice on how to wash myself in the first couple of weeks and how I deal with the wound and dressing and anything which I need to look out for/report.
- I ideally would like to stay in hospital for 2-3 nights coming home on the 22/23 December 2016.
- I would like to discuss what laxative options I have for my first few bowel movements as I have heard this can be extremely challenging, I am currently taking a shot of prune juice daily to help movement due to iron supplements and have found this to be very effective, I, as a rule, like to go for natural options first if available.
- I have been advised that I will need to continue with the iron supplements for 2-3 weeks post birth due to blood loss so will need a re-prescription, please also advise how long I will need to carry on taking everything else which I am on.
- My goal is to take the strongest, morphine based, meds for as short a time as possible as I have heard the have some nasty side effects, I would like to discuss my options for pain relief both in hospital and at home as soon as possible.
- I would like to be present when our baby has a nappy change or bath.
- I intend to start taking a Homeopathic remedy from after surgery (one tablet to be sucked 3 times daily for 7-10 days after surgery) – this includes Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Staphisagria & Bellis Perennis.
Thank you for honoring my requests for myself, my husband and our new babies.