Meeting opened at 1935hrs
Present: 24 DW; A & BR; GMcG; JJ; LS; TB; RC; MM; MF; W & MM; A & HW; KV; EF; AB; LH; JB; LK; J & UA; DJ
Apologies: DM; GD; MG; PW; RS; JF; B & EP; B & BD; BB
Acceptance of June minutes as a true record required (DW apologised for wrong date re AGM in August – should have read Wednesday August 5, 2015 - thank you RJ for advice).
Moved: AR 2nd LH
Treasures report GMcG: Thanks DW for looking after books. Received in June - $870 bringing balance to $1094 credit. A very favourable position to be in. Moved as accepted AB 2nd MF-
Correspondence 4/6 – 1/7
WSC – request for handrail outside kitchen entry door; update on whether Heatherbrae Pies still
intend building on Old Pacific Hwy; WSC Clr.BG – thank you for attending June meeting as guest speaker and offer to assist with local matters if required; copies forwarded of correspondence to council re various matters with no response to 30/6 e.g. clearing of gutters Burns Rd and creek flooding; potholes Ourimbah Ck Rd; query re media statement council could go into administration or be taken over by Gosford or Lake Macquarie Council;
AR & AB – details of Clr.BG’s internal information re flooding Burns Rd – on traffic agenda;
PA (Catherine) for David Mehan – please pass on to David our appreciation for his involvement in endeavouring to have something done about Burns Rd creek flooding;
ORRA members – apologies for listing incorrect date for August meeting as 4th instead of 5th
WSC - Clr BG – “getting some action” advising that creek flooding Burns Rd passed to traffic engineer to work way through suggestions from ORRA, in interim, if another flood event occurs, arrangements will be made for more ‘heavy duty’ closures and consider 24hr manning of area – if determination can be made of safe way to install boom gates (not electronic) may be a good start (this information followed Councillor Graham’s email 4/6 to WSC’s Director, Infrastructure and Operations) – area on traffic committee’s agenda following letters from David Mehan and ORRA (AB – know this correct, SES also involved and David Mehan pushing hard); re question of WSC’ status - don’t get too far ahead of yourselves, wait for correct information;
JM Elvidge confirmation of WSC’s Councillor Community Grants allocations – Clr’s Graham $500, Matthews $250 and Best $100 - cheque to be forwarded in due course and advice that Clr Vincent allocated $500 (includes advice funds to be used for administration costs and must be used within 3 months or forfeit right to apply for future grants (receipts and report of expenditure to be provided and unused funds returned ) – DW queried time frame, now changed to 30/6/16); new round of grants open (ORRA will not apply); Scott Jarvis, Drainage & Structures Co-ordinator advising repairs to timber bridge in Shirley St to be carried out in coming week (actually started) and construction of new bridge listed for 2016/17 draft future works programme (will seek a preferred design towards end of 2015);
BC - advising ML at council acknowledged receipt of his plans and had passed to facilitator;
RJ – advising incorrect date for August meeting
JN and RR – thank you for minutes……..E & BP – thank you for update on bridge
PA for DM - copy of David’s letter to council re Burns RD flooding
General Business:
DJ asked about holding Christmas Carols on Sohier Park Oval – DW advised she would not volunteer (previously she one of main organisers) as ‘jolly hard work’getting insurance, singers etc and organising whole thing. DJ said she would volunteer and perhaps some of ORRA funds could be used. Response - not possible – funds to be used for administration costs only.
Various comments/complaints – about not getting local paper deliveries in many areas of Ourimbah.
Newspaper articles: Express 5/6 -plan to incorporate Newcastle Uni with Ourimbah Campus into a new three campus Central Coast university labelled “lunacy” by Labor MP David Mehan – N’castle
University not consulted on this proposal; development application and Mayor’s message; Coastwide - University of Newcastle has rejected criticism it is not meeting tertiary education needs of the CC community at its Ourimbah Campus; 16/6 Herald – councils negotiate plan to expand to head off amalgamations – Wyong Council will disappear and Gosford and Lake Macquarie will expand under a back up plan negotiated by both councils; Express 17/6 - plans for $500 million Oriental Wonderland sent back to drawing board – NSW Dept Planning has found significant holes
in the proposal - same date, Mayor confident it will go ahead; Express 24/6 - WSC’s GM resigns to take up position on Sunshine Coast; Gosford & WSC preparing for NSW Government ‘Fit for the Future’ amalgamation proposals – Gosford budgeted $176,000 and Wyong $195,000 for community surveys; Chronicle 26/6 -Office of Local Gov is assessing pecuniary interest allegations that
Wyong Mayor, Cr Doug Eaton failed to disclose and/or manage a pecuniary interest in relation to the Chinese Theme Park proposal; Chronicle 26/6 WSC press release - NSW Dept Planning and Environment has issued a gateway determination giving the green light for the Chinese Theme Park to proceed to public exhibition according to WSC; WSC press release, Chronicle 26/6 - call for a referendum on amalgamation of Wyong & Gosford Councils – WSC believes it can stand alone and deliver for its community but ultimate say belongs to the community; letter in Chronicle 22/6 - call for Mayor Eaton’s resignation re the 100,000 gift of shares to his wife in Chinese Theme Park (both claim neither knew about this – AB according to N’castle Herald 27/4 shares sold for $10,000 – where did money go?; Chronicle 26/6 interview with Wyong Mayor - Cr Eaton has called allegations a “baseless slur”; Mayor’s wife suing 4 WSC Councillors for sexual and racial discrimination; council DA’s (nothing on Ourimbah) and Mayor’s message re capital works in Shire;
WSC community not impressed with Mayoral medals - actual cost $56,000 not as previously reported - blow out due to necessity for expedient production for Mayors visit to China, insurance, special case, safe ( we as ratepayers had a right to be advised );. Clr BG fined $3000 odd for ‘leaking’ information to public (absolved of blame but fined???); WSC GM resigns to take up position on Sunshine Coast.
TB - so we have to account for every penny of the expenditure of council grants but they don’t have to account to us for the costs of medals.
AB - proposal for amalgamation of councils is a complex issue. Advantage - with bigger Council fulltime councillors and also, would then become CC City Council and present itself as a better identity. Not saying I’m putting this forward, not sure how I stand yet but suggest inviting Clr Matthews to attend meeting to discuss. DW - previously invited her to meeting – response was ‘what other councillors have responded or attended this year’. Responded with details, but will write again – need more information about amalgamation – doubt any councillor will say which way they would go. All B Ward councillors invited to attend meeting, only councillor who did not respond was Lloyd Taylor and Deputy Mayor Lyn Webster busy moving house, but will contact her again.
AB – N’castle Herald pushing this theme park in a big way – talking about way this advertised in China is - if you put a $million into this company, it automatically gives you Australian citizenship. This is not special treatment, it’s normal.
JJ reported car in Station St (outside post office) finally removed after many months and Medicare office in Westfield Tuggerah has closed – now local offices at Centrelink Gosford, Wyong. Suggest people to write to Karen McNamara to complain. I will write on behalf of ORRA.
Open discussion re this.
DW – in receipts this month we received from original members of OPC - J & BR, $2 membership fees and $18 donation and WK $1 membership and $4 donation.- thank you.
RJ - would like to put forward a request for a bus shelter or at least a seat outside Ballinger’s garage for elderly residents. DW - will write to WSC with request and include same at Yates Rd cnr.
GMcG - Glen Rd boarding house development proposal. Thursday 16th July 5pm a determination by JRPP will be made. AR will represent ORRA and there will be several other speakers. Need as many as possible to turn up at Council to show support.
TB - Ashton Scholastic store closing at Niagara Park shopping centre 25th July 2016. Next bus trip 31st July 2015 to Newcastle Helipad – meet at scout hall 8am. Enquiries: 4362 1421/4325 3805
LF – Ourimbah Pharmacy – couple of days after original arsonist fire, smouldering occurred so fire brigade had to return to extinguish.
Open discussion about council elections next year; still no results re money collected for lunch with the Mayor; Clr Luke Nayna should resign, now in Canberra working for/with The Whip; who likely
to stand for Mayor with exception of DE;
AB made reference to council and state elections next year – maybe new political party way to go - own party like Residents First. Tired of councillors and politicians bagging each other. Problem is, many don’t care/know or understand importance of voting, some don’t vote. Need to get out and advise. DJ - with Sept. 2016 WSC elections coming up, maybe people from ORRA can form with other coast groups. Starting process now not bad idea, not saying correct, but worth thought. Constantly complain about Council, good to do something about it, not necessarily as ORRA .
GMcG – as starting point, maybe we should ‘meet the Mayor’at Ourimbah Campus on Tues 14 July from 10am till 11am for 6 people to ask questions on any issue e.g. amalgamation and theme park. Need to register to speak.(From the floor undecipherable – suggested questions for GMcG to ask if he intends to attend). Need to boost member numbers here at ORRA. Paid up membership at $1 is currently only 55 odd – but well over that figure receive minutes. Need to talk to people about us and what we do. The more financial members, the more likely able to lobby successfully – at moment feel like Ourimbah ignored.
DW – is it suggested other precinct committees/groups contacted with thoughts of forming a party?
TB - need a lot more thought and discussion before doing something like that. We are a residents Assoc. - we are loosing plot when moving away from being a residents. This too huge a thing for us. Many in agreeance.
MF - we have Masterplan update coming up. Facilitators sent info to WSC and they to collate and call public meeting – no news as to when.
AB.- WSC too pro development. A balance required - developers only one benefiting. Not happy with Masterplan and fact that facilitators want us to praise and advocate to everyone their work.
Dates to be advised of exhibition of Masterplan by WSC and following this, community meeting.
DW – some of things raised at ‘stakeholders’ meetings are very similar to those raised by our own community members and forwarded to Council.
AB – when we get to this Council community meeting, would like to have someone ask the question – just what has been included from the submissions put forth by Ourimbah residents from their own masterplan meeting.
Recorder battery ran out - general discussion continued for approx. 4 minutes before the
Closure of meeting at 9.01pm
IF YOU ARE A PAID UP MEMBER AND WISH TO NOMINATE YOURSELF OR ANOTHER (including the re-election of a current member/s) FOR A POSITION, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR CHOICE (include your name & contact details) TO :
or post to P.O. Box 71 Ourimbah prior to the 4th August 2015.
7.30pm Open meeting, welcome
7.35pm Apologies
7.40pm Acceptance of previous months minutes – Moved:………Accepted………
7.45pm Treasurers report – Moved………..Accepted………..
7.50pm Report of achievements July 2014 to June 2015 by Chairperson prior to having executive and committee stand down
7.55pm Returning officer calls for the election of new
Chairperson; Vice Chairperson; Secretary; Treasurer, Committee
8.10pm Meeting resumes – correspondence in/out 2nd July to 4th August
8.15pm Report on JRPP meeting
8.20pm General business
9.00pm Anticipated close