DECEMBER 14, 2009
A public hearing, Truth – N - Taxation, of the Hector City Council was called to order at 6:00PM with the pledge of allegiance by Mayor Jeff Heerdt. Members present: Council Members: Mark Schwiderski, Gary Bipes, Ralph Bergsma, Janet Olson. Staff present: Barbara Hoyhtya, City Administrator. Citizens present: Larry Willprecht and David Palm.
City Administrator, Hoyhtya went over the 2010 Property Tax Levy, spending, revenues and expenditures, and proposed tax rates in Renville County.
Larry Willprecht asked abut having to have a cement base on a building over 10 X 12. He was told to bring this to the Planning Commission.
The 2010 proposed tax rate is 121.035% The total levy increase 0.7% from $638,149 to $642,841.
The public hearing was closed with a motion by Council Member Bipes, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
DECEMBER 14, 2009
A meeting of the Hector City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jeff Heerdt. Members present: Council Members: Gary Bipes, Ralph Bergsma, Janet Olson and Mark Schwiderski. Staff present: City Administrator Barbara Hoyhtya and Police Chief Kurt Kozel.
Other present: Mike Jacoby, Frank Schafer, Mark Wettlaufer, and David Palm.
Council Member Schwiderski motioned to approve the agenda with the following additions, 27. State Aid for Airport Maintenance, 28. RFP’s for Engineering and Auditor, second by Council Member Olson seconded. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted to approve the agenda, none votes against, motion carried.
Council Member Bergsma motioned to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2009. Council Member Schwiderski seconded. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
A public hearing, Wellhead Protection Plan Part II, of the Hector City Council was called to order. The City of Hector has been working on this Plan Part II for the past two years. The Hector Plan is a non-vulnerable plan because we have a confined aquifer.
The city had to inventory what wells were in this area.
Wells need to be sealed by a certified well driller at the land owners expense but there is some cost sharing opportunities available to help the land owner.
Part I Plan is on file at the city office.
Part II is seven chapters.
Chapter 1 Data Elements and Assessments
Looking at land use which is agriculture.
Chapter 2 Impacted Changes on Public Water Supply Wells
No large impact or expected changes. Talked about influence of existing water and land government programs.
Chapter 3 Issues, Problems and Opportunities
Work with Renville County environmental department and the SWCA.
Chapter 4 Wellhead Protection Goals
Protecting the water with education and well sealing.
Chapter 5 Plan Objectives and Management Strategies
For the next eight (8) years Hector will be educating the land owners. Where are they getting their water from. Signage can be placed at the well sites. Well Management – what is happening with land owners on well sealing? Work with Renville County on land use controls.
Chapter 6 Evaluation Program
Evaluate the program every 2 ½ years for the state.
Chapter 7 Alternate Water Supply & Contingency Strategy
Already done by the DNR
Mark Wettlaufer works with the State of Minnesota and an employee of Minnesota Rural Water Association helping cities with water use and planning.
A motion to close the public hearing by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Bipes. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
A public hearing, Special Assessment was called to order. The special assessments are for delinquent utilities and lawn mowing. The property at 560 4th Street East will be paid by an attorney’s office tomorrow. If this comes in the amount will be removed.
Motion by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Olson to close the public hearing. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
The regular city council meeting was reopened.
David Palm of Bolton & Menk was in attendance to explain the street lights and photo cells. The photo cells were put in by Halophane and Design Electric. Halophone is extending the warranty to 10 years for the photo cells.
David is requesting the council pay the final payment of $18,729.68. The total contract price came in at $358,301.00.
The monthly reports were reviewed.
The Hector EDA will be looking at the maintenance at Prairie View this week.
Jerome Schueller answered questions in writing as to what he does when he installs a meter in a house.
A motion by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Schwiderski to approve the job descriptions as reviewed. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
The council is interested in knowing how long it would take our employee to fix the Street Sweeper. Also see if the Peris Brothers would be interested in giving the city a bid.
What does this do to the warranty if we put it in?
Council Member Bipes reported on the blight issues. He suggests the council review the property. Mayor Heerdt visited with #4 and he is waiting to get a shed in the country. #1 did not want any help. Council Member Bipes stated the city should prioritize by worst to best. The police have already done this.
The council needs to stand behind those that they instructed to make a judgment on the blight issues.
The council directed the police to sweep the city and they were given 30 days by letter to correct the problems.
The council instructed the Administrator to write another letter and have the attorney review before it goes out that the blight needs to be removed or the city will have it removed at the land owners expense and if not paid the city can put it on their taxes.
Personnel Policy changes
Council Member Bergsma and Olson discussed some changes to the policy to save money.
1. Leave on call for Police department and drop on call for water and wastewater department.
2. When an employee is called out they will be paid a minimum of two hours at double time. Currently the employees are paid 1 ½ times. The employees also need to record the actual time they are called out for.
3. Hire someone to do part time for weekends and holidays for the water/wastewater department.
4. Overtime – pay after 40 hours worked. If you have to work a holiday overtime will be paid before or following a holiday in that 40 hour week. No overtime for someone who has vacation or sick leave in that week.
A motion by Council Member Schwiderski to eliminate on call time except for the police department. Callout paid at double time with a minimum of two hours and actual time worked recorded. Hire a part time employee to work weekends and holiday in the water/wastewater department. Follow the FLSA of working 40 hour work weeks with the exception of working before or after a holiday in the work week with overtime being paid out for emergencies. Second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Council Member Schwiderski thanked the personnel committee for all their work on this committee. The employees are doing a very good job.
Council Member Olson would like to see a raise for the employees after all expenses are in and the council look at the expenditures and revenues for 2009.
Budget 2010 The council would like to see $5,000 in over time added to the budget.
The personnel committee will talk with the employees about comp time at the next employees meeting. The Administrator is to check with other cities as to their comp time policies.
Motion to pay the payables of $137,501.23 by Council Member Schwiderski, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson, and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Motion to except Dostal Electronics quote for new equipment to record and play council meetings on the cable for $1,628.00 by Council Member Schwiderski, second by Olson. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Motion to approved Lutheran Social Services Site Use Agreement for 2010 for $9,460.00 by Council Member Bipes, second Council member Bergsma. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor of, none against. Motion carried.
Motion by Council Member Olson to approve the Plastic Garbage Bag Agreement with the Adult Client Training Service as the same as last year with a second by Council Member Bipes. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none against. Motion carried.
Motion by Council Member Bipes to approve the grant agreement for airport maintenance and operation for 2010 with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, second by Bergsma. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
The council set up a special meeting for January 7, 2010 to review the RFP’s for engineering and auditor.
Motion to approve Resolution 09-31 A Resolution Establishing a Special Assessment to Hector Properties for Delinquent Utilities by Council member Schwiderski, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, pursuant to a public hearing a special one year assessment is to be placed upon the following properties for delinquent utilities:
v William Benson, located at 440 3rd Street East (33-01320) in the amount of $740.79
v Marsha Huwe, located at 401 Douglas Avenue East (33-01820) in the amount of $955.15
v Barbara Milbach, located at 250 4TH Street East (33-01890) in the amount of $158.53
WHEREAS, pursuant to a public hearing, a special one year assessment is to be placed upon the following properties for failure to the mowing of grass and trimming weeds:
v William Benson, located at 440 3rd Street East (33-01320) in the amount of $357.51
v Landmark Red CLL, located at 400 5th St. East (33-01850) in the amount of $450.00
v Anthony Lies, located at 250 4th Street East (33-01890) in the amount of $150.00
v Ismael Alvarado, located at 231 Dupont Ave NE (33-02525) in the amount of $100.00
v Ismael Alvarado, located at 241 Dupont Ave. NE (33-02625) in the amount of $100.00
WHEREAS, pursuant to a public hearing, a special one year assessment is to be placed upon the following properties for failure to clean up blight:
v Tim Helm, located at 521 5th Street East (33-02180) in the amount of $171.21
WHEREAS, the total assessment will be for $3,530.10.
Passed this 14th Day of December, 2009.
Jeff Heerdt, Mayor
Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator
Motion to adopt Resolution 09-32 A Resolution Adopting the Final 2009 Levy, Collectible in 2010, For the City of Hector, Minnesota; and ordering the Levy to be Certified with the Renville County Auditor by Council Member Olson, second by Council member Schwiderski. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Hector, Renville County, Minnesota, that the following sums of money to be levied for the current year 2009, collectible in 2010, upon the taxable property in the City of Hector for the following purposes:
Gross General Levy: $388,178
Equals General Levy: $388,178
Special Levies:
2004 Debt Service $45,000
2001 Refunding Bonds $51,595
2001 Debt Service $39,000
2000 Debt Service $16,691
1994-2 Debt Service $34,000
1998 GO $10,000
2006A Equipment Certificates $58,377
Total Special Levies: $254,663
Total Levy: $642,841
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Renville County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above sum does not include Local Government Aid and is to be levied in full.
Passed this 14th day of December 2009.
Jeff Heerdt, Mayor
Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator
Motion to approve Resolution 09-33 Approving Wellhead Protection Plan by Council Member Schwiderski, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Bipes, Heerdt, Olson and Schwiderski voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute; the City shall adopt and amend from time to time a Wellhead Protection Plan; and,
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Hector, authorized the updating of its Phase II Wellhead Protection Plan; and,
WHEREAS, The proposed Wellhead Protection Plan is based on local and regional historical facts, trends, and governmental planning standards; and,
WHEREAS, The document presents the Wellhead Protection Plan for Hector, Minnesota; reflective of a community planning process conducted in the years 2009 appointed officials, city staff, the public at large, and adjacent local units of government; and,
WHEREAS, Before approving the Wellhead Protection Plan, the City Council must hold at least one public hearing thereon; and,
WHEREAS, A notice of the time, place and purpose of a hearing on the proposed Wellhead Protection Plan was published in the official newspaper of the municipality at least ten days before the day of the hearing with a copy of the notice posted for public viewing; and,
WHEREAS, A public hearing was held on December 14, 2009 by the Hector City Council; and,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Hector, Minnesota hereby approves the Hector Wellhead Protection Plan.