Sharron Callahan Member Assistance Fund
Identification and Purpose of Fund: This Fund was established at the end of the term of office (April 2007) of Provincial Commissioner Sharron Callahan to recognize her contribution to Guiding in this Province, especially her recognition that all girls and women who wished to be Members of Guiding should be welcomed, without concern of affordability. Our Council is committed to helping make this possible.
Fund Revenue: Revenue for this Fund is generated from the sale of Girl Guide Cookies, and from donations, bequests, corporate giving, fundraising, and contributions from Councils and Trefoil Guilds.
Eligibility for Assistance: This Fund is to provide a source of assistance to Newfoundland and Labrador Members of Girl Guides of Canada who experience financial barriers to participation in Guiding activities. Applicants for assistance to this Fund have the assurance of Provincial Council that their request will be kept confidential. Note: All members of Girl Guides of Canada are expected to participate in the sale of Girl Guide Cookies.
Eligible Expenses Include:
- Membership fees (50%)
- Uniform costs (50%, up to a maximum of $25 per individual) Uniform is defined as shirt, scarf and/or sash.
- Canadian Camp Registration Fee (50%)
Application Process:
All applications for assistance will be considered to determine the amount of assistance that can be offered based on factors including, but not limited to, the following:
- The reason given for the application for assistance.
- Total number of applications received and the funds available.
- Applications for assistance towards Membership fees must be accompanied by a cheque or money order to cover the portion not covered by the Fund (i.e., 50% of the Membership fee), unless prior arrangements have been made through the Provincial Office.
Award Process:
- Applications will be considered at any time.
- When all applicants are members of Guiding, more than one person in a family can be considered on the same application.
- The fully completed and signed application should be sent to:Provincial Officeat the address above.
Any assistance awarded for uniform costs will be sent to the Councilconcerned, with notification to the applicant or parent/guardian of girl member. Assistance awarded toward Membership fees will be applied directly to the girl’s Membership fee or, in the case of an adult member, will be forwarded to the District or Area concerned.