Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G29, 20 July 2016

Northern Territory of Australia

Government Gazette


No. G29 20 July 2016

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The Gazette is published by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.

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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G29, 20 July 2016

Northern Territory of Australia

Place Names Act

Naming of Place
Robyn Lesley Park, Town of Sanderson

I, David William Tollner, Minister for Lands and Planning, under section11D(1) of the Place Names Act, give notice that:

(a) on the recommendation of the Place Names Committee for the NorthernTerritory, I have approved the naming of Robyn Lesley Park in the Town of Sanderson; and

(b) the location of Robyn Lesley Park is as indicated on Compiled Plan5577, which may be inspected at the office of the Surveyor-General, Level 1, Arnhemica House, 16Parap Road, Parap NT 0820; and

(c) the name is recorded in the register kept by the Committee, which may be inspected on the Committee's website at

Dated 9 June 2016

D. W. Tollner

Minister for Lands and Planning

Police Administration Act

Sale of Goods

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 166 of the PoliceAdministration Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the possession of the Officer in Charge, Police Station, Katherine Police Station, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight (28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed.


Lauren Hill

Northern Division

6 July 2016


Exhibit number / Item Description
457621/001 / Light blue Southern Cross bike
457349/001 / Small black/red Giant Upland bike
456547/001 / Jamis white/black/red mens mountain bike
456535/001 / Avanti Montari white, orange, grey bike
456440/001 / Southern Star Rhythm BMX bike black/white


Exhibit number / Item Description
456783/001 / Light brown Aerial cricket Bat
455553/001 / White Samsung Galaxy phone SN 355990052805812
455372/001 / Oztrail duffle bag xl containing pillows
452749/001 / Ladies multi coloured purse with paper inside
452186/001 / Beige back pack misc contents
451022/001 / Large black bike helmet carbon fibre coating Model 535
449434/001 / Express dark green back pack containing personal items
448517/001 / Spear and Jackson axe
447722/001 / Gold womens bracelet with heart shaped engraved pendants attached
445313/001 / Alloy silver brake set with receipt
444381/001 / Black Toshiba laptop
443979/001 / Black HTC mobile phone
443751/001 / Black Panasonic SC BMAX3 speakers
444549/001 / Fire extinguisher red/white
442357/001 / Black/ green Velcro wallet
438703/001 / Childs play mat 2 x 2 metres
437877/001 / Two way radios including CB radio SN 25238876
433077/001 / 25 USB sticks
430020/001 / Buffalo River gun safe
430020/004 / Keys to safe


Exhibit number / Item Description
441371/001 / Czechoslovakia Slavia .22 air rifle SN 205649
439700/001 / Boito Revna single barrel shotgun SN16352906
433968/001 / Brown Brno .308 Winchester Bolt action rifle SN:F2918
4320020/002 / Savage Arms Axis bolt action rifle 30.06 SN: H257273
4320020/003 / Rossi Amadeo Puma Lever action rifle .357magnum SN:K267513
419935/003 / Winchester 94 Lever action rifle 30.30 SN 4460143
435456/004 / Brown air rifle

Northern Territory of Australia

Swimming Pool Safety Act

Appointment of Swimming Pool Safety Adviser

I, Jennifer Anne Harlock, the delegate of the Swimming Pool Safety Authority, under section40(1) of the Swimming Pool Safety Act, appoint AndrewLeslieBohn to be a swimming pool safety adviser.

Dated 12 July 2016

Jennifer Anne Harlock


The following notice replaces the notice published in Gazette No. S68 on 18July 2016, which is withdrawn.

Assent To Proposed Laws

His Honour the Administrator assented to the following proposed laws:

13 July 2016

Firearms and Weapons Control Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (ActNo.27of 2016)

Parole Amendment Act 2016 (Act No.28 of 2016)

Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Act No. 29 of 2016)

Police Administration Amendment Act 2016 (Act No. 30 of 2016)

Stamp Duty Amendment (First Home Owner Discount) Act 2016 (ActNo.31of 2016)

Yours sincerely

Michael Tatham

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

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