Burton Plantation Management Committee meeting minutes
Minutes of a meeting of the Plantation Management Committee held at the Pavilion, Towles Fields, Burton on the Wolds on Tuesday 14thNovember 2017 at 10.30 a.m.
Cllr W Best, Cllr R Shields, Mr P Birkinshaw, Mrs L Cooper, Mrs E Dunn, Mrs C Thomson (Heritage Warden),
Mr A Wilson, Mrs J Wilson, Mrs S Massey – Parish Clerk
Cllr A Finch
39/17To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve the reasons given.
Resolved: To accept the apologies of Cllr Finch.
40/17Disclosures of interests; disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests or personal interests that may lead to bias, to items on the agenda.
41/17To agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12thSeptember 2017.
Resolved: To accept and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12thSeptember 2017 as a true record.
42/17Questions/comments from the public.
43/17To receive the completed Plantation safety review checklists.
Reports were received for the months of August, October and November. No outstanding issues were reported.
44/17Status report, update and outstanding issues.
The status report was reviewed and updated with the current position.
Resolved: That the Clerk will update the Status Report and circulate to committee members.
45/17To agree tasks and roles for the next volunteer days.
After discussion it was agreed that the focus on the next volunteer days would be on the replanting of trees and tidying of the Springfield end.
Resolved: That Lyn Cooper will distribute the completed documents.
46/17To review the Plantation calendar.
It was agreed to discuss this item under minute reference 48/17.
47/17To discuss the annual plan updated by Lyn Cooper.
It was agreed to discuss this item under minute reference 48/17.
48/17To review the Plantation documentation.
Resolved: To defer this item until the next meeting.
Resolved: That Lyn Cooper will distribute the proposed documentation prior to this meeting.
49/17 To discuss the village summer fete July 2018 and discuss involvement.
Resolved: That Cath Thomson will organise a nest box making activity with pre-made kits.
Resolved: That Liz Dunn will organise a treasure hunt throughout the plantation.
Resolved: That the Clerk will contact the tree surgeon to ask about chainsaw carving display.
50/17To approve first aid training for Liz Dunn and investigate costs.
Resolved: To approve first aid training for Liz Dunn and expenditure of £135+VAT for this course.
51/17To consider the purchase of a storage cupboard and approve expenditure of up to £200.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a storage cupboard and expenditure of up to £200.
52/17To consider the purchase of bird boxes and approve expenditure of up to £100.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of bird-boxes and approve expenditure of up to £100.
53/17To consider the purchase of a first aid kit and approve expenditure of up to £50.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a first aid kit an expenditure of up to £50.
54/17Discuss budget requirements for 2018-2019 for inclusion in the Parish Council budget.
Resolved: To approve the budget for 2018-2019 as discussed.
55/17Financial update.
The balance of the Plantation accounts at 1st November 2017 is £2,544.16.
56/17To agree the date of the next meeting of the Plantation Management Committee.
Resolved: That the next meeting of the Plantation Management Committee will be held onTuesday 16th January 2017 at10.30 a.m. at the Pavilion, Towles Fields, Burton on the Wolds.
The meeting closed at 11.59 a.m.
These minutes are a true and accurate record.
Plantation Committee Chairman Date
Burton Plantation Management Committee meeting minutes P8