ComitéInternational dela Diaspora Africainepour le Développement- CIDAD

International Committee of the African Diaspora for Development - ICADD


Public Seminar on "The contribution of the African Diaspora to Development: the case of Eritrea, Rwanda and Senegal "at the University of Geneva

Press Release-12April 2014

ICADD, an African association based in Geneva, with the aim of creating a sustainable dialogue and partnerships between the African region and its Diaspora, and enhancement of the Pan-African solidarity, organizesa public seminar on "The contribution of the African Diaspora to Development: the case of Eritrea, Rwanda and Senegal" on Wednesday, 23 April 2014 at 6:00pm at the University ofGeneva, Uni Mail,40 Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve, Genevain Room MR 160.

The seminar is part of a series of public debateson engaging the African Diaspora in development activities. It featuresa notable lineup of speakers:

  1. Professor Sandro Cattacin,Department of Sociology, University of Geneva, Uni Mail
  2. Mr. Tauhid Pasha, Senior Specialist, International Organization for Migration
  3. Ms. Sophia Tesfamariam, Director of US Foundation for the Horn of Africa and activememberof the Eritrean American Community
  4. Mr. Edouard Bizumuremyi, commercial attaché to the embassy of Ruwnda
  5. Ms. Ndiemé NDIAYE, ExecutiveDirector of Association Femmes pour la Planète and activemember of the Senegalese Community

Moderator: Ms. Jeanine Munyeshuli Barbé, Member of ICADD

Despite the differences of origin, gender, class, generation, and geography, the African Diaspora is known as an essentialpartner for development, both in the countries of origin, but also in countries of transit and destination. An African society, which will include its Diaspora in its development agenda, will better confront new challenges, such as external economic shocks, unexpected changes, national disaster or crisis, and will show more resilience. It is interesting to mention that remittances were higher in the context of global economic and financial crisis.The contribution of the African Diaspora to Development includes a variety of aspects, such as the transfer of knowledge and technology.

At the opening of the high-level dialogue on "International migration and development"of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on 3 October 2013, Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon stated that "migrants and diasporas are considered as development partners, and should not be left behind." The African Heads of State adopted a declaration at the Global African Diaspora Summit on 25 May 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa and the African Union considers the African Diaspora as the sixth region of Africa.

In this context, how could the African Diaspora be empowered to play an active role in host and home countries and thus substantially contribute to sustainable development agenda at the national, regional and international levels?

Through these series of public seminars, ICADD wishes to facilitate a space for various African Diaspora to interact, exchange views, bring different perspectives, and promote mutual understanding and learning, in order to create a common platform for their contribution to development, ultimately for creating an inclusive society. Moreover,ICADD wants togenerate and deepen knowledgethat could beused forpolicy developmenton migrationat the national,regionaland international levels.