International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance

ICHPER•SD Individual Membership/Commission Application

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Title: o Prof. o Dr. (oMale/oFemale) o Mr. o Ms.


First Middle Last


City State/Country Zip/Postal Code

Institutional Affiliation:

College/University/Organization Department

Telephone No. Fax No.

E-Mail: Please print one letter per line: ______

Type of Membership: o Individual /Group A* ($60.00 U.S.) ; o Individual/Group B* ($50.00 U.S.) ; o Individual/Group C* ($40.00 U.S.) o Life ($1,500.00 U.S.); o Contributing ($1,000.00 U.S. or more)

* Group A, B, and C corresponds to a graduated membership fee system. The three different annual individual membership

fees are based on economic status of the nation in which a member resides and works. (See back of application.)

ICHPER·SD Commissions

ICHPER·SD has forty nine (52) Commissions. Every individual member of the Council is encouraged to be a member of a Commission according to his or her own preference. Each Commission, as an international substructure of ICHPER·SD, is responsible for carrying out the sustained projects and programs for each field of specialization in health, physical education, recreation, sport, and dance. Thus, your participation will enrich you by broadening your connection with other professionals throughout the world. Please check one Commission:


1. Aging

2. Counseling Psychology for Active


3. Health Education

4. Nutrition and Physical Activity

5. Fitness & Wellness

6. Yoga


7. Adapted Physical Education

8. Aquatics

9. Comparative Physical Education & Sport

10. Computer Applications to HPERSD

11. Exercise Physiology

12.Girls and Women in Phys. Ed. & Sport

13.Growth & Motor Development

14. History of Physical Education & Sport

15.Int’l. Curriculum Standards of P.E. & Sport

16.Legal Liability in HPERSD

17.Martial Arts Education

18. Measurement & Evaluation of Phys. Ed.

19. Motor Control & Learning

20. Philosophy of Physical Education & Sport

21. Physical Education at the College Level

22. Physical Education at the Secondary Level

23. Physical Education at the Primary Level

24. Physical Rehabilitation Therapy

25. Professional Prep. & Certification in


26. Professional Standards and Ethics

27. Research in HPERSD


28. Parks and Recreation Facilities

29. Recreation & Leisure Studies

30. Recreation Therapy

31. Recreation & Sport Facilities


32. Sport Biomechanics

33. Sport Governance, Organizations and Law

34. Sport Marketing & Economics

35. Sport Medicine

36. Sport Physiology & Biomechanics

37. Olympic Education

38. Sport For All

39. Sport Management & Administration

40. Sport and Mass Media

41. Sport Pedagogy

42. Sport Psychology

43. Sport Sociology & Cultural Anthropology


44. Aerobics

45. Dance Global

46. Dance and Research

47. Dance Education at the College Level

48. Dance Education at the Primary Level

49. Dance Education at the Secondary Level

50. Dance Therapy and Rehabilitation

51. Folk Dance

52. Modern Dance

MAIL TO: ICHPER·SD, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191, U.S.A. ;

Tel: (703) 476-3462 FAX (703) 476-9527, E-Mail:

Payments must be made in US funds via money order, check drawn on US or Canadian bank, or charged to your credit card.

VISA (13 or 16 numbers)

MasterCard (16 numbers)

American Express (15 numbers)

Expiration Date:


OFFICE USE ONLY: Dep. Date Ck. Date Ck# Amt. 6/9/11