PC MAC Address Registration
In our continuing efforts to improve the reliability and performance of the UPJ ResNet network, we are required to obtain information from all ResNet users regarding the MAC address of each computer attached to the network. After Wednesday, November 7, 2001, we will begin to shut off all unused and unregistered ports in the residence halls. If you have not completed the process described in this letter by that date, you will lose your network/internet connection.
The following instructions will allow you to obtain the necessary information to register your Ethernet card (Network Interface Card, or NIC) MAC address through the UPJ website at This process must be done by Wednesday, November 7, 2001. Directions are provided for Windows 95/98/Millenium (ME) and for Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. If you are using an Apple MAC, call the Help Desk at ext. 7160 or User Services at ext. 7194 for assistance.
When you go to the above address to register your MAC address, you will need to have four pieces of information ready:
- Your name as shown on your Pitt ID card
- The 2P number from your Pitt ID card. This is a 15 digit number that begins with 2P and is printed below the bar code on your ID card.
- The IP address of your computer, (ie.
- The MAC/Adapter address of your computer. This number is a 12 digit number composed of numbers from 0-9 and letters A-F. They may be separated by either a colon or a dash. (i.e.00:11:FF:A1:BC:90 or 00-11-22-45-AB-CD).
A few things that you need to check before registering your address:
- Please make sure that your Ethernet card is already installed in your computer and is functioning properly.
- Verify that you can access the Internet.
- Verify that you are using the IP address that was assigned to you on your check-in sheet at the beginning of the term. If not, you may be using another student’s address, causing them to not have network and Internet access. If you are not sure, call the Help Desk at ext. 7160 or User Services at ext. 7194.
- VERY IMPORTANT:If your PC is running Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, please verify that you DO NOT have Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)installed. If you do,REMOVE IT RIGHT AWAY! It has been the cause of many of your network connection problems, (i.e. IP address conflicts, lost network access, stolen IP numbers) this term and is not needed in our ResNet environment. If you are not sure how to remove or disable Internet Connection Sharing, please call User Services at ext. 7194
Depending on your PC’s operating system, there are two methods to obtain the MAC address.
The first procedure is for PCs running Windows 95/98/Millenium.
- Click on the Start button and select Run.
- In the box that should appear (Figure A), type in WINIPCFG, and click OK.
- The resulting dialog box (Figure B) will show you the adapter (MAC) address and IP address of your PC. If you have a modem installed in your PC, you may see an entry for PPP adapter listed in the line abovethe adapter address, or you may see an entry for an AOL adapter if you have installed AOL on your PC. If so, just click on the down arrow and select your network card to display the correct information. It is possible that you may see your card listed as “NDIS 4.0” or something similar.
- Record the IP address and MAC/Adapter address and proceed to the website,
Figure A:Figure B:
The second procedure is for PCs running Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
- Click on the Start button and select Run.
Figure C:
- In the box that will appear (Figure C), type in CMD and click OK. This will open up a DOS window.
- At the DOS prompt(Figure D), type in IPCONFIG /ALL and press enter.
- The resulting information shown in the DOS window will show all configured adapters (modems, dial-up adapters, NICs) in your PC. Locate the IP address and MAC address of your PC’s Ethernet adapter.
- Record the IP address and MAC/Adapter address and proceed to the website, .
Figure D:
After you have obtained your MAC address from your PC, proceed to the previously listed web page, Once you are there, you will be asked to provide:
- Your name as shown on your Pitt ID card
- Your 15-digit Pitt ID number (2P) from your ID card
- Your computer’s IP address
- Your computer’s MAC address.
Input that information, click OK, and you are done. This process must be done by Wednesday, November 7, 2001, or your network connection will be turned off!
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