6 Feb 2005 19:39
Making Buttons with Paint
1. If you don't have a shortcut to Paint, click on Start and search Programs for Paint. When you find it, right-click on it. Find Send to near the center of the drop-down menu and let the mouse "hover" over these words. Another panel opens, and if you click on Desktop, a shortcut will be created on your desktop for today and future use.
2. Open Paint. Click on View, then Zoom and Custom. Select 800%. Then click on View, Zoom, and Show Grid, or simply press CTRL+G.
3. Click on View a third time and verify that the 3 options to the right, Tool Box, Color Box and Status Bar are all checked (✔). If not, click on any that is not checked to select it.
4. Click the rectangle tool, and then on the third rectangle option which will create a borderless, filled rectangle when you draw it. Pick the fill color as light grey.
5. Make one rectangle starting at (20, 20). Look at the Status Bar near the bottom right as you drag your mouse to create the rectangle. When the second display shows "65 x 65," then stop dragging.
6. The rectangle you created has the upper-left corner at point (20, 20) and its lower-right corner at point (83, 83). The width is 83-20+1 = 64 and the length is also 83-20+1 = 64, a square! So stopping at "65x65" really gave you a square of 64 by 64 pixels (picture elements).
7. Now, select the first rectangle tool and the color black to draw an outlined rectangle. Create an inside rectangle @ (36, 36) size 32x32, "33x33," rectangle,. If the border of this inside rectangle is more than 1 pixel wide, first, click on Edit, Undo. Then click on the line tool, \, and select the thinnest line from the line thicknesses presented in the line choice panel near the enter of the Tool Bar. Then redraw the rectangle. Your result should look like this one but without the "arrow head."
8. Drawing the arrow head inside the square is tedious. Pick the line tool, \, with color black, and draw a vertical line starting at (50,45) and ending at 1x13, (50,57). Draw 6 more lines to the right of this one, each growing shorter by two pixels, one from the top and one from the bottom. The lines here have been slightly separated. è
9. Create a Paint folder within the CS101 folder and save the current paint file in this folder as a Portable Network Graphics, PNG, file
10. Using the select button, , copy your entire, 64x64 button pattern, Ctrl+C, or Edit, Copy. Press Ctrl+V, or Edit, Paste, to get the first copy. Then move your mouse over the button copy to its upper left corner. The move cursor, , will appear. With the cursor over the upper-left pixel, drag Copy 1 to (100, 20). Note: You can drag the copy with the cursor anywhere, but the locations shown in the Status Bar are for the pixel that the cursor was over; this will not be the upper-left corner unless you "grab" it there.
11. Repeat the Paste and move operation two more times, moving copy 2 to (20, 100) and copy 3 to (100, 100). Save as Buttons-2.png
12. Original: Change the black square so the left leg and the top leg are white. Use the line tool with color white. The other two legs remain black.
13. Copy 1: Change the black square so the right and bottom legs are white. Again, use the line tool with color white, and leaving the left & top legs black.
14. Copy 2: Change left & top legs to white, right & bottom legs are still black, and add a dark grey line inside each of the two black legs (right and bottom).
15. Copy 3: Using at least three colors, design your own button. Try contrasting colors such as red-blue, blue-yellow and a third color. Keep the upper-left legs, or lower right-legs, in the same color range. What happens as you change the colors? Save as Buttons-3.png
16. In Normal View, click on the text tool, , and somewhere below your 4 buttons click and select an area big enough for CS101-1, your name and today's date; bigger is better.
17. Click View, and select Text Toolbar to select a readable text, like Times New Roman, size 12 point, or any one that has an "O" or "double T" before it. These fonts are True Type fonts, or compatible, and will yield WYSIWYG results.
18. Print your button page with the 4 buttons and added text.
19. Save as Buttons-Last.png
20. Turn in a disk, or some type of magnetic or optical storage that I can read, with the checklist, and folder.
Duo Tang folder:
jas::I:\CS101\Paint\MakingButtons\MakingButtons.doc Modified 22 Nov 2006 <(2)>
Checklist -- Paint Lab Lab Date ______
File(s) Date(s) ______
Name Weeks Late Points
____1. [2] Create a Paint folder within your CS101 folder on your H drive.
____2. [2] Create the 1st light grey, borderless rectangle @ (20, 20) by 64 x 64. _____, _____
____3. [2] Create the inside bordered rectangle @ (36, 36), size 32x32. _____, _____
____4. [4] Inside the inner rectangle, create an arrow head of 7 lines, the first @ (50,45) to (50,57), decreasing in length from left to right. Save as Buttons-1.png
____5. [3] Make 3 copies of the original button, pasting them in the locations specified.
(100,20) ______, ______(20,100) ______, ______(100, 100) ______, ______
Save as Buttons-2.png
____6. Change the button borders of the original button; left & top to white.
____7. Change the button borders of the copy-1 button; right & bottom to white.
____8. [2] Change the button borders of the copy-2 button. Copy-1 changes + add gray lines
____9. Change the copy-3 button using at least three colors. Save as Buttons-3.png
____10. Add a text box with the requested information. Save as Buttons-last.png
____11. Print the last Paint file, Buttons-last.png.
____12. Copy your CS101 folder to a floppy or removable storage medium for me to check the files and folders from our first lab and this one.
____13. Turn in this checklist.
____14. Place the floppy and checklist in your folder.
____/ 23 Total
Turn in:
q This checklist, and
q Your labeled disk in a Duo tang folder for lab credit.
jas::I:\CS101\Paint\MakingButtons\MakingButtons.doc Revised: 14 Oct 2006