NSC Technical-Subcommittee Conference Call Minutes –March 18, 2014


Reg 1: Sara Johnson - NH

Reg 3: Terry Polen – WV; Patti Higgins – VA; Olivia Achuko – DC; Susan Foster, Jeremy Hancher - PA

Reg 4: Ali Mohsenzadeh, Sharon Goodwin-Walker – TN: Mary Talukder - GA; Tony Pendola – NC; Jessica Dalton - FL

Reg 5: Erin Conley– IL; Krista McKenna – IN; Rick Carleski –OH; Ian Le – MN

Reg 6: Patty Avery - TX

Reg 7: Ryan Hamel – KS

Reg 8: John Podolinsky - MT

Reg 9: Jenna Latt, Rhonda Gonzales – CA; Genevieve Salmonson - HI

Boiler Rule

·  6J Notice of Compliance Status (NOCS) – Due July 19, 2014. Some confusion still exists about when the NCOS is due can clarifying for each possible case may be difficult. The subcommitte would like to ask EPA for added clarification on when reports are due and which reports are due electronically (e.g. subsequent compliance certification reports due March 1st of the year after tune-ups are completed).

·  CEDRI Webinar (Compliance and Emission Data Reporting Interface) – hosted by EPA March 5, 2014. Member feedback was generally good, but some confusion exists for how to request CEDRI access and certifier/preparer roles (which could be useful for SBEAPs). Although CEDRI is designed to send states a copy of the NOCS automatically, some states (IN and others) request a courtesy copy. Sara found out EPA did not record this webinar.

·  CEDRI Videos – Initial impression is content is pretty dry. GA included links on their state boiler info web site.

Discussion: 2014 Annual Training Planning

·  Air Emission Calculations/Facility Status Analysis, panel discussion – Several newer members felt this session would be very useful in honing their emission calculation knowledge and skills. A more detailed description of the session was requested, which Jeremy/Ryan agreed to prepare. Potential-to-Emit calculations could be presented as a separate webinar for SBEAPs as this issue would crowd the conference breakout.

·  Dry Cleaning Technology – Rick (OH) reported Mary Scalco, of the Dry Cleaning and Laundry Institute, in nearby Laurel, MD, is the potential speaker. The intent of the session is to learn more about the non-perc technologies, associated multi-media regulatory impacts, and trends for increased use of these in the future. Sharon (TN) reported her recent inquires about new petroleum solvent regs indicated EPA has no plans to update, but the primary concern is potential new regs by NFPA to avert safety and fire hazards linked to retrofitting perc dry cleaning machines to use other solvents. Olivia (DC) requested info on the industry’s “Green Cleaner” or “Organic Cleaning” claims. Members agreed to proceed with this session topic. Rick to contact Mary Scalco since we now know the conference date.

·  No water or waste sessions – topics will be covered during monthly conference calls.

·  Dates are June 2-5, 2014. Sara (NH) reported EPA still does not have host hotel contract returned.

Other items: Susan (PA) – inquired whether any states plan to comment on EPA’s revised NSPS for residential wood stoves/heaters. It appears as if some states are tracking but no one is planning to submit formal comments. The comment period ends May 5, 2014.

Future discussions/next mtg agenda: Send any suggested items to Jeremy or Rick.

Next Call: April 15, 2014 2-3pm EST (3rd Tuesday of month)

Action Items:

·  Develop more detailed descriptions for the two annual training air sessions. (Jeremy/Ryan)

·  Contact Mary Scalco, DCI, as speaker. (Rick)

·  Send agenda ideas for next call to Jeremy/Rick. (All)

Minutes prepared by: Rick Carleski (OH) – Co-Chair