Minutes of Board Meeting held at
on 21st March 2009
Present: Donald Grassie (DG, Chair), Ian Pyrah (IP), Kate Robertson (KR), Paul Duley (PD), Scott Fraser (SF), Mel Perry (MP)
1. / Apologies
Les Dalgleish (LD), Sarah Dunn (SD) Marsela McLeod (MM), Catherine Goodfellow (SportScotland).
2. / Minutes of Previous Meeting.
Approved through email.
3. / Outstanding Actions from the meeting on 10th January
Any outstanding actions from the previous minutes were added to this meeting’s minutes.
4. / President’s report.
DG is working with BOF regarding the map scale for the Scottish Championships.
5. / Marketing and Communications report
Thanks were expressed for the seamless transfer of Score to Douglas Tullie.
6. / Performance and Coaching report
No issues were raised.
7. / Development report
No issues were raised.
8. / Operations report.
The membership figures were reviewed. It was noted that these had increased significantly for most of the Scottish Clubs.
9. / Partnership Report
Following feedback on attendance at a Scottish Government Health & Sport Committee meeting, discussion took place regarding how to improve the profile of the sport, eg comparison with the initiatives from Golf, Cycling and that orienteering is on the National Curriculum in England.
It was agreed IP would liaise with HQ on the Coaching Audit & Workforce Development Plan & clarify with SD/CG the situation with regards Athlete Profiles & the Athlete Medical Scheme.
10. / Professional Officer Report.
SF is hopeful in getting the 2010 World Park Tour to Perth. This is when the top 40 world runners showcase orienteering in the city centre.
A new agreement and supporting code of conduct is to be drawn up with the forestry commission.
AGM preparation is on track.
SF left the meeting so that the board could agree salary increases for the professional officers.
11. / 2009 Financial plan.
No issues arose in the absence of LD.
12. / AOB
No items arose..
13. / Date of Next Meetings
6 June 2009, 29 August 2009, 31 Oct 2009.
No / Page / Item / Action / By whom4 prev / 1 / 5 / The board decided after discussion that a contract with Paul Frost for the SOA website was unnecessary. Instead the domain, etc., should be owned by the SOA as contingency against Paul being unable to continue in his current role.. / KR
9 prev / 2 / 7 / LD to merge National Centre accounts into the SOA’s / LD
20 prev / 2 / 11 / IP to prepare a paper for June Board on meeting sportscotland’s Foundation Level Equity Standard. / IP
21 prev / 2 / 11 / MM to discuss how to work up a Merchandising plan with HQ / MM
22 prev / 2 / 11 / SD to inform squads of their allocation for 2009. / SD
24 prev / 3 / 11 / LD to circulate actuals budgets 2 weeks before Board Meetings. / LD
25 prev / 3 / 12 / All to provide DG with names of potential volunteers / All