International Inner Wheel



Istanbul, Turkey,

19th – 21st April 2012

International Inner Wheel

Suite 2.3 MyBuro

20 Market Street


Cheshire WA14 1PF

UK April 2012

International Inner Wheel 2011-2012

Minutes of the Business Sessions of the Convention held at the ICEC, Istanbul, Turkey Thursday 19th April 2012 – Saturday 21st April 2012


Catherine Refabert / President in the chair
Carole Young / Vice President
Pallavi Shah / Immediate Past President
Charlotte De Vos / Treasurer

Board Directors

Elizabeth Oluranti Adetuberu / Paola Lagorara
Ayfer Carkoglu / Audrey Pollard
Shirin Ghadiali / Alma Lilia Quintero De Chevez
Vinitha Guneratne / Verena Spahr
Beatrice Heyse Verhoeven / Patricia Traill
Ritva Liisa Hovi / Annabelle Valentine
Lorraine Hyde / Debbie Varotsou
Ulrike Kylberg / Elaine Willis

Norma Friar, Constitution Chairman

Susanne Merten-Wente Editor

IIW Administrator in attendance

Apologies had been received from Past IIW Presidents I Dubbeldam de Klerk, B McNeill, Dr E Jones,V Bolton-Sleigh, E Harsant, J Day, A Fryer, and from a number of delegates who had to cancel their attendance because of ill health or personal circumstances


It was proposed by Pallavi Shah, IIW Past President and seconded by Carole Young IIW Vice President that the Minutes of the 13th International Inner Wheel Convention held at Sutera Harbour Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 7-9th May 2009, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.



The reports for the years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 were read by the Administrator or the President concerned and are appended to these Minutes.


Carole Young

This will be the shortest United Nations Report that has been presented at a Convention but there is good reason for that.

This past Inner Wheel year has seen many changes to our normal format and we have seen many improvements in the way matters have been handled. Now we are about to be part of what I believe is yet another improvement.

In the past, the International Vice President has stood at Convention and delivered a Report outlining the work done by our United Nations Representatives. On Saturday, for the first time, we are going to have the privilege of listening to these ladies as they tell us themselves about the work that they do. For that reason I am not going to present the traditional Convention Report as they will bring us all up to date with a very informative and interesting presentation. I have had a preview of their presentation and I learned more from that than I have learned in all my years in Inner Wheel. I recommend that you request that all of your delegates be present for their presentation which will be part of the closing ceremony.

I am sure that you all know that only governments are members of United Nations but Inner Wheel is one of the Non-Governmental organisations who have the right to observe and question discussions of the various committees, Commissions, and Conferences which they attend.

Currently we have five people who have been appointed to represent IIW at three locations and they sit on various committees.

In Vienna we have:

Ceja Gregor Hu and Ulrike Nemling who they are part of approximately 500 representatives of non-governmental organisation (NGO’s), research institutes, political think tanks and initiatives of civil society who are accredited to the Unites Nations in Vienna, and who work in a large number of committees. In particular, you will have read on the IIW website their reports on the Committee on Aging, the Committee on the Family, and the Committee on Drugs. Ceja was member of the Board of both the Committees on Ageing, and on the Family, and was responsible for finances. This certainlydemonstrates that International Inner Wheel is a valuable member of these Committees.

In Geneva we are represented by:

Christiane Nicole and Roswitha Poulet-Ginglas where our representative Christiane has sat on the committee on the Rights of the Child since 2006 while Roswitha is participating in the sessions of the Human Rights Council, in particular the rights of women. Again you have had the opportunity to read their Reports on the IIW website.

In New York we have a new appointment this year, that of Delores Burgess. In the past, New York NGO representatives have reported on a variety of topics but particularly in relation to Children and Women:

·  Rights of the Child

·  Trafficking and abuse of women and children

·  Child poverty

Delores attended some of the sessions at the Commission on the Status of Women 27 Feb – 9 March 2012 in New York, where they looked at various topics relating to women and children

These five ladies spend many hours on our behalf attending sessions of the United Nations Committees and then they send their written reports to me. A summary of their reports is presented at the Governing Body Meeting in October each year and well as being updated at meetings of the International Inner Wheel Executive in February and June each year. This year, these summaries have also been available to members on the website – another first for this year.

The Vice President said she was not going to say more about the relationship of IIW and the United Nations as our speakers will explain all of that on Saturday and also how the UN system works to you.

She wished to place on record her personal thanks to them for all the work that they do on behalf of Inner Wheel, keeping us updated with developments, tragedies, and improvements that occur in the lives people all over the world.

She ended her report saying:-

“Ladies, I commend to you our five NGO representatives who work so diligently and on Saturday we will hear from Ceja Gregor Hu and Christiane Nicole when they will speak to us about the United Nations, the NGO Committees and the work of our Representatives.”


Gomathi Viswanathan

She explained that serving as International Inner Wheel Editor was something that she would l like to cherish all her life.

The year began with getting write ups from the International Inner Wheel Executive and the first edition of the News on the Web was in September 2010. Though doing it on the web was challenging it was a great beginning. The inputs received from clubs were not many but by September it was good. And she could bring out four News on the Web which was actually once in a quarter.

When designing the flag portion for the News on the Web she thought an amalgamation of colour would rightly bring the spirit of Inner Wheel that the organization is above all race, caste, creed and religion and it is only friendship and service that has brought us through 88 years of its existence.

Though many clubs sent the reports and photos by email, there were clubs which sent soft copies by post; all these were included in the News on the Web. The IIW Executive were supportive in their response to her queries. There were once or two instances when she had to ask both Pallavi and Catherine to send in messages at the last moment.

The designing and printing of the Newsletter was done in India and the wrapper of the Newsletter reflected the same. The global presence of Inner Wheel was kept in mind when doing the wrapper. The size of the Newsletter was International A4 size.

The Newsletter was brought out in the month of July and was posted to all the addresses given from the headquarters. The layout, the quality of paper and the pictures were well appreciated and I thank all the members of Inner Wheel for giving me this opportunity to serve as IIW Editor.

Gomathi Viswanathan

IIW Editor


VI Resolutions, Proposals, General Motions to Amend the Constitution


To ratify the following changes adopted into the Constitution at the 2010 Governing Body Meeting held on 3rd,4th,5th October in Mumbai.

A. Resolution for the formation of Company


Page 13 after Trustees 4

As the first paragraph Insert :-

“The Governing Body has the power to incorporate a company limited by guarantee on behalf of the International Inner Wheel, solely to hold property and any other relevant investments or assets, including without limitation government bonds and mutual securities as determined by the Governing Body from time to time. Investments of a speculative nature are not permitted”.


The Governing Body wished to purchase a commercial property which would be far more cost effective than the current headquarter offices. As International Inner Wheel is an unincorporated Association, it cannot hold property itself. The Governing Body agreed that it was in the best interests of the Association and for its members to incorporate a Company and for the Company to hold any such purchased property and other relevant assets. If we form a Company, an additional advantage is that it will allow us to make investments. As interest rates on savings are so low at present, if we could invest our reserves in alternative ways, they would grow rather than diminish in value. It is also realised that we need to take precautions to prevent anyone from making unsafe investments & jeopardizing the funds of IIW.

B. Resolution for purchase of Property


The meeting of the full Governing body of International Inner Wheel agreed to the purchase of Suite 2.3, 20, Market Street, Altrincham by International Inner Wheel Co.Ltd for £245,000.00 plus VAT in the name of the Company ‘International Inner Wheel’.

C. Resolution to clarify that only District Committees with National Governing Bodies are able to nominate for the offices of President, Vice-President and Treasurer


Page 6

2.  The Governing Body is to be elected as follows

A. Officers

a) President


Delete the paragraph

Insert :- A District Committee of a National Governing Body may nominate a member suitably qualified for the position of President. Members may accept nominations only from the District Committees of the National Governing Body of which they are members

b) Vice-President


Delete the paragraph

Insert:- A District Committee of a National Governing Body may nominate a member suitably qualified for the office of Vice-President. Members may accept nomination only from District Committees of the National Governing Body of which they are members.

c) Treasurer


Delete the paragraph

Insert:- A District Committee of a National Governing Body may nominate a member suitably qualified for the office of Treasurer. Members may accept nomination only from District Committees of the National Governing Body of which they are members

D. Resolution to invite distinguished personalities as Honorary members


Page 4

C. Honorary membership

Insert after line 2 .

International Inner Wheel and National Governing Bodies may also invite a distinguished person whom they wish to honour, to become an Honorary member.




A proposal to standardise the nomenclature in all parts of the Constitution:-

Where the term ‘NATIONAL BODY’ is written – change to ‘NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY’.


National Governing Body and National Body terminology is used inconsistently in the Constitution & Handbook 2009. Based on the basic rule (page1) International Inner Wheel shall have a standard nomenclature. It is suggested that the term National Governing Body is the correct terminology. A National Governing Body has a structure and is a legally recognised term. We therefore need to correct the omission of the word “Governing” in many places.



A proposal to rename ‘International Inner Wheel” as ‘INNER WHEEL INTERNATIONAL’


To give Inner Wheel instant ‘brand recall’, to be in line with most other international organisations which use their organisational name as the primary focus for recognition. To modernise the image of Inner Wheel internationally.



Page 2.


2.Of National (Governing) Bodies.

ADD: The minimum number of Districts to form a National Governing Body is 2.


The Constitution clearly states how many clubs are required to form a District. This proposal clarifies how many Districts are required to form a National Governing Body.



Proposed by Inner Wheel Club of Turin North West District 204 Italy

Seconded by Inner Wheel club of Varese e Verbano District 204 Italy

Page 2

2 Of National (Governing) Bodies

ADD The minimum number of Districts to form a National Governing Body is 2

Delete 2

Insert 4


Considering the minimum number of Clubs to form a District is 4, it is queer to propose 2 as the minimum number of Districts to form a National Governing Body. How can 2 only Districts support the expenses to keep a National Governing Body working properly. Is it not better to face the obstacles we are meeting because of today’s high cost of living. and in the light of what is above mentioned – 4 should be the minimum, reasonable number of Districts required to form a National Governing Body



Page 5.


First sentence

Line 2 After: ‘if elected’ add “or appointed”.


1.The Governing Body shall consist of the Officers, Board Directors, and the Chairman

of the Constitution Committee.

A.  Officers:

After Treasurer

ADD: Chairman of the Constitution Committee. Ex Officio: (by reason of her office)


C. Chairman of the Constitution Committee.

The Constitution Chairman to have 1 vote.


The inclusion of the words ’or appointed’ would allow the Governing Body to appoint a suitably qualified member to take the place of an Officer of the Executive Committee in the case of a vacancy mid term, rather than hold a costly election to fill that vacancy.

The role of the Constitution Chairman has become an integral part of the administration. It is important that this position continues to be one elected by the full Governing Body, as at present, but that due regard should be given to the contribution the Constitution Chairman makes to International Inner Wheel by making her a member of the Executive Committee.